Yeah, I have it in there for the elderscale synergy. I've never really had the urborg thing happen to me, but that could be useful. I don't need to make the swap, but that's an interesting option, I'll keep it under consideration and throw it in the description, thanks.
I looked at Garruk Relentless Flip a long time ago, in a much different meta. He definitely seems worth revisiting, thanks again.
March 3, 2015 1:36 a.m.
I'd probably cut the third Cavern of Souls if I were to cut anything, since I rarely struggle against control (the second Forest really can't be cut, and the card draw from Horizon Canopy has saved me a few times).
I've thought about Dryad Arbor instead of Khalni Garden, since it is a threatening blocker against some of the 1 toughness beaters, often deterring an attack that the 0/2 wouldn't. It hurts more when it dies to removal though, so it is a trade-off. I definitely see where you are coming from though, with GBx being such a large percentage of the meta.
Don't worry about spreading out the comments, I'd prefer you to do that than not post at all because you just posted recently, haha.
March 3, 2015 1:45 a.m.
I'm looking at Mana Bloom, Garruk Relentless Flip, and Engineered Explosives as my most likely candidates for the mainboard slot(s). I'm still not sure if Hornet Queen is staying main or going to the side...
The toss up between Dryad Arbor and Khalni Garden is proving tough (mostly depends on Amulet of Vigor or no amulet), I'll have to give it more time and testing. Having the 2 Vesuva really allows me to utilize utility lands to their fullest potential without limiting options, so the choices can be pretty tough. I am pretty sure I can cut the third copy of Cavern of Souls for one safely though.
Thanks again for everything to think about, it's been really helpful.
March 3, 2015 3:12 a.m.
So I've narrowed it down to Garruk Relentless Flip (potential removal and tutoring, along with obvious token producing) and Mana Bloom (ramp and color fixing).
I'm starting to lean towards Garruk Relentless Flip simply because of the once a turn clause in Mana Bloom, really wish it was more like Pentad Prism and could be used whenever.
March 3, 2015 12:47 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #6
yeah the bloom isn't too good. It seems situational and also, not a threat at all.
I would absolutely go Khalni Garden over Dryad Arbor, the garden has synergy with karoo lands for repeats without needing vesuva, and can be used the turn it comes down with amulet (where the arbor has summoning sickness either way).
March 3, 2015 1:01 p.m.
Snagdurkle says... #7
Hey, I am super interested in building this deck but its kind of steep to build. Have you play tested it? In like FNM or any sort of modern tourney? How did it stack up?
March 3, 2015 7:05 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #8
I play a build pretty close to this at fnms and it works well. If you're looking to reduce the cost, the amount of Cavern of Souls is higher than is necessary, Horizon Canopy is good but again, not necessary and decently high-priced (both are changes I've made for my playing it)
over all it's a really fun deck to play, and when people see amulet they don't expect this version of the deck at all. it's fun to use, does pretty well at FNMs (I've had one modern event with it, and it was my first time piloting the deck, I went like 1-2, but I blame most of my losses on not mulliganing when I should have or otherwise misplaying) It does take a good amount of getting used to to know when to keep and when to ditch your hand. The deck won a game each match, and will definitely do better when I'm better at piloting it. nbarry223 can say more, he's been playing it much longer than I have, and made the deck, just thought I would throw in my two-cents as someone who is relatively new to using it.
March 4, 2015 12:18 a.m.
I find it does fine, but as stated, the learning curve behind it is much larger than pretty much any deck out there.
It took me close to 3 months to learn all the interactions that were possible, how to side effectively, etc. and I built the deck...
It is definitely fun to pilot, but you have to decide if you like a deck like this, or something a little more straightforward. Keepable hands do change depending on the match, given the amount of "silver bullets" that are in here. You also have to decide what cards are irrelevant when siding, and try to move them all out if possible.
Try reading the description fully and ask questions if you'd like to know anything else, or something specific that's not in there.
Quite a few people run "versions" of this, so hopefully one of them can comment on its competitiveness, since I am too biased as the creator to give you a good idea about that.
March 4, 2015 12:54 a.m.
