Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

Modern nbarry223

SCORE: 272 | 889 COMMENTS | 72435 VIEWS | IN 116 FOLDERS

Crazybop09 says... #1

Barry, did you add Gruul Turf ? or has that always been in there and im missing something? and im not sure about Abzan Charm but let me know how it works for you. To be honest, my hardest matchup is twin for some reason, if we dont get Spellskite or if we do and they have Flame Slash or Twisted Image they can easily go off its more of a race but sometimes there burn/counter magic helps them win that. Post board i feel we are even or slightly at a disadvantage... Elderscale Wurm is probably the best card against twin since most U/R twin builds have a hard time getting rid of i guess we could go that route, what are your opinions of the twin match up?

September 23, 2014 2:22 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #2

Yeah, twin is one of the hardest matches, I like Slaughter Games and Abrupt Decay for the twin match also. I am trying out Abzan Charm right now, and I'm not all that sure of how I like it so far. It's never really a dead card, but it hasn't been super useful either. I know I've significantly weakened the twin/infect matches by removing a Spellskite but it is for testing purposes, as that was one of my flexible slots. I'll probably end up putting it back in, in all honesty. Through testing, it seems that Sultai Charm might be a better option for the charm slot, which will give me more incentive to try and fit in a second Tolaria West , simply because monocolored creatures are more plentiful than ones with 3+ power in the current meta. I haven't been liking the Abzan Charm all that much in my testing, so I am going to make the switch now. If there's anything else you'd like me to test, let me know.

Yeah, I swapped a Golgari Rot Farm for Gruul Turf when I changed Maelstrom Pulse into Utter End to see how it does (also fit in another Gemstone Mine later, so it is a lot easier to cast things now). I haven't really found myself wanting black with the current numbers, so it seems to have worked out. The goal was to make Fiery Justice and Destructive Revelry more castable.

September 23, 2014 3:06 p.m.

addaff says... #3

I do want to point out there is a slight error in the Primeval Titan description. Slayers' Stronghold doesn't enter tapped, so you can not activate it multiple times without bouncing it back to your hand, and have multiple land drops available via Summer Bloom .

I'm curious, what led you to cut Explore and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ?

I also noticed you don't have any tutors to find Amulet of Vigor . Obviously you can tell I played the older G/U version of vigor. How well does this build perform without an amulet in the opening hand?

September 26, 2014 12:29 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #4

When lands are fetched via a Primeval Titan trigger, they do indeed enter tapped. The Titan would be extremely broken if that wasn't the case.

The deck generally works fine without amulet. I much prefer a bloom or Azusa to an amulet, since once I hit a certain amount of mana, it basically ensures my win. I'd say I keep around 2/3 hands without amulet in the opener, because they work fine.

One thing is that I generally don't want to be on the play due to the extra draw. I'm undecided as to that being a strength or weakness of the deck though.

September 26, 2014 3:31 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #5

Unfortunately, I think Utter End is going to be the only card from the new set worth using. I had very high hopes for the charms, but the three colors is just too much for this deck right now, for what they do anyway.

I think I am going to keep the small mana changes that I did to accommodate more colors though. They seem to have worked very well without a noticeable downside so far.

October 15, 2014 3:14 a.m.

Tynasi says... #6

Okay either I'm doing something wrong or I'm just an idiot I can't even manage to get a turn 4 win with this deck when play testing it or I've had one, but you're talking about turn 2 and 3 wins. I just don't see it.

October 19, 2014 5:31 a.m.

addaff says... #7

How about adding one Flesh / Blood in the Sideboard as a Glittering Wish target?

October 19, 2014 12:25 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #8


Turn 2 and 3 wins can happen, but not all that often unless you are chasing them (which isn't suggested). I'd say maybe 1/10 games is a potential turn 2-3 win, somewhere around there anyway (your opponent can still interact and stop those amazing hands).

I'd say the deck averages around turn 4-5 unless you are playing very conservatively against control or a really fast combo deck. If you aren't winning by then, then yes, you are probably doing something wrong.


Unfortunately, that is sorcery speed, and uses the word "target" which is something I'm not a huge fan of, since they can remove my creature in response and effectively 2 for 1 me. It also relies on having something else to even be useful, which is not something I like to do either.

October 19, 2014 11:27 p.m.

Tynasi says... #9

oh okay I averaged out at turn 5 after play testing it about 10 times after I wrote my comment, but that was before I realized their are some interesting bounce interactions with Slayers' Stronghold which is kind of fun :).

