

Creature (1)

Delver of Secrets   and Steppe Lynx put tempo on opponent while you use Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Boros Charm. Remand, Spell Pierce and Path to Exile to trade cards with your opponents. Geist of Saint Traft tops the curve and is a very tough card for your opponent to play around.

 photo delver.jpg

Delver of Secrets   - out on turn 1 he's pretty likely to flip in the next few turns, while prone to removal if not answered he'll be doing 3 a turn before long.

Steppe Lynx - Helps us commit to the tempo strategy, the early game pressure he can provide outweigh his uselessness in the late game. The deck runs 10 fetch lands so he can consistently attack for 4 a turn or 2. In a few lucky situations I've dealt 12 damage turn 3 with 2 of these guys, by saving a fetchland and activating 2 in one turn these guys can get really beefy, all for just something you'd be doing anyways, playing lands.

Geist of Saint Traft - This guy pulls a lot of weight in this deck, he's hard to answer and we can easily keep the board clear for him.

Lightning Bolt - What hasn't been said about this card?, it can kill almost anything in the format or give you that last few damage you need to win.

Path to Exile - This is probably the best removal printed in modern, instant exile at 1 mana with a minor setback. Wurmcoil Engine and Kitchen Finks move over, it's not something to cast on Birds of Paradise turn 1, but in the lategame it can take care of a lot of bombs in the format.

Lightning Helix - I think Wizards has said they made a mistake when costing this card, it's amazing, a second set of Lightning Bolt and some lifegain to help us cope with our aggressive use of fetch and shock lands.

Electrolyze - The possible card advantage here is astonishing, if they've got weenies you can take out a few of them and cantrip, this effectively fights Lingering Souls and other token generators.

Boros Charm - Usually cast for it's 4 damage it's really a great card, then we get down to the options. Mass indestructibility is nothing to scoff at, staring at a Supreme Verdict on the stack our counter magic is useless, however this can save your creatures. Even cast to save a Geist of Saint Traft in combat for an extra turn is worth the 2 mana.

Serum Visions - keeps our hand full of potential answers and can stack our deck to ensure we get what we want or can flip Delver of Secrets  . Just make sure you don't activate a fetch before you draw unless you want to shuffle.

Spell Pierce - With all our removal its the non creature spells we've got to worry about, this is an answer, with 1 mana up we can counter a Liliana of the Veil or Mana Leak.

Remand - Tempo's favorite counterspell, while it's not a permanent answer to anything targeted a lot of the times the card plays as a Time Walk that cantrips.

Snapcaster Mage - Another card I'm pretty sure Wizards has said was a mistake, for 2 mana you can get a flashed in blocker or attacker as well as be able to recast anything from your grave, Lightning Bolt or Boros Charm for the last few damage, or reuse a Spell Pierce or Remand.


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Revision 21 See all

(9 years ago)

+4 Monastery Swiftspear main
-4 Steppe Lynx main
Date added 12 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 7 Rares

26 - 3 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.64
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
Folders possible modern decks, DDDecks, modern, Deck, Jeskai Geist Delver
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