![ku xlarge](http://s23.postimg.org/ph3z9eo5n/ku_xlarge.jpg)
Fast paced undying aggro deck featuring copious amounts of creature removal.
Entirely designed by Schuesseled
Aggressive aggro deck, drop creatures and swing away. If forced into a defensive position, large amounts of removal are recommended for use as a means of getting back on the offensive.
Default Set-Up is as a Counter-Aggro Aggro Deck.
An aggro deck designed to lay an unholy beat-down on other aggro decks, with sideboard materials intended for use against specific cards. As well as for re-tooling the deck when matched with non-aggro opponents.
Playtests are welcomed and encouraged.
Card Choices:
4 Arbor Elf - Ramp is great way to speed up the pace of an aggro deck, and green mana is easier to get on the first turn so i prefer it over the decent blue or black one drops.
4 Young Wolf - This card would need to be rare if it had haste
4 Scavenging Ooze - This card is an okay turn two play, and is super strong if the game stalls for a while.
4 Strangleroot Geist - These guys are the core of the entire deck, when these rotate everything is gonna go straight down the poop shoot.
4 Dreg Mangler - This should be a rare, super underrated.
2 Varolz, the Scar-Striped - This guy is an amazing finisher, and a strong early play, 5 stars from me.
3 Vorapede - This horrible monstrosity is everything this deck tries to emulate.
4 Rancor - OP Card FTW
3 Rapid Hybridization - One mana destroy spell! (best not used on Doomed Traveler)
2 Abrupt Decay - I think this card is great for this deck, and a lot of others, it has enough kick to justify being in the mainboard, although i'll often side it out, against decks with a higher mana curve.
4 Putrefy - Used to be in the sideboard, but i've brought it over, as there's just so much creature heavy aggro out there in our current meta, that the more destroy spells the better.
Side Choices:
3 Duskmantle Seer - Dusmantle seer, a card overlooked by most players, is really effective against decks that have a higher mana curve than my own. It's that simple. Sided in to humiliate my opponent and his many swagtusks.
2 Glaring Spotlight - I hate Sigarda, Host of Herons. Sided in when hexproof creatures absolutely, positively, need to be killed.
2 Golgari Charm - Regenerate is useful, the tiny board wipe is good for feeding Blood Artist, and being able to get rid of Assemble the Legion is no joke. Sided in to cause mayhem where appropriate.
1 Witchbane Orb - Shuts down a few combos that can best this deck
1 Deadbridge Chant - Provides a little extra reach against control, expanding my scavenge potential, and allowing for reanimation.
4 Spell Rupture - When my opponent, absolutely, positively needs his deck ruptured. Sided in when i want to make my opponent ask for my permission.
2 Pithing Needle - Planeswalker and Olivia Voldaren hate. Sided in when a particular card needs shutting the heck down.