Venser's Bouncing Blubber (Revisited)

Legacy Savage1988

SCORE: 147 | 219 COMMENTS | 19372 VIEWS | IN 15 FOLDERS

MacheteMable says... #1

I've noticed a lot of other Venser decks running Baneslayer Angel . Have you considered it? Is there a reason you don't run it? Curious cause i'm thinking about throwing it into my If Venser Blinks, I win deck.

July 7, 2011 10:38 p.m.

MacheteMable says... #2

I've noticed a lot of other Venser decks running Baneslayer Angel . Have you considered it? Is there a reason you don't run it? Curious cause i'm thinking about throwing it into my If Venser Blinks, I win deck.

July 7, 2011 10:40 p.m.

MacheteMable says... #3

I've noticed a lot of other Venser decks running Baneslayer Angel . Have you considered it? Is there a reason you don't run it? Curious cause i'm thinking about throwing it into my If Venser Blinks, I win deck.

July 7, 2011 10:40 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #4

  1. I wanna be casting Venser on turn 5.
  2. It doesn't work well with his +2 ability.
  3. (Separating it from the Steel Hellkite ) It isn't fetchable with Treasure Mage .
  4. Dismember .
July 8, 2011 2:31 a.m.

seibertross says... #5

Sun Titan kind of confuses me. There's only 5 creatures he can bring back, none particularly devastating, I really think you should roll with Frost Titan more he should get more attacks through...also another thought if you're side boarding in the Spreading Seas you could legit land lock someone with a Frost Titan & Venser.

Contagion Engine may be good as another Treasure mage tech, though I think you got a high curve as is.

How's the deck been workin though? Any memorable games?

July 8, 2011 11:39 a.m.

wraithseer says... #6

Sun Titan effect affects permanents, not just creatures.

July 8, 2011 3:59 p.m.

Jtbiggs150 says... #7

Hey man, I didn't feel like reading 206 comments but i'm sure its been suggested before. Have you considered adding Gideon Jura ? I mean he takes heat away from Venser, or any other creatures in your deck. Plus he buys you time.

Just a suggestion man. I love the Venser Combo and i'd love to hear back from you.

July 9, 2011 3:10 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #8


Sun Titan brings back more than that, and very important stuff, too: Jace Beleren , Journey to Nowhere , and when M12 comes in even Oblivion Ring . And believe me, there will be hate for the ring!

Another fin interaction is to sacrifice your Tumble Magnet with card:Phyrexia's Core and bring it back with full counter amount through Sun Titan .

I would like to try frost titan, but the sun titan does a great job now and frost is more expensive on MTGO.

I've indeed considered Contagion Engine , but i think i would only use it as recurring sweeper, for which i've laready got 3x DoJ. (granted, i can't recast those like i can the engine, but then, those have less effect than a doj.)

About the workings of the deck: I don't think the deck is tier 1 competitive, but i do think it could go a long way, especially with jace out of the picture and the additions from M12. For now though, it's just a blast to play the deck, really doing something else than most decks. Like i mentioned before though, it's rather hard at the start to decide what to play and when to play it so the games went rather long. Now that i've played with it long enough though, it's fine. Most memorable plays include Myr Battlesphere tricks, bouncing it with venser or creating a second one with Phyrexian Metamorph and then swinging for 20/22 unblockable with venser's -1 ability. Other stuff includes putting Spine of Ish Sah on the field, then copy it with Phyrexian Metamorph for 3 mana, sac the copy with card:Phyrexia's Core, copy it again for 3 mana. People tend to dislike someone killing 2 of their permanents/turn :P


Gideon Jura would do alright in the deck but aside from his cost on MTGO, i think his replacement has already been found in Stonehorn Dignitary . The stonehorn has a better synergy with venser and essentially does the same for 1 less mana, meaning i don't have to choose what to cast, like i would with venser and jura. Another main reason why it hasn't been in here was because i thought jura would rotate, but then he came back in m12, so i guess if he drops in price enough it's worth consideration at least. thanks for the thought though!


I've replaced Contagion Clasp and 1 Phyrexian Metamorph with 2x Blade Splicer for the time-being to see if it would help the offensive side of the deck. And ofcourse synergy with venser :)

July 10, 2011 5:55 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #9

Also, i've decided to go for a more tap-out style deck: -3 Mana Leak -1 Stoic Rebuttal +4 Spreading Seas

which means the seas will come out of the SB and get replaced by: 1 Flashfreeze , 1 Celestial Purge and 1 more Kor Firewalker .

July 10, 2011 6:18 a.m.

mafteechr says... #10

You can add M12 cards now! They should all be up on the site.

July 10, 2011 8:28 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #11

yeah i know, it's awesome!

they're in my maybeboard already, but i'm not changing the deck yet because until m12 comes out on MTGOnline this is my deck :)

description says what'll come in when it does though.

July 10, 2011 8:38 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #12

So guys, I made a prototype of my Post-M12 deck, it's prototype because there's no M12 on MTGO yet, which is the only place i play really, so be patient :)

The prototype can be seen here (Venser's Lazy Days), and i even added a brand-new win condition for you all to see :)

Go check it and let me know what i forgot!


July 20, 2011 10:12 a.m.

Savage1988 says... #13

Hmm, so I was lost but i think i've found the next version of my venser deck. This one has been changed for pre m12, this one: post m12 Control, according to Venser is the one it will be when m12 breaks on mtgo!

Hope you like, there's some new flavors in town :)

July 26, 2011 8:24 p.m.

ShadeSlayer17 says... #14

Check out mine its better hahah Venser's Gymbag.

July 30, 2011 6:58 p.m.

Savage1988 says... #15


Thanks for that incredibly helpful comment.

July 31, 2011 12:37 p.m.

nsecord says... #16

Sooo my question to you is have you considered Gideon Jura ? I run him in my venser deck and i just love him.

Speaking of my venser deck could you take a look and give some suggestions?

deck:wu-infinite-exile-and-stuff-comment-please Seeing as you have this venser control thing all but mastered. Thank you and a well earned +1 from me :)

August 9, 2011 2:32 a.m.

wallpiece says... #17

As the number one Venser fan I must say this deck looks very good, however does anyone on this page realize that he can bounce lands for landfall?

October 15, 2011 10:38 p.m.

seibertross says... #18

You know Dr Taverne, I'm curious if there is a variant that could be formed between this and Solar Flare. Forbidden Alchemy could throw Rune-Scarred Demon and Unburial Rites to the grave, cast him for 4, and then go to town with venser.

October 17, 2011 11:39 a.m.

Stamina says... #19

Why are you running Cancel in a legacy deck when Dissolve is strictly better?

Better question: Why are you running a 3 CMC counterspell in a legacy deck?

July 1, 2014 8:53 a.m.

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