Uncaged Fury is a great combat trick and a good card to have a copy or two of in your deck, I actually ran 2 copies in the pre Eldrich Moon version of this deck for a while and then kept them in the sideboard for a bit before taking them out. The problem with the card is that it can be incredibly situational at times and can spend too much time in your hand waiting for the right time to cast it instead of putting out more creatures. Distemper of the Blood is not just an extra damage spell but it is just enough of a boost to work as suido anti-removal against -x or damage cards and it allows me to attack more with Falkenrath Gorger. Yes, Uncaged Fury can also work as suido removal against blockers and attackers but Distemper of the Blood becomes relevant a lot more often and more efficiently in my opinion.
I'm not sure why there was two discriptions for Heir but thanks for letting me know ;)
August 8, 2016 9:14 p.m.
Since you are running 4x Distemper of the Blood, it might be worth considering Ravenous Bloodseeker. They combo well. On turn 3 you can be swinging with a 9/1 trampler while also casting Alms of the Vein or Fiery Temper.
Alternatively, Incorrigible Youths are an excellent turn 3 drop for fast damage output. Since you have plenty of 0 mana discard potential they could work well in this deck. While olivia and drana are both very powerful, I find they give an opponent more time to compose a response.
August 9, 2016 11:23 a.m.
Any idea Demention what I could improve upon for my deck?
I will be taking this to just a local game day event this Saturday and I was wondering what I should change.
Some of the decks I know I will face will be probably 1-2 Bant Company decks ( I know there is at least one for a certainty), a Grixis Control / BG Delirium depending on what deck they use, another person using either a RG Eldrazi ramp deck like last time (They won last gameday with this for SOI) or perhaps they might try out their new Elder Deep-Fiends I seen them collecting, in a deck similar to what was seen in the Eldritch moon pro tour for temur emerge, probably 2 mono white humans (at least 1 for sure), another RB vampire deck which I had to face last game day, RG werewolves there will be 1-2 decks for (Depends on whether or not one of them I know uses their Red/Blue fevered visions deck). As you can see there will be a lot of aggressive decks, Then there will be of course some new put together decks by newer players but I'm not concerned with those, the decks by either the Bant Company user, Grixis control/BG delirium user, or RG eldrazi/Temur Emerge worry me the most.
I was thinking perhaps I should have all 4x Alms of the Vein in the main deck rather than the current 2. There's a chance I might not get my 4th Falkenrath Gorger in time by Saturday and so I know I can put a third Alms of the Vein in for it at least if that happens. But what else can I take out for the fourth?
Also with the sideboard should I be using 4x Transgress the Mind and 2-3x Collective Brutality or should I just go and buy 2x Infinite Obliteration and put them in the sideboard with either 2x Collective Brutality or 2x Transgress the Mind? A lot of decks will be using multiples of cards like Spell Queller, World Breaker / Elder Deep-Fiend, Thalia's Lieutenant, etc. So that's why I was thinking to buy the Infinite Obliterations.
Any advice is welcomed.
August 9, 2016 12:42 p.m.
Also one more thing, is there any creatures I should maybe add? I did have 2x Stromkirk Condemneds in. But I have never got to actually test them out so I took them out for this game day at least. My concern is with already having 2x Drana, Liberator of Malakir and a Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet there would be too many cards around that cost for double black mana.
Should I give Olivia's Dragoon a try?
August 9, 2016 12:48 p.m.
Infinite Obliteration is a great card to have in the current meta right now and it wouldn't hurt to have them in the sideboard, taking the parts that matter out of Temur Emerge and RG ramp is devastating. It can be good against bant company and humans but often it's not enough to turn the tide of the game against those decks. I personally like 4x Alms of the Vein but there are a lot of vampire decks out there that don't run it at all. I'm not a big fan of Incorrigible Youths and would recommend at least considering bringing the count down from 4. Olivia's Dragoon has been fantastic for me and the unlimited manaless discard is huge, being able to use it to save a creature or change the outcome of combat is a huge advantage and I would definitely recommend it. Especially since you're running Asylum Visitor and Bloodhall Priest, Olivia's Dragoon allows you to draw multiple cards if you have multiple copies of Asylum Visitor out on your upkeep. Plus, flying seems to be pretty good against the meta right now. I playtested Stromkirk Condemned for a fair bit and wasn't impressed but others have said it's good, not really in my experience with it though, it's clunky and I would only recommend it if you're running Call the Bloodline. Your list looks good though and I wish you luck in the tournament, let me know how it goes :)
August 11, 2016 12:25 a.m.
