I'm thinking about giving Novablast Wurm a test, even though I'm not very fond of needing to attack with it for the effect. A lot of the decks it kills, typically run 4x Path to Exile so it could be a problem. Nonetheless, I still think it is worthy of a good thorough testing, so I'll keep you posted. It's been tough enough deciding between Fiery Justice and Engineered Explosives without adding a third option to consider. I need to weigh how each is fetchable, how effective they are against all the aggro decks, etc. It's a pretty tough choice as they all offer their own unique pros and cons.
Opinions are welcome, as always.
July 9, 2014 6:01 p.m.
Both. I actually feel it will fit better mainboard if it fits at all, but I haven't totally decided what to cut/move to side for it. I'm going to try dropping Ancient Stirrings down to one I guess, even though I'd like to keep it at two, since it is the "extra" slot that I side out the most.
July 9, 2014 8:15 p.m.
So, in my initial playtesting, it seemed that Novablast Wurm was pretty much a win more card. I could just as easily used Primeval Titan or Elderscale Wurm in basically every situation. It's a pretty niche form of removal, more suited to the higher power standoffs with green decks, where my hexproof flyers usually come in.
I'm still considering it for the sideboard in the slot of Fiery Justice but I don't think it will make it for that either, since it would hurt the aggro match if I didn't replace it with something equally as fast/powerful (like Engineered Explosives for example).
July 10, 2014 2:21 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #6
Was just curious if any cards in m15 struck your eye for this deck?
July 10, 2014 9:17 p.m.
Reclamation Sage looked nice, but I'd rather run Acidic Slime for land hate since I'm running Maelstrom Pulse over Putrefy - need an answer to manlands. I thought about testing Generator Servant but that requires reworking the manabase a tad bit, and I honestly don't think he is going to be super useful anyway. Otherwise, nothing really stood out to me for a spot in this particular deck, I do like the looks of this particular core though, hopefully the expansion sets are just as promising.
July 10, 2014 9:51 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #8
Yeah i think Acidic Slime is overall better than proclamation sage so reading your previous comment, Novablast Wurm was a win more? i can see your point for that, let me know if you have any other ideas ill test them out as well.
Cards came in that i needed today, i sleeved em up and played against my friends aggro GR deck a few times and just dismantled him haha Fiery Justice saved me once, so i actually like the card in here.
July 10, 2014 10:54 p.m.
Yeah, I mean there are times when Novablast Wurm would have been the best choice, but that rarely happened. Usually, the other wurm is enough to recover, so it just felt like overkill in diversifying the deck. I mean it isn't a bad include if you want more top end CMC cards to cast, especially if your meta has a lot of Surgical Extraction and Extirpate along with Slaughter Games
July 11, 2014 1:47 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #10
What are your views on Terastodon Could he be a addition?
July 13, 2014 10:03 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #11
Just thought id let ya know, took this deck to my modern monday at my LGS, now not enough people showed up (only 5 sadly) but i played everyone for fun, beat net deck Jund even though they blew up just about everything i played. Beat some weird jank... didnt even really figure out what it was, and the rest were forms of USA control and UR delver, Fiery Justice saw a decent amount of wishing and Maelstrom Pulse saved me from facing 3 delver beatdowns
July 14, 2014 10:33 p.m.
I've ran Terastodon in earlier iterations, and I actually think that Woodfall Primus was a better fit for that slot. It'd be up for Acidic Slime 's spot in my opinion, but I prefer the lower CMC myself (has saved me at 5 CMC many times). However, that's a personal choice, since a 6/6 trample beater that comes back is pretty nice too. There's honestly a lot of really good high end creatures to choose from...
July 15, 2014 12:12 a.m.
Recently I've had some problems against Tron with Gifts Ungiven that runs with loads of counter spells and wraths. I manage to cast Thrun, the Last Troll several times but they were usually swept away by Wrath of God . Any idea how to handle a deck like this?
July 16, 2014 9:31 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #14
To get around counter spells, use Cavern of Souls you can dig for it with Ancient Stirrings , and sometimes (barry might have to have the final word on this) bait there wrath with thrun, if you can play titan next turn and go in for the kill that would be good. Otherwise i havent gone uo against any Gifts Ungiven decks so those are my 2 cents
July 16, 2014 9:36 p.m.
