Edric's rogue faeries

Commander / EDH* mtghypatia


r2mc says... #1

Mausoleum Wanderer could be nice swap for Cursecatcher since it is almost the same card, but with flying.

July 24, 2016 5:54 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #2

Yeah! Trying to get my hands on that card, seems perfect! Probably not going to replace Cursecatcher, but something like Cloud Pirates for sure :)

July 24, 2016 11:53 p.m.

lBahamutZeRO says... #3

You should consider running Heroic Intervention for extra wrath and spot removal prevention. Wrap in Vigor can't protect your creatures if Wrath of God or Damnation are played. This will provide you extra coverage.

Anyway, amazing deck. Well rounded and fast. +1

April 8, 2017 1:21 p.m.

hfvalenz says... #4

Oye viejo, tienes actualizada esta lista?

July 9, 2017 5:14 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #5

S, dame un rato y la actualizo :)

September 11, 2017 11:42 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #8

Added Siren Stormtamer, which seems great seems is and efficient evasive creature and can help me protect Edric, Spymaster of Trest not only from spells, but also abilities

September 24, 2017 9:04 a.m.

dhoby87 says... #9

You should try out Druids' Repository =D

October 29, 2017 5:47 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #10

I did! For some time it worked great, but since I'm kind of "all in" investing all of my turn 3 in an enchantment doesn't work for me anymore. But if you are trying a more controlling or midrange version of Edric it works great.

The same can be said of Bident of Thassa, Coastal Piracy, Eternal Witness, Chasm Skulker, Craterhoof Behemoth, Biomass Mutation, Triumph of the Hordes, Nature's Will, Garruk Wildspeaker, Sol Ring and others. They are great in an Edric deck, just not in this particular build.

October 31, 2017 11:32 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #11

Changed Muddle the Mixture and Winter Orb for Part the Waterveil and Mental Misstep, I think the deck needs more extra turns and free protection for Edric on the early turns.

November 3, 2017 11:24 a.m.

Could you make some budget recommendations for those awesome cards that are out of our price range? Great deck though.

November 17, 2017 5:08 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #13


These are the cards above 10 dollars and what to include instead:

  1. Exploration can be changed for Burgeoning, but Exploration is more explosive since it lets you also cast a one mana creature on turn one and attack with it on turn two, drawing a card.
  2. Temporal Manipulation can be changed for Part the Waterveil
  3. Time Warp is very importart, I would recommend you buying it (I'm saving for Capture of Jingzhou since 5 mana take a turn are crucial for going off), but if you are short on money Temporal Trespass may do the trick
  4. Gaea's Cradle can be replaced with Boreal Druid. Don't use Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, since it is too slow. Remember to take out Crop Rotation
  5. Flusterstorm can be replaced with some other cheap counterspell, maybe Mana Leak, Disdainful Stroke or Swan Song (beware: the bird token blocking your flying creatures is very annoying)
  6. Force of Will can be replaced with Foil, specially since you will have more basics by taking out fetches. Abjure is another good option.
  7. Chrome Mox, Mana Crypt and Mana Crypt: fast mana is really important for this deck, maybe Elvish Spirit Guide can replace one, also try Druids' Repository and Nature's Will (specially if there is stax in your meta.

Regarding the mana base, just take of all the fetches, shocks and Cavern of Souls (its not that important) and replace them with duals lands that come into place untapped, like Reflecting Pool and Exotic Orchard (this is very important). If you don't find lands that come into play untapped, just play basics, a high basic land count its actually a good thing since Elvish Pioneer on turn one is one of your more explosive hands (it lets you cast Edric on turn two and attack with a creature).

This is a very "all in" version of the deck. Maybe a budget friendly version could try to be more resilient and run cards like Coastal Piracy, Bident of Thassa and more ways of protecting your creatures from wrath effects, Wrap in Vigor, Chasm Skulker, Hangarback Walker, Whisperwood Elemental, Foundry of the Consuls, Faerie Conclave are just some that come to mind.

This deck started as a budget one, and it did very well then :) it does improve with expensive cards, but not as much as you would think.

Best of luck! Upload yours when you build it and let me know of the results.

November 19, 2017 noon

I have a few questions for you!

No Natural Order + Craterhoof Behemoth? I like having I win buttons in 4 player games especially

And is cradle worth it in this deck? Seems like there is nothing to really do with the abundance of mana.

November 26, 2017 4:09 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #15

Hey, you are right in the sense that this deck doesn't use Gaea's Cradle to ramp into something huge. The purpose of this deck is to "go of": attack with 3 or 4 creatures and start chaining take turns spells and finish things with Notorious Throng. In that sense, Gaea's Cradle purpose is to let us cast a 5 or 6 mana take a turn spell on turn 3 or 4, it is there as a land that produces 3 or 4 mana, but its incredibly important at that. Cradle adds a level to explosiveness to the deck, and it really shows.

I used Craterhoof for a while, but it seemed like a win-more cards. When it is good (you having 6 or more creatures and attacking), then you are winning either way. The idea of using it along side with Natural Order seems interesting though, I'm going to try it out. The only thing that concerns me, is that Natural Order will be a dead card a lot of matches.

November 27, 2017 6:17 a.m.

ericchen2003 says... #16

Ezuri, Claw of Progress is a great card for Weenies deck. There's many cool ideas in here. Looking forward to change my own Edric deck.

March 13, 2018 8:16 a.m.

Have you read the competitive Edric primer? If you want a place to talk shop with other Edric pilots come on over to the Edric discord server ran by the primer creators myself, and Simon from the laboratory maniacs. Hope to see you there.


April 4, 2018 9:14 a.m.

mtghypatia says... #18

Yes! Just read it yesterday and want to adapt it to my meta. Thanks!

April 4, 2018 6:45 p.m.

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