Shadow Isles

Commander / EDH Sheld


SynergyBuild says... #1

+1 for Grixis!

Would you run Brainstorm or Ponder?

July 20, 2018 4:16 p.m.

Sheld says... #2

Hi SynergyBuild,

this is a first prototype of the deck and I have not fine-tuned it yet. Brainstorm and Ponder are both great and I might use them in future improvements of the deck.

Thanks for the suggestion :-)

July 20, 2018 4:38 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #3

No Problem, good luck and win all of your games! (Well not all of them no one will play with you... but you get the point... well I mean if you actually won every one of your games you could be a pro magic player, and probably be a god or something of MTG, or ruin all of MTG with people thinking you are a cheater... I am thinking way too much about this)

July 20, 2018 4:40 p.m.

Infral says... #4

I approve all Vial Smasher the Fierce that is not the 4 coloured version. Awesome list buddy~ +1 for Vial Smasher and a unique spin on the deck!

August 26, 2018 1:42 p.m.

NV_1980 says... #5

Hi mate,

Great looking deck! I like how you've combined themes. Here are some ideas on what I would change to make this even more awesome:

  • though all of the creatures you're using work very well with your chosen themes, most of them are rather expensive to cast. This makes it difficult for you to deal with decks that open aggressively; also because the wipes you've chosen are relatively expensive to cast. To counteract early aggression, I would consider adding Propaganda, Pyrohemia, Fiery Confluence and/or Volcanic Fallout.

  • I'd probably replace Fate Unraveler with Underworld Dreams, as overall it's more difficult to get rid of someone's enchantments compared to someone's creatures.

  • Since you're running so many 'pain' cards, it might be beneficial to consider adding Neheb, the Eternal; the extra mana he generates can surely be put to good use in your deck.

  • As for some 'pain' suggestions, Citadel of Pain and Repercussion seem like fun. Wound Reflection can also be pretty devastating.

Hope any of this helps. If you feel inclined, please have a look at one of more of my EDH decks; I'd like your opinion on any of them.



August 27, 2018 3:40 a.m.

Sheld says... #6

Hi NV_1980!

Thank you so much for checking out my deck and sharing your thoughts on it. :-)

I am currently on holidays but I will review your suggestions more thoroughly once I'm home and I will surely return the favor and look into one of your decks aswell.

August 27, 2018 4:11 a.m.

Sheld says... #7

Hi NV_1980,

I've found some time to update the deck based on your suggestions;

  • I've removed Fate Unraveler from the deck as you suggested. I've replaced him with Phyrexian Tyranny instead of Underworld Dreams mainly because the UBR cost feels a bit better than BBB cost as I worry I would struggle to have three black mana earlier in the game.

  • I've added one boardwipe as you suggested. I didn't use Volcanic Fallout because it's too unversitale and I didn't use Fiery Confluence mainly because I just don't feel like buying an unnecessarily expensive card if I can replace with a cheaper boardwipe. I've settled with Evacuation for now. I may replace it with a better boardwipe or one that fits the theme of the deck better later. I'm still considering Pyrohemia.

As for the other cards you've suggested;

  • Repercussion is a ridiculous card which I will have to try at least for the fun of it; it will probably not find a permanent place in the deck though as I feel like it would "undermine" all the work the rest of the deck did in the game by just ending the game with Blasphemous Act and it wouldn't really matter what happened in the game before. (It's difficult to explain what I mean but I hope you somewhat understand what I mean.)

  • Wound Reflection is an excellent addition to the deck; I just don't feel like buying it because of its cost for now. The deck will have to suffice with Archfiend of Dispair.

  • Other your suggestion were all reasonable but I did not use them mainly because I play in a very casual meta with my friends so my decks can be a bit more fun and casual aswell. (For example, I don't have to worry that much about extremely consistent fast aggro decks etc. :-)

Sorry for the long answer; I wanted to explain my decisions.



August 30, 2018 2:32 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #8

Rolling Earthquake, Toxic Deluge, Cyclonic Rift, and Sweltering Suns are the most consistently versatile board in your colors, I would argue for any of them over Evacuation

August 30, 2018 5:42 p.m.

Sheld says... #9

Hi SynergyBuild,

thanks for suggesting great boardwipes! They are indeed one of the strongest ones in Grixis colors. However, as I play in a very casual meta, I've decided to find some more flavorful on-theme boardwipe.

After some research, I've found Archfiend of Ifnir and decided to replace Evacuation with it.

September 1, 2018 6:30 a.m.

WhichKing says... #10

October 20, 2018 4:42 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #11

I actually play this pair. They work well together. Here is a few cards that have served me well and I think they will do the same for you Twilight Prophet, Connive / Concoct, Shriekmaw, Mulldrifter, Deep-Sea Kraken, Bloodsworn Steward, Whip of Erebos, Breaking / Entering, Rise / Fall, Torrential Gearhulk, Stunt Double, Ancient Stone Idol, and Price of Fame.

Oh and important ruling you should know about Split cards. While they're on the stack, only the half you're casting is counted for CMC. However, when they're anywhere else and you need to figure out what the CMC is, you go by the total between both halves.

This matters for cards like Twilight Prophet and Combustible Gearhulk which I also suggest you run.

November 8, 2018 4:01 a.m.

Sheld says... #12

Hi CaptSillva,

I wasn't very active lately, but I got to update this deck recently and based on your comment I've added Torrential Gearhulk, Price of Fame and Discovery / Dispersal to the deck. (You have not suggested the last one, but your suggestions kinda led me to it.) So I just wanted to let you know and thank you for helping with the deck. :-)

Also, you've mentioned that you use Breaking / Entering. You could consider swaping it for Grave Upheaval as it is exactly the same as Entering and instead of Breaking you get Basic landcycling, which seems a bit more useful to me.

Anyways, thanks again for your suggestions and have a nice day!

December 30, 2018 6:28 a.m.

Sheld says... #13

just a correction: I've added Combustible Gearhulk, not Torrential Gearhulk

January 1, 2019 1:45 p.m.

Woah! nice looking Grixis deck here. Seems that Vialsmasher is your only real Wincon. I would suggest some combos, just as a back-up. Combos like Final Fortune + Isochron Scepter + Sundial of the Infinite for infinite turns

June 14, 2020 3:05 p.m.

Sheld says... #15

Hi ComboCaptain10587! (really fitting name btw :D)

I do not include infinite combos in my decks (anymore anyway) as I've found out they make the decks less enjoyable for me. They are such a good wincons that you can end up winning the vast majority of your games the same way and that gets a bit boring.

The deck may seem a bit underpowered without any strong wincon like that, but I and my friends enjoy playing pretty casual decks like this one so it is not a problem in our meta at all. :) This deck in particular can often win just by pure tempo in the lategame with some ramp and something like Sunbird's Invocation or Aminatou's Augury.

That being said, I do actually really like the idea of including Final Fortune in the deck as I feel like it fits the theme pretty well and could be a fun way to win (or loose) a game so I will consider that.

Thanks for your suggestion and have a wonderful day!

June 14, 2020 3:32 p.m.

Great! I hope Final Fortune does your deck good.

June 14, 2020 7:53 p.m.

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