That's almost like a green Dispel which I really like, but unfortunately it doesn't fit in this particular deck I don't think, since it has enough built in answers to control in my opinion anyway. I definitely can see myself making room for it in some of my other green decks though, since there's only a few white counters (that aren't really played) that it doesn't answer, thanks!
July 22, 2014 5:53 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #3
Hey barry, been a while, finally think i mastered the deck haha, and was wondering if you were thinking of any new additions etc or if you have been testing anything lately if so let me know!
August 2, 2014 10:23 p.m.
Nah I've been busy in real life, I only check on to see if people highlighted me for anything haha, I haven't really been testing much of anything recently. Khan looks like wedge colors though, so that's promising for this deck.
August 3, 2014 3:04 a.m.
Crazybop09 says... #5
Yeah im really excited for what Khan's will bring this deck. maybe some awesome Wish targets:D
August 3, 2014 1:44 p.m.
A few Glittering Wishes:
Aurelia's Fury, Boros Charm, Dryad Militant, Guttural Response, Knight of the Reliquary, Selesnya Charm, Spellbreaker Behemoth,
August 17, 2014 9:22 p.m.
If you can find room for them, I'd be quite amazed. They are all win more, or not powerful enough to justify inclusion in my opinion though. Selesnya Charm is the closest to making the cut (I've actually considered it a few times) but it is generally too situational when there's better forms of removal.
August 17, 2014 9:29 p.m.
I think you can find room from a Serum Visions or Sleight of Hand and/or Gitaxian Probe form serch some combo, because when you dont drow nothing is a bad game
August 23, 2014 1:30 a.m.
The problem is those require a blue mana, which is very difficult for this deck to produce if I am in a bad position, so they wouldn't really be helping me at that point. Furthermore, Gitaxian Probe
is simply a cantrip, which doesn't help me to search the deck, simply gains me information.
Gitaxian Probe is a very powerful card, but not in this particular deck, since my general plan against interactive decks is to simply throw out more threats than they have answers. If I ever decide to run more Tolaria West and the likes (quite possible with Khans being wedge colors) I might revisit the cantrips and stuff, but for now, they aren't valuable enough.
August 23, 2014 2:34 p.m.
Soundclaw Mystic looks very exciting, not sure if I can fit it in though.
Morph mechanic coming back is EXTREMELY exciting, let's see what they can do with it, this is a good start (2 mana ramp on 1 turn is powerful).
August 28, 2014 10:04 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #12
I do like Soundclaw Mystic but i dont think it works in this build
August 29, 2014 12:33 p.m.
Hey there. I've seen some lists that were similar to this built and basically all of them run 2 Hive Mind s and 1-2 additional Pacts as another win-con. Have you considered this option? Also, quite a big number of those decks run Simian Spirit Guide , that little guy allows them to combo on T1.
August 31, 2014 6:29 a.m.
I find that Hive Mind is way too clunky, as I need both pieces for it to actually do ANYTHING for me. Also, Having to adjust my pacts based on my opponents deck isn't really something I want to do.
Simian Spirit Guide is good enough ramp, but I prefer my re-usable ramp that synergizes with the deck a lot more. Yeah, I am giving up really explosive plays, but I am gaining a lot of consistency, which is something combo decks tend to lack.
August 31, 2014 9:08 a.m.
I'm genuinely contemplating cutting Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion for another Gemstone Mine or Tendo Ice Bridge to help alleviate color strains. Double striking is nice and all, but it feels a little win more in a lot of cases. Anyone have any thoughts, or alternative cuts to consider? I'd also like to fit a second Tolaria West in there somewhere if at all possible, but that isn't as important as adding one more color fixing source. Any and all help in this area is much appreciated, thanks.
Also, thoughts on the new cards I've put in the side/maybeboards? I really like Utter End and feel it is slightly better than Maelstrom Pulse as a catch all in this particular deck. However, as far as the other options, I am undecided if / where they could fit. The charms look like they could possibly be mainboard, but I first need to make the manabase more friendly.
September 14, 2014 12:12 p.m.