Is it the reanimate Iona, Shield of Emeria gift deck? In that case bring scooze in mainboard. Anyway, they shouldn't really be able to wrath Thrun, the Last Troll if you have mana open for regenerate. You shouldn't be casting it and walking into a wrath in my opinion. If it is the reanimation gift package, grave-hate of any kind, or Slaughter Games on their target will make you not really care about it anymore. Most decks like that run gifts as a win condition and have no real utility use for it, so if you shut that out, it makes a lot of dead cards for them.
You shouldn't really be concerned about wraths either, since you just need one titan at a time, don't over-extend. Play conservatively and fetch Tolaria West when you have nothing in hand, as constantly throwing threats they have to answer beats decks like that.
Further elaboration on the problems is needed if you want any further details on how to go about answering it.
July 17, 2014 3:03 a.m.
You can't regenerate Thrun after Wrath of God . It will be good if I have Cavern in play to cast my creatures uncountered, but the main problems is the other spells like Summer Bloom and Glittering Wish are vunerable to counter spells. I am forced to drop lands at a slow pace while my opponent sets his combo. But there might be a chance that I'm still not that good at piloting this deck against controls, I guess I'll have to play with him more often.
July 17, 2014 5:14 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #17
Yeah ooze is gifts worst nightmare and if you can Slaughter Games Gifts Ungiven you should have no problem winning
July 17, 2014 11:18 a.m.
oh my bad on the wrath thing, I didn't even read card, so used to generic wrath effects. Yeah, if they have that it will kill Thrun, the Last Troll without a problem. He's not your go to in that match if they run 4 of that then, try to resolve a titan instead. But yes, you pretty much want to have a Cavern of Souls or a hand fast enough that they don't have counter-magic online yet. Also, don't worry about Glittering Wish getting countered in that match, it is clearing the way for something else, which is fine. Try to save Summer Bloom for when it gets through though (unless baiting a counter to resolve scooze or something devastating to them), since ramping more than them can win for you in most cases.
July 17, 2014 1:58 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #19
So I was wondering on our pod match up, since they have an ability to soak up damage, what is your approach to it? Is it any different than a normal approach by landing a threat like prime or thrun?
July 21, 2014 1:56 a.m.
Kill infinite lifegain/damage pieces or pod itself, otherwise I don't concern myself and play normally. It's an interesting matchup since they have a toolbox type deck too, you just have to be aware of the various pieces they can/do have and formulate your plan of attack from there. I just try to keep off the infinite combos and ignore everything else, forcing them into a tempo shell basically. Since Birthing Pod is 4 CMC it is safe from Abrupt Decay which sort of sucks, but you can usually remove key combo pieces with it anyway. It is one of those matches where you can side a lot of different ways depending on what their combo pieces are (like if it is persist based, Scavenging Ooze is good, otherwise he's useless).
July 21, 2014 3:54 a.m.
Have you ever considered Catch ... It can be tutored for with glittering wish and gaining control of any permanent on the board for a turn can be lethal...take your pod, take your walker and use their ult
July 21, 2014 9:16 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #22
The only problem with that is it is hard to get both a blue and a red source
July 21, 2014 4:42 p.m.
And they get it back also, I'd rather just kill it at 3 CMC since that's a more solid solution in almost every case. Sure stealing something for a turn might win a couple games, but in most I'd rather just kill it with something like Maelstrom Pulse
July 21, 2014 6:48 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #24
Just thought id let ya know barry that i went to another Modern event at my LGS tonight, small 8 people. Came in 2nd place, my only lost was to kiki jiki pod, (bad draws on my part). Otherwise i won against RDW, Mono black devotion, and Bogles. Overall the more i play the deck the better i do with it, if i would've had better draws against Kiki pod i probably would've won!
July 21, 2014 9:45 p.m.
grats. it definitely does have a higher learning curve than most decks, that's for sure, keep up the good work.
nbarry223 says... #1
Generally, I'll side out Acidic Slime and both wishes in favor of Sigarda, Host of Herons and Empyrial Archangel for some hard to deal with blockers. I also remove Ancient Stirrings for Abrupt Decay and Maelstrom Pulse
Sometimes I'll side in Destructive Revelry for a Ghost Quarter or Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion also. That's one of the matches where Engineered Explosives would be a nice option.
One important note is to play a bit more defensively against hatebears usually, only swinging with Primeval Titan a lot of the times. You basically want to slow the match down as much as possible so our big guys and hexproof/shroud can come in and win. I like to just swing with one thing that has vigilance usually, totally deterring them from swinging in a lot of cases. Your most valuable cards in the match are Empyrial Archangel and Courser of Kruphix
July 8, 2014 2:52 a.m.