Venser's Bouncing Blubber (Revisited)

Legacy Savage1988

SCORE: 147 | 219 COMMENTS | 19376 VIEWS | IN 15 FOLDERS

Savage1988 says... #1

hehe, i haven't even playtested it yet, it's just something that started to form in my head yesterday when i drew my first venser in a draft. i found out it could do the most amazing things! I just finished it an hour ago, and am curious to see it work.

what do you think, should i get Mnemonic Wall s in here to be able to get my control back from the grave? And what to take out for it? i think it should be the Necrogen Censer and some other card...

December 21, 2010 10:28 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #2


taken out 1x Contagion Clasp and 1x Necrogen Censer for 2x Mnemonic Wall

December 21, 2010 10:44 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #3

Considering throwing in another Venser. I know 4 planeswalkers is not the best thing to have on hand, but as soon as i can cast him he's awesome. He'll probably get a lot of hate too, so i guess a spare one is never a problem. I think i'll take out the 2 Everflowing Chalice s and add a venser and a Sea Gate Oracle

December 21, 2010 11:20 p.m.

popeyroach says... #4

looks pritty sweet +1

December 22, 2010 5:35 p.m.

mikqpan says... #5

i've been wanting to make a deck very similar to this and i must say yours look pretty sharp! you may want to consider Glimmerpoint Stag , Tumble Magnet , Pierce Strider for their ETB effects.


December 22, 2010 6 p.m.

Crothselm says... #6

Nice deck. I'm playing something similar right now, Shape it in my Image. Take a look if you would like some ideas.

Mine plays with a little more aggro, and less counters, so Mimic Vat worked better for me. Also, if you would still like to find room for Mimic Vats, including Day of Judgment is a good way to get both your and your opponent's creatures into it, and control the board.

December 22, 2010 7:01 p.m.

MylesLee says... #7

Sunblast angel, Mnemonic Wall, and Sleep are amazing together in a deck like this :D If you can find a place for them it could work wonders. +1

December 22, 2010 10:14 p.m.

infectorus says... #8

Sleep. I wholly agree with sleep.

One thing you could also try (I am planning on doing it in the future myself) is adding precurser golems. If you blink him with venser, you get two more. Obviously they could all die to a spell, but that's why you have counter spells.. you could even make them unblockable... 9 damage is not too shabby ;)

Maybe replace the mnemonic walls with them if you were willing?

December 23, 2010 2:16 a.m.

infectorus says... #9

P.S. Twisted image gives you ancestrall recall with him.. and twisted image is a great sideboard against walls. :)

December 23, 2010 2:21 a.m.

sparta2325 says... #10

I like the Mnemonic Wall and Silence combo! Shut Them Down. They cant cast a spell the rest of the game!!! Then it's G.G.

December 23, 2010 3:41 a.m.

mikqpan says... #11

totally agree with Mnemonic Wall + Silence combo. locks down your opponent once you get them rolling.

December 23, 2010 5:08 a.m.

Spikeysquee says... #12

I personally don't like Augury Owl that much. It is nice to scry sometimes, but it is not that beneficial to be bouncing it every turn.

December 23, 2010 9:10 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #13

crap, just wrote a long reply to all you people, but forgot to post and closed my browser >.>

anywho, Once More with Feeling :

@mikqpan: the Glimmerpoint Stag has entered the maybeboard, i like its ability to bounce even when venser isn't on the board, but i have not a clue what to take out for it, ideas? Tumble Magnet provides creature control which i have enough of, Pierce Strider is nice, but not necessary.

@Crothselm: your deck looks nice, is the Shape Anew really working out for you though? And yes, DoJ is good when you have the vat on the table, but i have enough control not to need a DoJ (i might think otherwise when i have actually played this deck, versus kuldotha for example, but for now: unnecessary) and therefore the vat is in the SB for now too.

@MylesLee: very nice combo indeed! but again, i already have enough creature control, and i feel like it doesn't fit the deck, it'd be great to make a different deck with that combo, venser, mimic vat, and DoJ though.

@infectorus: Precursor Golem s with venser are amazing, i agree, they are still in the maybe board, but again i think they'd fit better in the deck idea i described above, not in this one.

@sparta2325: yes, that's something i have been looking for it. I incorporated it immediately. Silence x3 is in, instead of Spell Pierce x2 and Contagion Clasp x1, and i added a Mnemonic Wall instead of a Wall of Omens . (3 of those +3 seas +3 oracles and bounce should grab me more than enough draw anyways).

I'll just side the silences for Spell Pierce when facing blue.

@Spikeysquee: I see your point, and i agree, it's out of the maybeboard.

December 23, 2010 9:56 a.m.

