Venser's Bouncing Blubber (Revisited)

Legacy Savage1988

SCORE: 147 | 219 COMMENTS | 19372 VIEWS | IN 15 FOLDERS

abbados says... #1

i very much like the silence + mnemonic wall combo, but im not sure how many turns will it take before you can activate the combo. but once you are able to trigger the combo you;ll have your opponent scratching his head.

the battlesphere spends too much mana, im not sure, im a noob lol

titan looks good for the etb effects

overall i like this, i'll probably look into this since i;ve been planning to make a white/blue deck for some time now, i just have to finish the one im making now,

hope you take the time to check mine out also

+1 to your control bounce deck :)

December 30, 2010 6:05 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #2

thanks for the kind words and all the +1's, it's pretty much convinced to me to get it all together for real, although the vensers could pose a small problem.

who else thinks the Myr Battlesphere doesn't quite fit in, and what would you replace it with?

i just like the card so darned much i may be blind to other, better options...

December 30, 2010 8:51 p.m.

Crothselm says... #3

The Battlesphere is cool, and as far as I can tell it works alright. Plus, it gives you metalcraft for your Stoic Rebuttal. If you want to try something different, I would say more Titans, more utility cards, or both. Since your only other Titan option is Sun Titan and that's probably not the best choice here, you could try replacing the Battlespheres with Frost Titans straight up. It's one cheaper, and difficult to remove. Or, you could go with something like +1 Frost Titan, +1 Aether Adept. Or an extra Sea Gate Oracle, Mnemonic Wall, etc. I think the Adept is undervalued control, especially given his ability to bounce Emrakul.

Best I can say is, play test it. Play test it a lot. If the Battlespheres really are too pricey, drop them for something else. But if you like them and they're working out, still maybe look into finding ways to get enough mana to warrant the extra cost, like Everflowing Chalice or Palladium Myr .

December 31, 2010 12:06 a.m.

Paboty says... #4

I think Glimmerpoint Stag could work wonders with this deck. That's what I would put instead of Myr Battlesphere . However, as Crothselm said, you should playtest to see what works better in this deck. Good luck.

December 31, 2010 8:04 p.m.

maxtheax says... #5

A very nice deck, +1

I just realized how fun bouncing Glimmerpoint Stag s is... Lol

January 1, 2011 3:10 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #6

Yeah i'm ready to up the stags to a 3 of... Maybe ill put in one of those and a frost titan for the spheres. I'd say i have enough control to have only these base creatures as a wincon, what do you think?

January 1, 2011 3:57 p.m.

maxtheax says... #7

hmmm... i don't know... maybe put in the Precursor Golem s and that would be good for a win con. but i wouldn't know what to take out... there is also Celestial Colonnade i don't know... it's proably fine, but i would playtest it a couple times to be sure...

January 1, 2011 8:50 p.m.

leogiacometti says... #8

a good card to this deck, is the Wall of Denial and much creatures with fly. My opinion.

January 2, 2011 4:46 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #9

@maxtheax: myeah, i swapped the spheres for the cards i said i would and it looks pretty much complete right now... testing is the only way to make sure, but i'm still missing out on 2 vensers and most of the rare lands, i'm working on it though

@leogiacometti: wall of denial is indeed very nice, but it would make the deck extended instead of standard, and i intent to keep it that way. i'm not sure if i want to add creatures with fly, i don't see their purpose..

i'd like to thank all of you again for helping me on this deck, i feel like it's come a long way!

January 2, 2011 5:48 a.m.

superfly615 says... #10

This Deck Made Me Hate Magic For About A Day. You Have Officially Made The Most Vile And Putrid Deck In Standard, And For That I Applaud You.

January 2, 2011 6:50 p.m.

joshexD says... #11

this deck is so good ! but venser enter the batlefield with only 3 counters and thats bad an also enter in turn 5, thats because i think everflowing chalice would be a good card to have venser turn 4 and to save colored mana

January 2, 2011 6:50 p.m.

Trakanon says... #12

This deck looks like so much fun. +1

January 3, 2011 4:55 p.m.

Trakanon says... #13

Question regarding bouncing: Several cards exile then return control "at the beginning of the next end step." So if I use that ability on a card after I untap/upkeep/draw and then go through the combat phase, does it then come back into my control? Or is it "next" as in at the end of the opponent's upcoming turn?

January 3, 2011 5:44 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #14

@ trakanon: They bounce back at your own endstep.