I made top 8 at least at gameday Demention.
I lost 1-2 to UB Zombies, even after I sided in my Virulent Plagues because I never drew them. Liliana, the Last Hope and Grasp of Darkness beat me the second match, then it was Voldaren Pariah Flip the second time.
2-0 against UW Spirits.
1-2 against what was a mirror match. I lost thanks to a Collective Brutality discarding my Lightning Axe and killing my Stromkirk Condemned. While I had 2 Incorrigible Youths in hand that I found out after would have slaughtered him, if not for my opponent after the Collective Brutality playing a Drana, Liberator of Malakir and hitting me the next few turns of the game with it and at the end a Bloodhall Priest.
Then 2-0 against a RB Eldrazi deck.
I think I know what I can change for the deck now at least.
August 14, 2016 11:44 a.m.
I'm not sure if you still even play vampires in standard still Demention but vampire decks just got a useful 2 cmc rare artifact card from Kaladesh called Key to the City!
You can discard a card to it to make a creature unblock able until end of turn and then when the artifact becomes untapped you may pay 2 to draw a card.
September 7, 2016 7:15 p.m.
I haven't been playing much constructed lately, mostly just Limited tourneys. Did a limited PTQ recently and have been playing MTGO leagues while I'm working on my writing. The new set looks incredible and I'm waiting to decide if I'm going to keep playing Standard or switch back to Modern or something else for constructed. That card does look sweet for vamps though, I'd run it :)
September 8, 2016 1:19 a.m.
NinjaShank56 says... #12
I like the looks of this a lot. I'm trying to put something similar together for early Kaladesh to take to a big tourney. I'm looking at using Smuggler's Copter. I feel like Falkenrath Gorger is great to crew the copter, and you can swing away and do some serious damage very quickly. I'm a sucker for tribal decks, and I know that it probably isn't the best plan, but I love some good aggro. We also got Unlicensed Disintegration that helps a ton on the removal side. I'm curious to see if I can build it into something good. Nice work!
September 18, 2016 3:44 p.m.
Smuggler's Copter and Key to the City I'm planning to use probably in my own vampire deck too NinjaShank56. I have got in the top 8 for the last 2 magic game days my local game store has hosted so I might give it a try again. It's unfortunate that I can't use my Liliana, Heretical Healer Flip, Ultimate Price or Virulent Plagues anymore though.
September 18, 2016 4:08 p.m.
NinjaShank56 says... #14
Delta-117 I think there are things that you can replace those with for sure. I think Liliana, the Last Hope is a solid option. I think Unlicensed Disintegration is an ok replacement for Ultimate Price too. Not sure what to do about the Virulent Plagues though. I'm sure we are going to see a ton of token based decks coming up with the Fabricate mechanic coming in. That's some very solid results for two separate game days though. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the list I put together here, check this one out Madness Vampires Kaladesh. Thanks!
September 18, 2016 6:02 p.m.
Yeah Unlicensed Disintegration I'm certainly using, as I will be also using Key to the City to get the full value of the card. As for Liliana, the Last Hope I plan on using them for a sideboard option. Once I get 2x Liliana's of course.. Since I can't seem to open any from packs, and no one is wanting to trade theirs so it looks like I might just have to buy them.
September 18, 2016 6:10 p.m.
NinjaShank56 says... #16
I'm struggling finding Lilianas right now too. They have dropped down to a decent price range though, so I don't feel bad buying them right now. I like Key to the City too, I'm just not sure where I'm going to plug it in in my set.
September 18, 2016 6:44 p.m.
dannyboy4477 says... #17
Stromkirk Condemnedis amazing in this deck. combat trick and can save your vamps for silly little mass removals.
Snakesyndrome says... #1
Would you consider taking Uncaged Fury over Distemper of the Blood ?? Uncaged Fury has been working really well for me and has single handedly won me games. Would like to get your opinion on it, thanks
August 8, 2016 5:09 a.m.