October 20, 2014 12:40 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #10

You should be averaging a lot faster than turn 5. You should almost always win when you resolve a titan, possibly a turn later if they have removal (and you fetch safely expecting the removal).

The deck is quite capable of racing the 'fast' decks like twin, infect, and burn. The key is getting used to all the interactions in the deck; it is probably the most difficult to pilot of any modern deck I've seen so far. However, that's the part I enjoy most when piloting this deck, since I am a blue player at heart, and the proactive choice making is a nice change from the reactive choice making that blue players usually do.

I like to think this is about as far from a mono-green face bashing deck as you can get, even though the deck is almost entirely green. It feels like the deck should be blue sometimes, and other times you end up playing solitaire as your opponent is unable to stop a combo.

The variance in the ways the deck is capable of winning is probably its greatest strength. They need to attack my mana engine to side effectively against this deck, anything else is futile. The engine itself is very difficult to stop outside of counterspells. Most people attack the Amulet of Vigor which really isn't needed anyway.

You should thoroughly read the description if you want to try piloting it effectively. I went over pretty much every interaction in various sections. There are also quite a few cards that are flexible and can be swapped depending on meta if you do choose to try and pilot it. This is just the build I feel is most powerful against any and all modern decks (even rogue ones, since my board deals with TYPES of cards, instead of just specific cards).

October 20, 2014 1:08 a.m.

Tynasi says... #11

I've read the description twice my problem wasn't that I couldn't understand the interactions my problem was that when I play test, I test against other decks to see how it does not just on it's own. If I'm assuming my opponent is doing nothing then yeah I can win turn 3-4 every time more of less, but assuming I'm playing against say a "Faeries" deck which is quite prevalent in my groups meta game or another deck that runs interference which I feel is this decks biggest problem then I find it's quite hard to win prior to turn 5.

The biggest problem I see with this deck which isn't even really a problem as it's like that for everybody is if you try to get your titan into play and fail or it's killed immediately.

I really love this deck for several reasons. I think it's consistent in what it does, but it sometimes feels like you only need 1 Path to Exile to stop it from going off. That's something you can account for though so it's not really that big of a deal, but like you I'm a blue player I love it when I can control exactly what my opponent is allowed to do so I get a little frustrated.

Other than that I think I just need some more experience with actually playing it, but I kinda already build it :) had the cards lying around so why not I'm going to break it out at a local modern event in a week I usually play Ad Nauseam though so this is going to be a big change.

Thanks for taking the time to talk to me though I realize I should have been more specific, but honest to god don't you find that sometimes you can just whiff completely because someone pathed your titan?

October 20, 2014 1:34 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #12

No. If they are playing white and I am unsure if they have path or not (or even some black sometimes) I fetch Tolaria West and Simic Growth Chamber on the first fetch. That basically ensures you can transmute into another threat. I've tried coming up with a way to fit in 2, in case that second threat is dealt with just as swiftly, but I haven't been able to find space that doesn't hurt some other aspect of the deck, unfortunately.

The beauty of the deck is, if it's really counter and removal heavy, Thrun, the Last Troll can be your target for Summoner's Pact . Primeval Titan isn't always the best choice, it's just the glue that holds the deck together. The hard to remove flyers are good sideboard choices against path decks also.

October 20, 2014 7:36 p.m.

Tynasi says... #13

I guess that's true, it's not that the deck can't deal with more or less anything, it's whether or not you're experienced enough to foresee what you're going to have to deal with. It's a beautiful deck you've got going here and I'm looking forward to trying it out. Again thank you for your time and wish you the best of luck in the future. Definitely got my +1

October 21, 2014 1 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #14

Yup, thanks. Keep me posted on how it fairs in your meta. I can definitely help with suggestions to tweak to whatever meta, if you'd like to elaborate on what decks are prevalent.

October 21, 2014 3:40 a.m.

Tynasi says... #15

I mean we have one player who plays a mill deck, but that's just side in Leyline of Sanctity and he's pretty much screwed just got to mulligan till I get one in opening hand. Though I'll assume like everywhere else Tron, Affinity, infect and Melira Pod are the most prevalent decks in my meta surprisingly I've got a pretty good vin rate with Ad Nauseam against everything, but Melira Pod. If this changes the composition of the deck I'd be awesome if you could tell me.