Crothselm says... #14

@ jessetaverne

My Shape Anew is working out about how you would expect. Any time it goes off, it is essentially a game winner. With the amount of draw available, it happens with fair frequency. However, there are the times when Shape Anew is a dead combo piece in my hand. I'm going to play with it for a while longer, and depending on how it works out I may end up switching it to something more like yours. I am very intrigued by the infinite Silence combo.

I entirely understand not being able to find room for DoJ or Mimic Vat right now, or feeling that DoJ is necessary. However, the one thing I will ask is keep it in mind when you play test this. DoJ is a card I grew to love when I started playing U/W and I found myself wanting it more often than I had one, even with four in the deck. That is possible a personal preference, but just keep it in mind.

I am looking forward to results from play tests of this deck.

December 23, 2010 12:28 p.m.

93Nights says... #15

I have a UBW deck that uses venser as a finisher and I've found that the most powerful thing that you can do with venser is to bounce skinrender. Just food for thought.

December 24, 2010 1:39 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #16

I agree, it's awesome, but i'd prefer staying U/W, because its better with mana, and i hve nough creature control as it is. Thanks though.

December 24, 2010 1:53 p.m.

Paboty says... #17

+1 Nice deck.

Do you bounce your permanents enough only with Venser? I think you could make a very good use out of Glimmerpoint Stag .

December 24, 2010 7:50 p.m.

Paboty says... #18

+1 Nice deck.

Do you bounce your permanents enough only with Venser, the Sojourner ? I think you could make a very good use out of Glimmerpoint Stag .

December 24, 2010 7:50 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #19

Venser does a lot, but yes iv been considering the stag more and more as of late. Not only does it bounce my own creatures, it also provides me with an option to bounce the opponent's permanents, even if it's just in my round, it cna help. It also fits my curve very well, but i really do not know what to take out for it..

suggestions on that part are more than welcome.

December 24, 2010 8:18 p.m.

Paboty says... #20

The only thing I can think of is Myr Battlesphere , as I feel its mana cost is too high, unless you rely on it too much as a win condition.

Also, Kor Skyfisher might be another, less efficient way of reusing your ETB effects (plus, it's a 2/3 flyer for 2CMC!)

December 24, 2010 9:01 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #21

Aside from that i'm very fond of the card, the cmc isn't realy too high, i can make turn 7/8 easily with the amount of control in my deck, and when it's on the field and bounceable, there's rarely an escape possible.

2/3 fly for 2 cmc is nice, but the bounce is not the bounce i want ;) (i have to pay again for the skyfishers).

should i take out the contagion clasp and a mnemonic wall perhaps? A land? A leak? A Titan?

i'm really at a loss..

December 24, 2010 9:10 p.m.

infectorus says... #22

I was thinking on a different note, maybe 2 deprives and one stoic rebuttle?

December 24, 2010 10:04 p.m.

br2win says... #23

I love this deck! I am working on something similar as this with more control but mnemonic wall+silence=awesome! Wow, I really just want to try that out now! The only thing is the fact that it costs five but by turn five they can only play instants is very nice. Glimmerpoint stag is very nice concept on this deck also. Journey to nowhere was one of the first things i wanted to do.

Suggestions: Remove the myr battlespheres. Its a good card and the concept of bouncing is awesome. However Sun titans would work great and they cost one less. Your journey gets destroyed, sun titan brings it back. Sea gate oracles, Wall of omens, spreading seas etc same story.

since there is a lot of etb affects, I'm not actually sure if Aether adepts will be that great. Since this is control with bounce or venser(blinking) I won't mention baneslayer. Howerver you have mimc vat in your sideboard doj's will work great especially if you use my first suggestion. You destroy two sea-gates and a wall of omens turn four, two turns later you play sun titan and bam you eventually lost nothing, matter o fact gained something.

sideboard wise take out lone missionarys for celestial purges.

All of these are suggestions and its your deck and build it the way you want it :) I enjoyed looking at this deck very much:)

December 27, 2010 2:38 p.m.

ZionZaiyer says... #24

I love the way this deck looks man! I couldn't even imagine the fustration you put players through lol. I would try and add Narrow Escape from Zen. Bounce your own thing like you normally would plus 4 life. The bit of life could help with quick early game damage. If you could check out my deck called "FnM Standard Boros" and tell me would you think. This is definetly a +1 in my book.

December 27, 2010 7:20 p.m.

mikqpan says... #25

i actually like the aether adepts and was thinking if a 3rd one MB is necessary. It triggers venser's ultimate nicely. play an adept, bounce an adept, exile a permanent, rinse and repeat.

December 28, 2010 2:53 a.m.

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