So I've piloted this deck quite a few times I wouldn't say I'm the best at it by any stretch, but I'm probably not the worst either.
I've had varying success with it depending on how often I see Splinter Twin, I can't quite work my way around it it's not like you can't beat it, but it's tough I'd say 50/50 at best. That and infect are probably the hardest matchups at least from my experience and if they're prevalent in your local meta I would probably not run this deck and if you face a lot of Blood Moon don't expect to win often, that card is devastating against this deck.
Every other matchup is winnable and quite a few become a mixture of luck and skill though mostly skill. it's good against affinity post board though can win pre, same with pretty much any deck it has a lot of good matchup like soul sisters and other decks that don't put you on a tight clock.
The bottom line is more often than not whether you win or lose will come down to how well you understand the deck and it's limits. It has the tools to deal with pretty much anything, but if you're not playing it right then you'll find yourself in trouble.
Don't expect instant results like nbarry223 said it's quite hard to master, but that in my opinion is what makes it so fun to play. Also this is based on my experience with the deck I might be wrong I can't say for sure though I'll stand by everything I've said
March 4, 2015 2:01 a.m.
I definitely agree that twin and infect are the two hardest matches (thus the Spellskite). Blood Moon is more or less a non-issue for me anymore, given the Manamorphose, Abrupt Decay, and Swan Song. You can pretty much tell when a player is going to side it in, looking at their manabase in game 1, and play around it (if it is mainboard game 1, you have your work cut out for you in that match).
Abrupt Decay is strong against twin, and infect dies to Chalice of the Void. They are still dificult matches regardless, although I'd say slightly better than a coin flip overall (probably around a 40% chance to win game 1, and 60% chance post board). I definitely agree with the assessment of those two being the most difficult matches, I've said it myself multiple times.
I'll also tag Crazybop09 and dunn086 since they've also piloted their own versions of this deck.
March 4, 2015 2:24 a.m.
nbarry223 I just saw somebody asking for opinions and decided to share mine it's not like I think I know the deck better than the creator not even close. I have a couple questions if you don't mind though mostly looking for an opinion.
Do you think it's worth running 3 or even 4 Abrupt Decay in the sideboard it's just all around such a good card and I've never not liked drawing it.
Garruk Relentless Flip I'm not following on this one, why would you run this card? I saw you mention him and tried putting him in, but he just does nothing for me needless to say he was out pretty quickly.
Hornet Queen Sure it's a good card, but it's not that awesome I've only had it be useful to me a couple times, whereas thrun for example has won matches for me out of the blue more often than I can remember. I might be missing an interaction, but to me this is just a stall card thoughts?
In my opinion you're running too many lands that aren't bounce lands when I pilot the deck I run 10 sometimes more and I would probably remove Mana Confluence and City of Brass I'm not saying it's better, but I strongly believe it makes a difference. When you're already running Gemstone Mine and Tendo Ice Bridge do you really think they're needed?
It's not that I think I know better I just think it's worth thinking about.
March 4, 2015 2:54 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #13
most of the comments right now were about what led to Garruk Relentless Flip, basically there was an empty spot and it's a playable card that has multiple functions, and eventually acts as an alternate to Summoner's Pact, which is pretty good in the build running some silver-bullets. Definitely not a necessary card though, and pretty cuttable.
March 4, 2015 3:14 a.m.
First of all, your opinions are more than welcome, don't hesitate to throw them out there.
Hornet Queen is there against aggro (with removal) when you're behind and need to recover. 5 deathtouch creatures is difficult for any creature based deck to get through. It's more of a defensive card, much like Elderscale Wurm, except more resilient to removal. It replaced what I had Empyrial Archangel for.
I'm trying out Garruk Relentless Flip for now, and have liked it so far. I like the idea of something that continuously generates advantage and can protect itself, which is why I've tried to fit in a planeswalker in here (probably trying to fit one in more than I should, but hey, it doesn't hurt to give something a thorough testing). If it seems too slow or like too much of a Lightning Bolt target, it will just come out and I'll be in the same boat I was in earlier.
