Have you considered a Gaddock Teeg in the sideboard?? It has worked wonders for me my version of this build...
December 31, 2014 6:04 a.m.
Yes, I have. The meta has moved to more of an aggro meta for me, so he just doesn't do enough at the moment. Usually he'd just eat a Lightning Bolt or some other removal if he ever was relevant, unfortunately. Gaddock Teeg, Crime/Punishment, and Rakdos Charm are all cards I wish I could play, but there just isn't enough room for everything.
I could try cutting a Spellskite for him mainboard, and see how that goes though. I'll probably have to adjust the sideboard accordingly. I'll give it some play testing later (quite busy right now, so probably something like a month down the line). I do see that he is probably relevant even against aggro, since a lot of them live off of Treasure Cruise. It will probably be a beneficial swap if I can balance it properly, thanks.
December 31, 2014 10:27 a.m.
Are there any cards beyond:
that Gaddock Teeg has been especially powerful against? I haven't had a chance to play anything competitive in quite some time, so I am not totally up to date on what types of cards see a lot of play now. I have noticed a shift to more of an aggro meta though, just from friends and the likes. I'd love to hear opinions on Gaddock Teeg vs Spellskite if anyone has any also. I'm thinking 1 of each right now, just because diversity is generally a good thing, but unfortunately, Spellskite can't be tutor'd for, so it will definitely hurt the matches where it was important.
December 31, 2014 6:18 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #5
You missed Treasure Cruise, Dig Through Time and Siege Rhino in that list. If what you already listed doesn't Teeg over the top, I think those three should.
What exactly is your reasoning on Spellskite? It protects your Titan from removal, but I'm sure 1 copy would suffice.
December 31, 2014 6:21 p.m.
slovakattack says... #7
GlistenerAgent: As far as I know, Teeg doesn't stop Siege Rhino, as it's a creature.
Could you imagine a 2 drop that said 'all spells with cmc 4 or higher can't be played' instead of 'noncreature?'
That'd make D&T tier 1 in Modern fo sho...
December 31, 2014 8:07 p.m.
Well, I use Spellskite mainly for Splinter Twin and infect matches. Those were my two worst matches, and it was my filler card of choice, they've decreased in the meta though, so might be time for a change.
December 31, 2014 11:49 p.m.
Gaddock Teeg, as far I as I have used him, is worth playing against pod, tron. But, I play him in the sideboard and play an additional Glittering Wish in the main. He may be useful against other Deck but i can't know until the next tournament.
January 1, 2015 4:33 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #10
Ah, missed the noncreature part. My bad. Still, I think Splinter Twin and Infect are played so little as of now that one Spellskite can go.
January 1, 2015 11:18 a.m.
That's probably true. I'll try to test it when I get a chance.
January 1, 2015 10:48 p.m.
yeah, and it's a good blocker against things like zoo, it is quite versatile, I will test out the 2/2 hatebear nonetheless.
January 2, 2015 12:02 a.m.
I run a Genwave-Titan deck and Mosswort Bridge is damn fantastic.
Have you considered Craterhoof Behemoth in here for a bomb (Just as a 1 of)
I find getting him tucked into a mosswort is huge and late game you could fetch him for a blowout
January 6, 2015 7:01 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #15
Anything in here you think could be replaced with more budget cards without making the deck bad? (obviously not the pacts/titan/azusa/combo, but more your utilities that are more unusual to the deck)
also is Seal of Primordium just better than Destructive Revelry? Aside from being wishable, the revelry demands having a forest in play, where the seal can be prepared in advance, and blood moon decks can't really answer an enchantment efficiently.
January 7, 2015 1:27 a.m.
Primeval Titan can basically function as Craterhoof Behemoth since I really never flood out lots of creatures, and the titan can haste itself, and actually double strike with the 2 mana difference in casting cost. Titan is just a lot more versatile, and can in fact be a bomb if needed.
