Okay so I kinda jacked this from SuperMange but its different enough that I don't feel guilty about it. The goal here is to drop Primal Surge as fast as possible, using as much mana ramping as possible to do it. With appropriate mulligans, you can hit that on turn 4-5 consistently. Primal Surge is a pretty good card on its own, but if you look closely, you'll see that this deck is pretty much all permanents, so I really am getting as much out of this card as I can. Once you go off, you are pretty much unstoppable, considering how much land you'll get, how many creatures you'll have, etc.

Unfortunately, since I want to be running as many permanents as possible, Mystical Tutor or really any searching cards to get a Primal Surge into my hand isn't an option. That part is all luck, I get that, but even without that card, this deck really does shine.


-Garruk Wildspeaker/Voyaging Satyr + Utopia Sprawl is an absolutely ridiculous mana ramp
-Sylvan Caryatid & Birds of Paradise are great weenies for mana boosting too
-Primeval Titan and Sylvan Primordial help with mana too when things are going kinda slow (and they are pretty tough to deal with in their own right)
-Omnath, Locus of Mana is pretty slow, but again, when things are looking bad it definitely helps, same goes for Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger.


Alright, this is the fun part. It's also almost entirely luck based regarding which cards you'll actually end up dropping on your opponents, but you can't go wrong. Pretty much any of the guys with a CMC over 5 are going to be heavy hitters, and when you're playing 10-12 of them in a single turn, things are going to get bad for your opponents very quickly. I included the two Eldrazi cards mainly just as win-more cards, but since you hopefully won't be hard-casting anything over CMC 5, the color is meaningless, you just want huge creatures to really make life miserable for everybody. With It That Betrays, Eldrazi Conscription, and Terastodon providing your removal alongside other baddies, it may as well be game over. Nylea, God of the Hunt gives you a nice edge, but the sheer force of everything else around you after you drop Primal Surge will surely be enough to destroy your opponents in seconds.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 63
Avg. CMC 4.85
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elephant 3/3 G, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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