Merciless Eviction is another card that's a new swap, which shows a great amount of potential and I've contemplated for a long time. Now seemed like a good chance to give it a good testing too.
As far as bounce lands go, I find when I up the count too much, I find myself having to throw away a lot of good hands because I only have bounces in hand. I do tend to play this as a tempo deck sometimes (using my mana dorks as beaters) instead of a combo deck, if the hand allows it. I run mana fixers over bounces so I can have that turn one land drop more consistently, especially with all my greedy colors. I originally had them as Gemstone Mine and Tendo Ice Bridge but made the swap because too many were bad if I couldn't bounce them quick enough.
Abrupt Decay is indeed a powerhouse, but I try not to run too many cards that require open mana. I could see myself possibly going up to 3, but 4 just seems like too much. I would never want more than one of them in an opening hand, simply because of the double colored cost making it a little difficult to cast sometimes.
Those are just my findings, as always, people can tweak it to their liking.
March 4, 2015 3:31 a.m.
If you'd like to suggest something else for the Garruk Relentless Flip and Merciless Eviction slots, I'll give that a try too. I'm just at the point where I'm out of ideas and am basically waiting for some amazing spoiler (low CMC) with every new set. I doubt they will ever print something that powerful though, so yeah, I keep testing and re-testing cards.
The Elder Dragons do indeed look promising, have really high hopes for the green ones, haha.
March 4, 2015 3:38 a.m.
If one of the main draws of Garruk Relentless Flip is the tutoring ability, you could try a more soft tutor like Commune with Nature.
March 4, 2015 1:26 p.m.
Unfortunately, Garruk Relentless Flip seemed to let me down too much. He just didn't generate enough advantage in this shell. I moved Hornet Queen to the side, and put an Abrupt Decay and another Golgari Rot Farm in the main. I'll see how it goes (keeping the Khalni Garden over Cavern of Souls though, liked that swap).
Putrefy is replacing Merciless Eviction for now, since there are a few times when I'd like to remove a 4+ cmc creature, and just can't, even post-board.
March 4, 2015 1:30 p.m.
As far as tutors go, I'd probably go with Plunge into Darkness if I had to pick one, since it can find any type of card I might need. Its biggest downside is that it exiles everything else, so I might end up exiling an important utility land or something while searching out that piece. If I end up moving an Abrupt Decay or two to the main so I have to keep mana open at eot, it might just end up going back in as a tutor.
March 4, 2015 1:41 p.m.
Snagdurkle says... #19
Do you think committing to the Glittering Wish package would be a good idea?
March 4, 2015 3:02 p.m.
Meaning what?
I am fairly committed to it already, I just have essential non-wish targets in there also.
March 4, 2015 3:26 p.m.
I found that even three was too much, as sometimes there's nothing super useful to grab, or it's just too slow.
March 5, 2015 12:34 a.m.
Just thought I'd throw in...I managed to get this deck (except with slightly different card choices) to go 4-2 at my last modern event. It is worth noting that I was too hungover to talk that day.
slpinter twin isn't a problem because Rakdos Charm, Engineered Explosives, Far and Slaughter Games.
Scapeshift hasn't been a problem because...reasons (I managed a turn 3 slaughter games naming scapeshift which was amazing).
Blood moon hasn't been a problem because it just isn't really.
What has ruined me many times is RUW control/geist. but that shouldn't be different now the the Cavern of Souls.
March 5, 2015 1:12 a.m.
Even I still make misplays haha, it is a difficult deck to use, for sure.
March 5, 2015 1:36 a.m.
Omg, Dragonlord Dromoka will probably find a home in here (somewhere). She's like the half of anti-control that Sigarda, Host of Herons is missing.
I've made further changes to the main/side, all of which have proven very useful. The Khalni Garden tokens feeding Plunge into Darkness was a very happy synergy.
asasinater13 says... #1
last thing (sorry for not getting it all in one comment) your mana base doesn't have Khalni Garden which can be very relevant for a turn-two titan against an abzan or other G/B/x deck where you're running into liliana's their turn three, depending on meta more important than a third Cavern of Souls, the Horizon Canopy, or the second Forest.
March 3, 2015 1:31 a.m.