

"Timmy, eat your vegetables." "But mom, this one's looking at me funny."

Vegetables is a midrange Abzan deck centered around creating an army of Saproling tokens and taking over the game. There are plenty of synergies to explore within the deck, each of which make it easier to take over the board quickly and efficiently. The deck is also only $18 in paper, making it super affordable. (Most of the price comes from Journey to Nowhere and Essence Warden. Budget alternatives include Oblivion Ring, Gideon's Reproach and Suture Priest)


Deathspore Thallid - a heck of a card in this deck. Deathspore can make a saproling on its own or shoot down your opponent's creatures at instant speed by sacrificing other saprolings. Deathspore Thallid is part of a really cool engine with the convoke cards in the deck.

Elvish Visionary - a refreshing swing in your favor that helps your creature count and gives you a card. Most of the time we will have multiple sisters on board, so this card will also gain you some life. This spot is flexible, so feel free to suggest other options.

Essence Warden/Soul Warden - these girls are really what allows you to take over games. Getting two to stick leaves you with more life than you could need. Even one will slowly grow your life total so that you can grind out a win late-game. One or two sisters can take over a game on their own in this deck. When you start consistently creating 1/1 Saprolings each turn with Selesnya Evangel and Sprout Swarm, the sisters will give you enough life to last you for another 100 turns. (In testing, i've reached a life total of almost 200)

Selesnya Evangel - a good token producer that can consistently give you a saproling each turn. Part of a sweet engine with Essence Warden/Soul Warden. An all-star in this deck.

Pallid Mycoderm - a token producer that blocks well and finishes the game by saccing tokens to make bigger tokens. This boy goes to work. Thanks for the suggestion, Austin_Smith_of_Cards.

Echoing Courage - a cheap but effective pump spells that can be used on the saproling tokens (they're our main attackers anyway) to blow the opponent's socks off.

THE ALMIGHTY Doom Blade. BRING THE THUNDAAAAA! (Testing the option of Celestial Flare in this spot)

Journey to Nowhere - gets rid of anything on the board practically. Great white removal.

Khalni Garden - a land that makes plant tokens useful for convoke and chump blocks.

Scatter the Seeds - a big swing in board advantage that can potentially be cast without tapping any lands.

Sprout Swarm - repeatable tokens that can be cast using creatures instead of lands. The deck really shines with a Sprout Swarm in hand.

4 Plains, 4 Forests, and 3 Swamps. Abzan living it up.

2 Blossoming Sands - Lifegain + color fixing.

2 Jungle Hollow - " "

1 Scoured Barrens - " "

4 Evolving Wilds - can fetch any of the three colors.

2 Khalni Garden - token-producing land.

1.) Selesnya Evangel/Sprout Swarm and Essence Warden/Soul Warden

A board state that you hope to achieve is one with at least two Wardens, an Evangel or two, and a Swarm in hand. This means that, if you have a couple creatures to tap or a decent amount of lands, you are consistently getting 1-3 Saprolings and 2-6 life each turn. Without sufficient removal, there are few decks that can overcome this boardstate. I've had opponents simply concede at the sight of this combo.

2.) Deathspore Thallid and Everything Else

Deathspore is the sole reason I run black at all. This little Fungus is a powerhouse. Let's give an example, shall we? You've got a few saprolings, maybe a Selesnya Evangel, and your opponent swings with his crew of Squadron Hawks. Simply sac a few Saprolings and your problems are solved. Opponent passes and you Evangel out another token. Then remove three spores from the Thallid and BAM there's another one of your tokens back. Deathspore Thallid is repeatable removal that simply must be destroyed by the opponent to win with creatures.


Tips for Piloting Vegetables

  • Keep a hand with an Essence Warden/Soul Warden, land to cast it, and any token producers. This hand allows you to stall until more powerful cards are drawn. (Save for removal, of course.)

  • Don't be afraid to sacrifice ALL your Saproling tokens to Deathspore Thallid to wipe an opponent's board. Chances are that you are getting more value out of the exchange than your opponent. Saprolings are very expendable as we have multiple ways to create an infinite amount of vegetables.

  • Save the pump spells for when you are going for the win. There are a limited amount of pump spells in this deck, so you should save those for when you are positive that you can win.

  • Always cast Sprout Swarm with buyback. Never cast the spell and send it to the graveyard if at all possible. This is a crucial card in completely taking over the game. I've included two in the deck simply for the possibility of one being countered.

  • Play all your Soul Wardens and Essence Wardens. There are 8 in the deck, so getting more down allows more combo-ing and a more massive life total. Try to get your opponent to concede out of shame.

  • Cast Sprout Swarm and Scatter the Seeds on your opponent's turn. They are instants, so take advantage of this to surprise your opponent and get them to tap out.

  • Use Selesnya Evangel's ability at the end of your opponent's turn, or in response if it is ever targeted by removal. DON'T forget to use the ability.

  • This deck wins in a variety of ways. Best case scenario, your opponent scoops when they see sprout swarm and your amazing boardstate. Next best is that you gain 100+ life and your opponent scoops out of shame, or you show your ability to repeatedly wipe their board with Deathspore Thallid. The most realistic wincon, however is amassing a big enough army to overcome blockers and hit the opponent with a pump spell.


  • Repeatable tokens

  • Repeatable lifegain

  • Repeatable removal

  • Plenty of blockers

  • Easy to acquire a good boardstate

  • Cheap as heck

  • Fun to pilot


  • Weak to boardwipes

  • Weak to early game removal or counterspells

  • Semi-inconsistent manabase

If you like the deck, give it a try and let me know how it goes! All suggestions are welcome, but remember, only common rarity is allowed in Pauper.

If you liked this pauper brew, check out this other one I made!

Exploding Tokens [Tremors]

Pauper Landonius



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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #35 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors R

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G
Folders My Pauper Brews, Good decks, Pauper ideas, Pauper, Interesting Pauper Decks, Pauper Deck, Fungus Modern, Budget, Favorites, To play test
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