Verdeloth > Azusa, discuss

Commander / EDH Rofelos


Rofelos says... #1

Good advice. I'm swapping out Summoning Trap Gaea's Revenge and Vorapede for Parallel Lives Gaea's Anthem and Lurking Predators. Thanks.

March 2, 2013 9:34 p.m.

Royberto says... #2

March 4, 2013 7:33 p.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #3

June 17, 2013 10 p.m.

Rofelos says... #4

I'll definitely add mana reflection if I can find it in trade, as for vorinclex the people I play with really hate him. Thanks for the suggestions Aelorith2117!

June 18, 2013 12:41 p.m.

You definitely want to ramp a lot in this deck, so this is where Skyshroud Claim and Three Visits come in handy. They grab you lands and the forests come in untapped, which let you use the mana you grab right away. If you want to go REALLY BIG you can use Keeper of Progenitus to make a lot of mana. You have to be careful though because he can help your opponents out. It may be worth playing Howling Mine or Rites of Flourishing to get those extra cards in hand (mono green doesn't like to draw cards).

July 25, 2013 11:55 a.m.

Rofelos says... #6

Thanks for pointing out these cards.

July 25, 2013 3:18 p.m.

I_TappedWrong says... #7

try a Greater Good it helps when people are trying to steal your big as creatures and also when people board wipe or try and exile your creatures as well. I think its like yen bucks.

July 25, 2013 9:13 p.m.

drew0527 says... #8

have you tried vorinclex

September 2, 2013 7:37 p.m.

I like Heartbeat of Spring in decks like these. it can get kind of stupid if Rites of Flourishing is out though. lol

September 26, 2013 5 p.m.

Rofelos says... #10

Good suggestion thanks

September 27, 2013 3:41 p.m.

carpecanum says... #11

Mistcutter Hydra is prolly kinda pricey now but as a green player myself I can say anything that can't be countered is incredible. This counts double for Savage Summoning because of the flash ability. Not sure if you would like this but instead of doubling mana for all you might try a nice cheap Ventifact Bottle or Ice Cauldron . Great deck (had a couple ridiculous combos come up playtesting...was fun).

September 30, 2013 8:35 p.m.

Rofelos says... #12

I'm gonna look out for a mistcutter in trades. Thanks for the comment.

October 1, 2013 5:11 p.m.

carpecanum says... #13

Just realized...your boss gets tokens when cast & kicked. Roaring Primadox will let you recast your boss at the beginning of each turn if you want to. I usually only think of it in combo with Animar, Soul of Elements .

October 2, 2013 12:40 a.m.

alexsmith21 says... #14

No Doubling Season ? Also, Coat of Arms would do well in helping your saprolings.

March 21, 2014 10:49 p.m.

Rofelos says... #15

Yeah doubling season is on my list of possibilities, thanks.

March 21, 2014 10:50 p.m.

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