asasinater13 says... #2
poulkranos is good against abzan. it beats all their creatures and only dies to path. A lot of this deck does that, but it's only 4 mana so it functions early even if there isn't as much fast mana as hoped, like lacking a bloom or an amulet. Also I'm running it because someone at my local club plays modern elves, and monstrousing it for as low as 3 kills most of his board.
I haven't played with it much, and I may end up cutting it after testing, but I like the idea of stuff that costs four as insurance if I don't go off with amulets and blooms, because it's easy to turn three off of a Lotus Cobra and a deck like abzan just needs path to get through it.
May 2, 2015 2:10 a.m.
StormCrowMTG says... #3
Sweet deck! Maybe Harmonize would help you draw your cards? It is a four-drop, though, but +1, cuz this deck is sweet!
June 2, 2015 12:35 a.m.
I ran that at one point (and run it in a different green deck of mine). It is a very nice card, I'm just not sure if it does enough for 4 mana in this particular deck; as that is basically giving up a turn 3, maybe turn 4, for a little card advantage. I'll give it another try though.
June 2, 2015 1:28 a.m.
StormCrowMTG says... #5
Yeah, I agree. I just think that a deck like this could definitely use some card draw, and in /
, Harmonize is the only one I could think of.
Maybe Ancient Stirrings (to get Amulet of Vigor)?
June 2, 2015 1:44 a.m.
There's quite a few card draw that's viable actually, I'm not limited to just either. Hunter's Insight is another option, although it is slightly more conditional. Compulsive Research would probably be the best advantage I can think of, since I'll usually have a land I can pitch without it really hurting me. Hoarder's Greed is one of the greediest approaches, which may or may not be good depending on your life at the time.
I have a slightly different approach than the more "proactive" card advantage and card selection approaches. I've built the deck with various forms of hate, to simply slow the opponent, so I can reach the inevitability of the end game. This deck has one of the strongest end games of any modern deck, so all I really have to do is make it there.
The main thing that deters me from including card advantage in the deck, is that I want all my cards to do something that affects the board state if they are not at instant speed. That basically limits me to Thirst for Knowledge and Hunter's Insight.
June 2, 2015 2:24 a.m.
StormCrowMTG says... #7
WOW! Hunter's Insight is definitely going in some of my decks.
'cept now I feel stupid, cuz your helping me more than I'm helping you. . .
June 2, 2015 11:37 a.m.
That's fine. I have a very hard time changing this deck anyway. I'm currently looking for sideboard options though, because Leyline of Sanctity is a weak top deck. I can do Sanctimony for the burn match, but I can't really think of anything to deal with targeted discard.
June 2, 2015 12:13 p.m.
Hunter's Insight is really more of a sorcery speed spell as it's only practical to cast on your own turn.
Over all, Amulet decks need ways to form consistency more than card draw. Primeval Titan is a 2+ card advantage and Summoner's Pact allows for flexibility in what you draw, and a Elderscale Wurm against the right deck make card advantage an abstracted idea rather than a number value.
I have to say, watching this deck evolve over the past several months, it seem like it keeps on getting pushed into "A bunch of 5c one of good stuff with a weird mana-base" deck.
June 2, 2015 12:14 p.m.
Yeah, anything that isn't a part of the mana/Titan engine I try to make have an impact on the game by itself, without relying on other cards.
June 2, 2015 2:15 p.m.
Any thoughts on Bounding Krasis finding a slot (preferably mainboard) as a nice combat trick? It can even stop just about anything from attacking for a turn, and is fetchable with Summoner's Pact.
It looks very promising, but I don't know what to cut to make room (or if it justifies a slot).
July 10, 2015 9:39 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #12
I wouldn't run it because in the early game it's relatively color itensive, and trying to summoner's pact it in costs your next turn.
July 10, 2015 10:32 p.m.
Dragonlord Dromoka has made his way into my amulet mainboard. How's this deck been doing in your meta? I run the combo-ish version these days, but I'm working more into my list.
