Victory Tokens :D

Modern HiMastaHi


jeruroku says... #1

i'd remove the Manaliths. you dont need them for mana, you're running white mostly. In their place, I suggest 3 Isolated ChapelMTG Card: Isolated Chapel and one more swamp.

March 26, 2012 2:08 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #2

I've been trying to get Isolated ChapelMTG Card: Isolated Chapels but no one want to trade them... Ill try without the ManalithMTG Card: Manaliths and replace them with lands. Thanks.

March 26, 2012 3:33 p.m.

jeruroku says... #3

No problem. Your deck seems to work well, and for your sideboard, I'd suggest Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan, Gideon JuraMTG Card: Gideon Jura, and even Elspeth TirelMTG Card: Elspeth Tirel.

March 28, 2012 1:38 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #4

If I can get those cards ill add them to my sideboard, I was also thinking of adding Sorin, Lord of InnistradMTG Card: Sorin, Lord of Innistrad but my trading cards are looking a little depleted at the moment so it'll be a while until I can get a few more of the expensive cards.

March 28, 2012 4:40 p.m.

jeruroku says... #5

If that's a problem, buy a booster box of Dark Ascension. You might pull a Sorin, Lord of InnistradMTG Card: Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, or things you can trade away to get him.

March 28, 2012 6:10 p.m.

jeruroku says... #6

If that's a problem, buy a booster box of Dark Ascension. You might pull a Sorin, Lord of InnistradMTG Card: Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, or things you can trade away to get him.

March 28, 2012 6:10 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #7

I was thinking of that and in the box I should get enough things to trade to people for the other cards

March 29, 2012 1:05 a.m.

drop in a few Evolving Wilds to fetch swamps and maybe go down on the swamp count, a few Ghost Quarter s might help out as well. I'm not a huge fan of signal pest, try dropping in some white humans like Mirran Crusader , Hero of Bladehold , or like that miraculous tokens list 2 Angel of Jubilation . some spot removal like Tragic Slip will help. As I said on my list, shrine seems a bit better for the control-ish match-up, you should be able to get away with 2 in the main and 2 in the side. You NEED some (2-3) Stony Silence s in the SB, people will grab those Ratchet Bomb s. I might look into other cards for countering other big decks wight now like delver, wolf run, rg beatz, uw miracles, rbw reanimator, rwu geist and the like. you'll definitely not need to worry terribly about delver, wolf run might get ugly. with those swords, 2 sb Surgical Extraction will be nice, and possibly add another sword to the side. card:Cathars' Crusade seems brilliant though +1

May 28, 2012 6:41 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #9

None of those decks get played at my local FNM its all pod decks and agro and maybe a control or two. I'm the only token player and in the past few weeks no one has used a rachet bomb against me if you look into the sideboards its all artifact removal because everyone uses swords of one kind or another.

May 29, 2012 1:12 a.m.

Kravian says... #10

Mainboard: You could splurge for some Isolated Chapel s, I'd also say Entreat the Angels (which I believe DawnsRayofLight was alluding to) would be brilliant here. I'm sad that Shrine of Loyal Legions doesn't work with Honor of the Pure , but I think you're right to still have 4x.

I'm doubtful of the usefulness of Moonsilver Spear , both on main and sideboards.

Questions: Have you dealt with Devastation Tide yet? Sever the Bloodline ? I'm just curious. It sounds like this is a safe deck in your meta, but boy does it have some weaknesses (including the aforementioned Ratchet Bomb shudder).

Sideboard: I'd like to know why you have card:Angel's Mercy. My guess is that it helps vs. aggro, giving you enough life to weather them out and then build board position. If that is what it's for, I'd say Timely Reinforcements does it better in every way, go 4x main or add 1x to the sideboard.

In what situations do you use the fourth Signal Pest and Doomed Traveler ? Are they best when your Intangible Virtue s and card:Cathars' Crusades are threatened? What do you drop to put them in?

How do you weather boardwipes? Is it simply a matter of hoarding your Lingering Souls in the graveyard and saving the flashbacks, or do you just hope and pray?

Have you ever considered Phyrexian Rebirth for the sideboard? It'd be astonishingly good if you ever had a mirror match, and could be a lifesaver at other times.