Destructive Revelry is an instant, which means you can float your green mana in response to them casting the Blood Moon before it resolves. That green can come from anywhere. Then, you can tap any land after the Blood Moon resolves. It's never let me down, honestly. All instant removal spells work like that, which is why instant speed is so much more powerful than sorcery speed. If it wasn't, I'd be running Maelstrom Pulse (which does bounce in and out of my sideboard occasionally).
January 7, 2015 1:50 a.m.
What do you think about replacing the Ancient Stirrings for Foresee?
January 7, 2015 2:29 p.m.
Ancient Stirrings actually functions as a land in this deck, more or less. If an artifact is important in the matchup, it is slightly more useful, but generally it is a bounce/non-bounce land, whichever I need more. Foresee is a bit slow for the deck. By the time I am producing 4 mana, the game is basically over, in my favor or not. If I can make 4, I can generally make 6. That is why there really isn't anything in the 4 and 5 CMC slots, unless they are utility.
Replacing what, and for what purpose? I don't really see it as anything more than a hard to cast beater, which my deck has plenty of, which are easier to cast. The colored casting costs are the difficult parts, by the time I can produce black AND white, more often than not I can make 6 mana too. If it was OR, it would be a different story, but two non-green colors can be tricky to hit at the same time sometimes. I just don't see it doing enough for me to justify cutting something else.
January 8, 2015 1:36 a.m.
What about moving Manamorphose to the side board? You will hardly ever come across Blood Moon g1. This opens up 2 slots in your main board to increase your consistency.
January 17, 2015 6:43 p.m.
Like what? I actually like it main, since it essentially cuts me down to a 58 card deck. And if I was going to put it in the side, I'd probably put in some other removal or something instead. I'm very open to suggestions as there are four slots that I view as "flexible" in my build, Gaddock Teeg, Spellskite, and amazingly enough, Glittering Wish which is actually one of the deck's signature cards. If something else comes out more useful, or I find something better, I will not hesitate to cut any of them.
If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears; I have played around with those last slots quite a bit (I like the numbers on everything else). If you wanted to move Manamorphose into the side, I'd suggest just straight cutting it, for something with more general use, as Manamorphose is very narrow beyond a free slot that coincidentally answers Blood Moon.
January 17, 2015 10:41 p.m.
I got to say, I truely love the complexity of plays this deck can make. It's basically a land combo version of pod.
I do have a question, (not a sugestion): Is using Orzhov Basilica + Vault of the Archangel with a Primeval Titan attack viable in sertain matchups?
Reading through your info, I'm guessing that lifegain is not relevant with Elderscale Wurm as it is a more permanent solution to the problem, but I would like to hear your take.
Love the deck, ~Ealon
January 18, 2015 12:57 a.m.
For that, I'd rather just get Boros Garrison (or Vesuva) and Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion as most creatures aren't 7+ toughness (or 9 if I've activated Slayers' Stronghold already). I only care about getting through, and that would be adding a lot of unneeded clutter to my mana base, when one card, Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion, basically accomplishes the same thing. Deathtouch is quite fun in here though, I've tested Bow of Nylea and Turntimber Basilisk in here. Although both were fun, they just didn't do enough to help me win, in my opinion anyway.
What I really need is for Elvish Spirit Guide to get reprinted in a modern-legal set, but that'll never happen. Being able to turn Summoner's Pact into a green mana would be huge for this deck. Any other finishers that are resilient to removal and/or counters would be nice additions too. I compare them all to Thrun, the Last Troll, and Primeval Titan though, so most fall short. I am quite open to any and all suggestions of things that could possibly work, whether they are green or not, creatures or not. Some of the best things I've tested were neither, such as Trade Routes, but unfortunately, the metagame is just too fast paced for it.
nbarry223 says... #1
Added in the new custom categories to help see certain numbers more clearly, really like this feature. Unfortunately, it doesn't do anything with my sideboard, so it isn't quite as useful as it could be in my opinion.
December 28, 2014 3:39 p.m.