October 21, 2014 5:27 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #16

Well, if you know there's no graveyard based decks, I'd definitely switch out Wheel of Sun and Moon and Scavenging Ooze for a third Abrupt Decay and Hide/Seek which is really powerful in everything but infect (if tron runs that singleton Emrakul, the Aeons Torn anyway). If you don't want to abandon graveyard hate completely, just cut the wheel, and pick whichever swap you think is better. Those decks all struggle with removal, except for tron, which you have quite a few side cards against already. Chalice of the Void to stop the 1 CMC cantrips, and Slaughter Games to name karn, are generally two I include against R/G tron.

Aside from the affinity matchup, you should be siding out the wishes to speed up the match, in affinity, you keep them in your main for Fracturing Gust because it is just that devastating. You still need to side in the standard hate packages, of course.

Of those decks, I'd say infect is going to be your toughest match up. If you know who runs infect, it shouldn't be that bad, but going in blind against infect is tough, because they generally win the first game, unless you happen to hit Spellskite miraculously, or just outrace them. Post board, infect isn't nearly as bad though.

October 21, 2014 10:04 a.m.

Tynasi says... #17

I Went I Saw I Conquered! I found some weaknesses in the deck though maybe it's just cuz I'm playing it wrong, but I'll touch on that in a bit. Overall I went 4-0 so that was great :).

First matchup. 2-1

VS Affinity

I opened with the god hand in my first game of the day I don't feel bad for saying I won turn 3 I was so surprised when I saw it. Literally Amulet of Vigor x2 Summer Bloom x2 Primeval Titan Forest Selesnya Sanctuary need I say more the game was over when I saw my hand :) I was on the play so even though he had a strong start with Mox Opal Memnite Ornithopter into Steel Overseer the second I resolved my titan and hit him for a lot he scoped.

2 game was closer he sided in Ethersworn Canonist and got it out early and started the beatdown with Cranial Plating on an Ornithopter and eventually I was forced to scope since I didn't draw any answers for Ethersworn Canonist

3rd game was a matter of luck I managed to stall the game out early with Courser of Kruphix and lucked out with a Glittering Wish for Fracturing Gust to stop his beat down he'd overextended a lot so from their I took off pulling out a clutch win in a close game.

Second game 2-0

VS Tron

These two games were really weird and I got the feeling that the guy who was playing was new to modern. He didn't mulligan once even though he didn't have a way to get his full set of Urza lands. The matches were just all over the place and I picked up two really easy wins.

Third game 2-1

VS U/B Mill

He was on the play and even though I started with a turn 1 Amulet of Vigor and had Azusa, Lost but Seeking a bounce land plus a Summoner's Pact in hand he Glimpsed me turn 2 luckily not hitting anything vital, but by turn 3 when I searched he hit me twice with an Archive Trap and there was no way I could come back from it when he killed my Primeval Titan and used Surgical Extraction to get the rest.

Game 2 was in my favor as I started the game with a Leyline of Sanctity on the field which immediately forced him to scope (no idea why he didn't expect that).

Game 3 however he completely switched up his game plan I mulliganed down to 4 again getting a Leyline of Sanctity in my opening hand, but this time he had changed his deck up. He had sided out all the mill cards in favor of creatures and since I started with a 2 card disadvantage(I was on the draw), it didn't look good. Courser of Kruphix came to my aid yet again Stalling out for me early, then I managed to get a Primeval Titan in play grabbing Tolaria West and Simic Growth Chamber when he entered. Bouncing Tolaria to my hand and transmuting it with some help from Tendo Ice Bridge I managed to grab a Summoner's Pact . This turned out to be the correct play as he killed my titan before it even got to attack. Realizing I had to play the long game rather than a fast agro game I grabbed Thrun, the Last Troll and used him as a trading tool and due to the regenerate I managed to eventually stall out and take the win.

Last game of the day 2-0

VS Ad Nauseam

I was very surprised when I realized what deck he was playing usually I'm the only one who plays Ad nauseam all the people their more or less only play "Top Tier" decks. I was expecting to lose the first game as that's generally how it goes against Ad Nauseam my hand was pretty decent though so I still had a chance. I was on the play and started out with a turn 1 Amulet of Vigor however my hand didn't support a win any faster than turn 4 and he started out with a Lotus Bloom so I realized it was going to be down to whether or not he had the combo in his hand. He went turn 4 and started his combo Ad Nauseam with an Angel's Grace resolved before it. However, he made a mistake. When resolving Ad Nauseam he asked me if I wanted to scope and I replied that I would very much like to see as many cards as he was willing to show me. I don't know if he was just nervous or if I threw him off, but he decided to reveal as few cards as possible and when he then cast his Lightning Storm with lethal damage on it I reversed it to him enough times so that he couldn't send it back to me, he had not gotten enough lands in hand to deal lethal and be prepared for me turning it against him, It's kind of clever in a way that you keep lands in you hand because you want to bounce them with Amulet of Vigor .