This technically can be used as a kind of vigilance but a little better in the case of creatures that have tap abilities, because they return to play untapped.

Also; you didn't +1 it yet ;)

@ everyone: are the sb spots for the lone missionaries and the war priests good enough? The missionaries seem very useful against fast decks, but i'm not too sure of the war priests. Does anyone have better suggestions?

January 3, 2011 6:26 p.m.

peppyhare says... #15

I think you should drop the 3*war priest side for 1 Luminarch Ascension for U/B and the mirror, a 4th wall of omens for aggro, and Celestial Purge for rdw. try find another slot or two for the purge, since it's just so nasty against koth, and not bad against vamps either.

In the main deck, I'd recommend jace, the mind sculptor, simply because your deck is blue.

Also spreading seas should only ever be a 4-of or not played as its power increases based on the number of copies you run. I'd go with not playing it, since blue is so heavily played recently, although you can feel free to ignore this one depending on the metagame you're building this one for.

I'd also consider a copy or two of Day of Judgment , especially since you can hide your biggest creature with venser before casting it.

January 3, 2011 7:26 p.m.

Paboty says... #16

Mmm, what is Ulamog in your SB for? Is it there to prevent decking (which there barely is in standard anyway)? I think you could give your SB slots a better use.

BTW, I think I'll start using this deck, if you don't mind.

January 3, 2011 9:21 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #17

@ peppyhare: hmm, good suggestions, thanks. i will not include JtMS, because i refuse to pay $90 for a single card, and i havent been so lucky as some to have drafted one :(

i have taken out the priests and i've taken out the Devout Lightcaster s too, 3xW is probably too much. All that for 1 ascension, 2 purges, 2 DoJs and a wall, looks better now?

@ Paboty: i dunno, but i like to mill myself sometimes with my ally deck, and just one goddrazi kills the deck. (ofc i have the black leyline in my other deck against that, but it requires SB-ing)

also, i'd be honored if you'd try my deck out, i would like it if you refered to this page or me as the source though. please let me know how it does! haven't been able to construct it myself yet >.>

so far i've got an open slot in the SB;, open to any and all suggestions

January 3, 2011 9:26 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #18

Having looked at your deck. I do like it and its given me a lot of ideas to work on my deck that focuses around Venser's abilities as well. Granted mine is more focused on controlling my opponent's turns through the use of Mindslaver and Razor Hippogriff . Sorry I digress.

My suggestion here might be a Sunblast Angel . Bouncing it after bouncing a Frost Titan and it kills whatever you tapped. The caveats of course being that you may not get to attack that turn depending on when your angel is coming back. You do have a lot of creature control so it may not be necessary, but it does free you up to bounce other things other than your titan.

January 3, 2011 10:04 p.m.

masterpeez says... #19

This is a good idea. Well thought out.

January 4, 2011 1:05 a.m.

1taky says... #20

+1 what would ur sb ing be...????

January 4, 2011 3:43 a.m.

1taky says... #21

i mean your side boarding strategies against different decks, please share your thoughts....tnx......

January 4, 2011 4:09 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #22

@ rckclimber777: nice, mindlsaver and razor, hadn't thought of it yet, i assume it's including Prototype Portal ? I'm gonna say no to the sunblast angel for now. Like you said i have good creature control already, and i wouldn't know what to take out for it anyways :) thanks for thinking along tho!

@ 1taky: to be honest i haven't got any yet, as this deck remains unplayed so far, as i still don't have any vensers. I'll have to think of what to sideboard when i face my opponents...

the current sideboard is a bit against everything though: spreading seas versus valakut, celestial purge against vamps and koth, DoJ against elves, goblins and ramp stuff, luminarch ascension for against control, ulamog against mill... pretty standard i guess.

January 5, 2011 12:13 p.m.

Paboty says... #23

About Precursosr Golem: When you bounce it, say, with Venser, wouldn't the other tokens be exiled as well, and because they are tokens, disappear?

January 6, 2011 2:52 p.m.

rckclimber777 says... #24

I think if you bounce precursor with Venser you're fine as it isn't a spell that is targeting the golem rather a planeswalker ability and journey to nowhere gets around it too as it actually enters the battlefield and then targets.

At least that is how I read it. I could be mistaken.

January 6, 2011 3:27 p.m.

Ninja_Fish says... #25

have you considered aether tradewinds?

January 6, 2011 4:38 p.m.

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