I like the O-rings and Nevermore s, but I think I'd need more detail on just how you use the rest of the sideboard.

Conclusion: It is a cool deck, has a good pedigree, and looks fun to play. You could spend some $$$ on land and miracles for slight (but noticeable) improvements. I'd like to hear your sideboard explained more thoroughly. I sincerely hope this helps.

May 29, 2012 1:09 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #11

My sideboard is just random cards I found I'm still working on it. The card:Angel's Mercy is still there from my previous deck with the set of empires. I'm still trying to get my hands on duel lands but its impossible because no one wants to trade them at all. Moonsilver spear is usefull against control and slower decks if the game lasts that long. I went for a more agro token build so I can keep up with the speed of the boros humans and most other agro decks.Curse of Exhaustion messes up a lot of decks and no one expects it. The only stable part of my sideboard is the Oblivion Ring , Nevermore and Curse of Exhaustion the other I change as I go along. I counter the token removal with the way I play I use a lot of end turn instants card:White Sun's Zenith and Midnight Haunting when I get stony silence I will add it to my sideboard and. i might add a Phyrexian Rebirth or 2

May 29, 2012 1:27 p.m.

Phyrexian Rebirth Seems like a good idea, most token decks just stare at each other until something breaks the balance like 20 turns in.

May 29, 2012 1:36 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #13

Suture Priest is a great counter to token decks as it kill them when they do spawn tokens.

May 29, 2012 1:42 p.m.

That actually seems good, perhaps it would be pretty good in the main, life gain is strong now, especially if a Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip landing can be the difference between victory and defeat. maybe try 2 main 2 side? the life gain and damage seems good.

May 29, 2012 1:52 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #15

I added Suture Priests ill try them took out the Moonsilver Spear and a Doomed Traveler

May 29, 2012 2:30 p.m.

I'd say just drop the Doomed Traveler s altogether, they are only useful as a playset if that, I really am beginning to think they hold bw tokens back unless it is human based.

May 29, 2012 2:32 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #17

I need one drops so my first turn is not a waste and doomed traveller is a good one if you play tokens

May 29, 2012 3:10 p.m.

SoFreshSucces says... #18

yo man, hope this link works, im sucha noob

PS: this is Mr.Infect, ur teacher...

Rage & Defiance

June 12, 2012 4:28 p.m.

SoFreshSucces says... #19

oh right, one more thing:

I have both a Sorin, L.o.Innistrad and Elspeth for you

Also surgicals for sideboard

we will work on finding those damned Isolated Chapel s

Be ready for our next game

PS: ur list is fast, but still too slow for my infect mojo ;)


June 12, 2012 5:59 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #20

I told you them plainswalkers are to slow I need all my cards to be 3 CMC and below but I might add a Sorin to the sideboard. I'm hoping M13 has better stuff for tokens. I will beat you next time :P

June 13, 2012 3:14 a.m.

I feel I must point out, Shrine of Loyal Legions , card:White Sun's Zenith, and Moonsilver Spear are all cards that would not be useable until about the time you would be Elspeth Tirel or later, I recommend 2x elspeth and 3x sorin. Sorin makes an anthem and guys, elspeth makes guys and has 2 abilities that get you out of bad situations. your deck will not be able to put damage on until turn 2, assuming you draw your 3-of traveler. Otherwise, it will not be until turn 3(gather)-4(all other token spells) when you can put damage on, sorin will help wrap things up and elspeth can pull a win out of thin air.

June 13, 2012 11:14 a.m.

HiMastaHi says... #22

The I could either play a Sorin on turn 4 or play 2 anthems and win the game or I could play elsbeth turn 5 and play one of my many token spawning things and an anthem or play one of my many 2 drops and use the mana to use the shrines ability and win

June 13, 2012 4:34 p.m.

HiMastaHi says... #23

The I could either play a Sorin on turn 4 or play 2 anthems and win the game or I could play elsbeth turn 5 and play one of my many token spawning things and an anthem or play one of my many 2 drops and use the mana to use the shrines ability and win

June 13, 2012 4:35 p.m.

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