July 10, 2015 11:06 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #14
as soon as I get my hands on a dromoka it's going into my bloom build, I've also had good luck with Ruric Thar, the Unbowed in sideboard, it kills burn, infect, and delver on its own (I'm running this variation of the build, well, similar).
July 10, 2015 11:37 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #15
also I'm interested in why the one-of Snow-Covered Forest? I can't think of how it helps but i could be missing some interaction.
July 10, 2015 11:42 p.m.
I've had a rough time letting go of my singleton Trinket Mage go, but i cant seem to shake my 1 Eternal Witness. Something about hive mind + summoners pact + eternal witness + pact again is just too good to pass up
July 10, 2015 11:49 p.m. Edited.
I'm currently playing a combo-ish version with Tooth and Nail and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, which is a lot fun. Once I had Emrakul, the Aeons Torn out on turn 2 and my opponent was dumbfounded. I've also had Ruric Thar, the Unbowed in my sb and it works well against decks like asasinater13 mentioned.
I haven't tried Dragonlord Dromoka though, might as well give it a try once I get it.
July 11, 2015 9:02 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #18
dromoka is so strong against burn, and to a certain extent delver. I think she would be good against abzan decks as well but I haven't tried her yet, and I'd have to test that matchup to be sure.
though if you're still above 10 life I think I prefer ruric for stopping burn, delver can get around it better, but really ruric costs 2 spells to kill (12 damage and they discard two cards) or they take 18 to kill you (if they have boros charm) they take lethal without the charm.
July 11, 2015 10:30 a.m.
Yea, everyone's points are valid.
The deck is and has been doing fine, although I constantly find myself wishing sideboards were more like 17-18 cards, since there's a few cards that are constantly going in and out.
I liked dromaka at first, but found myself really wanting hexproof over the abilities, most of the time. 2 utility creatures in the side is about the limit, unless I were going to cut the leylines, which is always a possibility.
July 12, 2015 12:59 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #20
I cut Engineered Explosives, it's a one-of card that never really performed for me. I found another glittering-wish option (ruric thar was my choice) much more useful. I should note my meta is very heavy in infect, with mostly budget versions of other decks, so ruric is a big favorite of mine, and I don't know how well he would hold up against more competitive decks.
July 12, 2015 2:49 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #21
also on dromoka not having hexproof, it has 7 toughness, costs more than 3. Path to Exile is about the only card that can efficiently remove her, and she isn't the card you're tutoring for in the matches against path decks.
out of curiosity, how often to you use Slaughter Games? I don't play against other combo decks often and am considering cutting it
July 12, 2015 3:12 a.m.
I don't use it super often, but when you do, it usually equals a scoop.
It is definitely cutable, as I've done it a few times. I find myself wanting it after it's cut, and not wanting it when I have access to it.
But that's just how it goes.
July 13, 2015 12:32 a.m.
Love it! o.o Looks janky, but its more than enough to stomp any of my decks...
July 14, 2015 8:09 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #25
Jocinto what's your damage? (okay I just really like that phrase) This is significantly different than how regular bloom plays, I'm kind of against the array of one-of removal spells, but the glittering wish and toolbox strategy is pretty sweet to use. Hive Mind can be awkward in draws without a pact, having cards that are always useful in place of it are much better.
nbarry223 says... #1
I would think Tooth and Nail would be an all around better option if you want a big spell. There's plenty of other big creature options also. What matches in particular do you think Polukranos, World Eater is effective in? I can't really come up with much that Hornet Queen or Elderscale Wurm don't cover.
I like the balance I have between Elderscale Wurm / Hornet Queen / Thrun, the Last Troll. Elderscale Wurm completely hoses any deck without removal for the most part. I've won a game by having Elderscale Wurm out and then slapping a nice little Wheel of Sun and Moon on myself and waiting out an opponent with 50,000 life or something ridiculous... Hornet Queen is better against tempo creature decks which will have removal, things like the abzan deck. Thrun, the Last Troll is just a beast against your UWx variants, as they don't have many answers to him.
May 2, 2015 2:03 a.m.