2 game isn't really worth talking about as I basically started with a Leyline of Sanctity in play forcing him to wait for a card like Echoing Truth to get rid of it and he just didn't draw it in time to stop me from killing him.

That was maybe a bit too long of an explanation, but you did say to keep you posted :). I was wondering whether or not you think playing a second Boros Garrison is worth it just so if you don't have the second amulet or extra land spell you can still get 10 damage in on that first turn after you summon Primeval Titan just a thought. I didn't really feel it was a fair test as I had some opponents that seemed rather new to playing modern, but overall the deck had a solid showing and it turned a lot of heads :).

October 26, 2014 5:10 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

In the mill game, pre-board, you have two ways to go about it, in my opinion. You can opt not to search (unless it is vital), or you can try to Mosswort Bridge into a Glittering Wish for Wheel of Sun and Moon on yourself.

Keep in mind Vesuva can copy any land. I've yet to see a play where you couldn't leave the Boros Garrison in play tapped, and just copy it later. What were the weaknesses you saw? I didn't really hear too much about those, and that's what I am really interested in.

October 26, 2014 2:24 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #19

Also, The affinity game where you had the godhand, you should have won turn 2, and swung for lethal. Here's how:

Turn 1: Forest, amulet.

Turn 2: tap forest for second amulet, then proceed to play bounces, etc. Fetch Slayers' Stronghold and Boros Garrison with the tian, and untap them both TWICE with the amulet triggers (pretty sure you should understand the stack and how that works, so I won't go into it). Then double strike with the Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion

In that case it didn't really matter, but sometimes you can pull it off when it is do or die, so it is something you should learn for sure. I also suggest trying to learn how to dig through the deck for answers with Mosswort Bridge bouncelands and extra land plays when you have over 10 power, as that has saved my ass on numerous occasions also.

October 26, 2014 2:40 p.m.

Tynasi says... #20

I always forget that because of Primeval Titan Slayers' Stronghold also untaps xD I'm such an idiot. Yeah sorry i forgot to mention those and mostly the whole Boros Garrison thing was because i don't have a Gruul Turf so i opted for 2 Boros Garrison instead so was just wondering what your thoughts were on that.

About the weaknesses i saw maybe it was just because as i said i need practice with playing the deck and understanding every little nuance keep in mind when i said "weaknesses" it's just because i didn't know what else to call it. I'm not going to pretend I know the ins and outs of this deck better than you, but here are my thoughts.

I played your deck list exactly as it is with a few exceptions one being no Gruul Turf and the second being no Scavenging Ooze or Sigarda, Host of Herons in the side board i opted for an extra Abrupt Decay and a second Ancient Stirrings . After my actually matches that day (we're continueing the tournement next weekend so if you want i can let you know how i fare against the top 8), I started playing with some friends just for fun also because they wanted to see the deck and how it worked, don't worry i gave you credit and said it was a deck found online and told them where to find it so they could see for themselves. Well since the matches were just for fun i tried some different things playing around with the side board. Initially i didn't understand why you had Ancient Stirrings in the deck until i realized just how good it is and i was actually thinking I'd like to find a way to play the second one. My reasons are this I had 3 games that day where i mulliganed down to 4 cards 2 of them were to try and get an amulet in my hand because you need that amulet otherwise you're fucked and Ancient Stirrings actually help immensely with that. So to sum up my very confusing thoughts on the matter Amulet of Vigor is such an important card especially pre-board if you don't know what your opponent is playing that you're almost forced to mulligan until you get one in hand and i feel maybe it would help since i feel like you could possibly keep a hand with ancient stirrings in it if the rest of the cards are what you need them to be even if it would just increase the odds a little. Thoughts?

I'm a huge fan of Manamorphose in storm decks, but I'm a little confused on why you play it in here if it's just because you want two cards that basically aren't even cards since they cost the same mana they give and draw you a card(with all the green in here you don't really need to fix your mana tbh), I found myself getting frustrated every time i drew it since it just felt like such a waste of space to me. Thoughts?

I'm a huge fan of Lotus Cobra and it was such a nice card and never felt wasted when i had it in my hand, but i have no idea what I would possibly take out for the 4th one hell I'm not even sure it's needed i just really love that it can replace one of the amulets and i want to increase the chance of getting that turn 3 win, but thats maybe just me. I realize the Acidic Slime is for the tron matchup so that isn't really an option unless one is ready to forfeit that first match.