Crazybop09 says... #17
To be honest, Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion needs to stay...after alot of playing now with the deck i feel that say 16 damage against someone is generally game, considering shocks, possible Thoughtseize and fetches, 8 damage is threatening but i think Sunhome needs to stay, now i do like the idea of Utter End because of the instant removal, ive also been trying to find a spot for the 2nd Tolaria West but no luck finding the right thing to take out yet.
September 14, 2014 12:36 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #18
I played against an Abzan Glittering Wish deck yesterday, and the guy was playing Pillar of the Paruns . It is a ridiculous card, especially when it casts your Voice of Resurgence , Kitchen Finks and Loxodon Smiter s, which are incredibly playable cards.
September 15, 2014 11:13 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #19
Any consideration for the incredibly badass Surrak Dragonclaw out of the sideboard? It sucks to have your Titan countered or some such, and often you won't have another good threat to follow up with.
September 16, 2014 9:58 p.m.
I've definitely considered it, but I'm not totally sure where there's room for it. My two ideas thus-far have been to etiher cut Slaughter Games or to move Empyrial Archangel mainboard. I'm not sure if either justifies its inclusion though. It's only downside is that it isn't hexproof, so Thrun, the Last Troll is quite nice in comparison in a lot of cases.
September 17, 2014 6:39 a.m.
nbarry223 As for Glittering Wish targets, I think my entire deck Glittering Gold can be your target. =)
Check out my SB cards. Rakdos Charm is a card that occupies only 1 slot at SB, but solves 4 decks -- affinity, twin, birthing pod and any graveyard shenenigans.
Counterflux can be your assurance against control just in case you don't have a Cavern of Souls
Sprouting Thrinax is also very good in attrition fights against all jund/junk variants and other creatures decks without path to exile.
Have you ever considered Rakdos's Return and/or Sphinx's Revelation in the SB? The former is very good against control, and the latter is just nuts even if don't have primeval titan.
Lastly, I saw a similar deck piloted by Matthias Hunt. It really has a hard time when a Blood Moon is on the battlefield, specially if its a Blue Moon deck. If you look at my SB, I have a single Wurmcoil Engine . My tech against Blood Moon.
September 18, 2014 5:50 a.m.
nbarry223 Add a Reflecting Pool to act as a glue to all your gold cards since it can be supported by the 6 lands you have that can produce any color. Replace either 1 Vesuva or Slayers' Stronghold
September 18, 2014 6:03 a.m.
Unfortunately, I have to be weary of cards with too many non green mana costs, especially when they are meant to be answers to fast decks. My deck just doesn't produce red/black fast enough for Rakdos Charm to do its job. That was one of my first choices as a potential sideboard card, but the color constraints just don't allow me to play it currently.
I definitely need to tweak this deck further, and have a few changes in mind that should help with the mana problems without any adverse effects (hopefully). I just haven't had the time test any of them.
As far as reflecting pool, the cards that are 5 color sources on their own are just so much more reliable, especially since all of my bounce effects mitigate their downsides.
At first glance, moon might look like my biggest threat, but I actually designed this deck to cope with moon, so it really isn't much of a threat in reality, more of a minor annoyance. There's something like 12 cards that deal with moon in one way or another, so luckily I don't have to really fear it with my greedy manabase.
September 19, 2014 4:58 a.m.
It's been awhile since i played my version of "vigorous" deck. I like how you evolved into something solid. i have a soft spot for Wurmcoil Engine being in the main board.
possible Glittering Wish targets
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight , Hellkite Overlord , Thraximundar
September 22, 2014 6:13 a.m.
The problem is they are so costly. Hellkite Overlord would be amazing if I have the 10 mana open for a regenerate right away (12 if wishing for it), but by that time in the game, I should already be winning. Empyrial Archangel only makes the cut because it allows me to recover, and come from behind for the win in a lot of cases. If I am including any mana intensive cards, they really need to offer something special, because there is just so many cards fighting for the limited amount of slots I have.
Earthsfire says... #1
Hey nbarry223, don't know why I didn't think about this sooner, but what about Autumn's Veil in the board to brute force thru control matches?
July 22, 2014 1:01 a.m.