Overall like i said above it's not so much "weaknesses" as it is probably just player preference, but I'd like to know what your thoughts are. I can't change my current deck list for the tournement for obvious reasons, but maybe for the next one it would be nice to know alternative ways to build the deck.

Again really love the deck it's so much fun to play and it also feels like a top tier deck.

October 27, 2014 12:43 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #21

Alright. I'd suggest replacing Gruul Turf with a green bounce-land (probably Golgari Rot Farm instead of a second Boros Garrison , because that lack of green can really kill you (or just buy one, they are like 50 cents i think) when considering certain hands for mulligans.

I did run two Ancient Stirrings for quite a while, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I made the swap when I made room for another land to help with mana-fixing for when I was testing out charms. You'd end up cutting a Gemstone Mine and changing Gruul Turf into Golgari Rot Farm to alleviate the color strain to a degree. I might actually go back to two Ancient Stirrings since I don't really need the color fixing now, and they help immensely when any artifact is pivotal in a match, like Spellskite can be. I'm not currently using the deck in anything competitive, so I'm leaving it in its "testing state" for now. I'd say the aforementioned swaps for the second ancient stirrings is probably slightly better for competitive play.

Manamorphose is mainly there as an answer to Blood Moon as it produces the double green from 2 red needed to cast basically anything in the deck, most notably Primeval Titan which can then fetch two actual Forest . It does help alleviate some color strain too, at no real cost to the deck.

When I was running 4 Lotus Cobra I tended to have too much mana and not enough to spend it on, but that could have just been me. Feel free to test a fourth copy if you'd like.

I strongly suggest picking up a Scavenging Ooze if you find your meta ever having any graveyard based decks. That single copy let's you run 5 copies thanks to Summoner's Pact in games 2 and 3, which is really devastating. It sounded like you are lucky enough not to have to deal with graveyard based decks though, so maybe you don't need it.

It is a very difficult deck to play, and an even tougher deck to master. You'll get better with it as time goes on. The amulet is definitely nice to have in an opening hand, but I wouldn't chase after it too much. You basically want to have a plan to have out 6 mana by turn 3, or a variety of useful mana dorks in the opener. An amulet is not at all necessary, it just speeds up our clock by a turn in most cases.

October 27, 2014 2:13 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #22

I missed you talking about considering an Ancient Stirrings an Amulet of Vigor the first time I read the comment.

I am going to strongly warn you not to do that when considering your hand for mulligans. There's a little less than a 1/3 chance that you will see an amulet in the top 4, so it is far safer to consider it as a land, than it is banking on that amulet and having nothing to do until turn 3. If the hand is still keep-able when you view it as a land, then feel free to go for it. I prefer not to take unnecessary risks when I play, as it helps bring some consistency, to an otherwise glass-canon like line of play.

October 27, 2014 1:02 p.m.

I think Firemane Angel could be a nice target for Glittering Wish, as it is not the biggest beater, it is resilient to hand hate because if it is put in the graveyard you still gain life. Loxodon Hierarch could be a nice sideboard option too as it isn't very expensive, you gain life, and you can regenerate another creature. Tolsimir Wolfblood can be good or Wilt-Leaf Liege / Boartusk Liege as it pumps your creatures and Tolsmir gives a creature but Liege is more resilient, either one of those I like. Master of the Wild Hunt I like as a one of in the sideboard, as he is another win condition and a great board presence. Bull Cerodon could also be another target for Glittering Wish.

November 7, 2014 6:26 a.m.

Mage Slayer could be nice in the sideboard as Glittering Wish can also fetch it. Mage Slayer will ensure the damage goes through without trample.

November 7, 2014 6:34 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #25

I don't need resilience to hand hate. I can't function when they target my hand to make the mana to pay for creatures in a timely manner, which is why Leyline of Sanctity is such a pivotal sideboard card.

Firemane Angel is useful, but I can't think of any situations where I'd rather have it than Sigarda, Host of Herons or Empyrial Archangel

All the other creatures just don't do a lot when you compare them with my other non-ramp creatures. I have my ramp/non-ramp creatures at the ratio I feel works best, so I'd have to cut something I feel makes a bigger impact to make room.

Mage Slayer is essentially paying 6 to get through, at the point, I'll just summon another creature.

November 7, 2014 1:01 p.m.

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