asasinater13 says... #2
I would devote to one of the removal spells though, no reason to run one of three different options than pick the option best for what you're worried about and go to 3x. also Slaughter Pact is pretty good.
July 15, 2015 8:03 p.m.
Fair enough, I changed a path to dismember since I very seldom face something dismember can't handle. Abrupt decay hits things other than creatures, and dismember is a lot faster and can hit stuff above 3 cmc if needed, so I am going to keep both.
July 16, 2015 2:16 a.m.
Found some space for the dragonlord, and did a few other swaps too.
Reclamation Sage did pretty well in a few matches, so I'm giving it another shot. It's a nice answer to a resolved Blood Moon sometimes, and not an irrelevant body either.
July 19, 2015 1:38 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #5
any chance Qasali Pridemage is better than rec sage? still playable off manamorphose against blood moon, and lets you save it until the moon is played. exalted is also not-irrelevant. adds the benefit of being wishable.
July 19, 2015 9:16 a.m.
Most red decks have plenty of removal for a 2/2. I've tested it before, and it is just a lightning rod (literally) in the matches I need it.
What I'd really like instead of that slot is a silver bullet against tron and/or the bloom combo as that is probably the worst matchup with my current board state.
Both decks have diverse threats, which just keep on coming. Both mana engines are tricky for me to target effectively also. Something like Sowing Salt would be great if it wasn't so off-color.
More land hate comes to mind, but that just slows the decks down, instead of stopping them.
July 19, 2015 10:20 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #7
Novablast Wurm is pretty interesting, it's a threat that just keeps killing opposing threats, against tron before they get to untap and use them. struggles with Wurmcoil Engine making deathtouch tokens, but otherwise a pretty solid way to handle the matchups.
you could also try out Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, I know you did at one point and I don't think it's the right choice, but it is a card that exists.
Acidic Slime is pretty good against those decks as well. a deathtouch blocker that kills amulets and wurmcoils on ETB is pretty sweet.
July 19, 2015 11:59 a.m.
asasinater13 says... #8
Woodfall Primus is obviously considerable over the slime because it can hit lands ugins and karns, but it misses wurmcoils.
July 19, 2015 12:05 p.m.
Yup, planeswalkers are the difficult part from tron, and a potentially game ending enchantment from the Titan deck.
It seems a hard counterspell slightly more broad than Swan Song is probably the best option? I just want something fast and relevant. Not something I have to invest tons of mana into (which I don't always have in a losing situation).
July 19, 2015 6:18 p.m.
Condescend might work for you if want a counterspell. I love it in my list. Turn 3 karn only needs you to have 2 mana open to counter it and you get to scry 2. When you don't need it, it can be a neutered Mystic Speculation
July 19, 2015 8:06 p.m.
I was thinking along the lines of Spell Pierce, Negate, or Mana Leak. Condescend is definitely nice, it just looks potentially neutered against the ramp decks I'd use it for mainly, as do leak and pierce...
I'll consider them as I play test in the future, maybe Condescend is better than it looks.
July 19, 2015 8:17 p.m.
Play testing has shown that I definitely need an answer to bloom/tron. Removing path took away my interaction with Primeval Titan and Wurmcoil Engine. I also have no way to really deal with lands or planeswalkers. Pithing Needle isn't even effective, because both karn and ugin are threats.
Is Beast Within really my best option for land hate? I can't seem to come up with anything that can hit lands in a timely manner (or walkers for that matter).
Everything I've thought of is double red/black which are tough to cast early.
July 21, 2015 2:54 a.m.
I came across a few interesting options in my search for decent hate.
Detritivore is the non-basic hate that just keeps going, definitely an option if I don't have to worry about counterspells.
Rootgrapple, Wrecking Ball, AEther Tradewinds and Deny Reality are the most versatile options I've found. They are basically going to be compared to Beast Within.
Then there's simple land hate in the form of Reap and Sow, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, or Incendiary Command (Looks useful against Blood Moon too, so I'll give it a try).
Then there's the three main creatures that can hate on land, Acidic Slime, Woodfall Primus, and Terastodon.
So there's quite a few options I'm considering, but none seem super relevant against Bloom Titan, just Tron.
July 21, 2015 2:04 p.m.
There is Vandalize, Desecrated Earth, Desecration Plague, Avalanche Riders, & Stone Rain. To me it seems like you want to destroy a land and get one out of it.
I haven't play against R/G tron, but I believe it would be a race just like bloom vs bloom. So a broader answer like Beast Within is probably your best bet. This way it can hit whatever you need to get rid of.
July 21, 2015 3:35 p.m. Edited.
Yup, tron and bloom are the matches that are simply races, and I lack decent hate towards them. Instant speed land destruction is powerful against bloom titan after they play a bounce with multiple drops, before it can bounce itself.
Against tron, sorcery speed is fine, and being able to kill planeswalkers can be very important.
Rootgrapple, Wrecking Ball and Beast Within seem to be top options so far.
July 21, 2015 6:19 p.m.
I'm thinking Beast Within and Wrecking Ball for Reclamation Sage and Slaughter Games.
Keeps my same cmc and colors by some strange coincidence, so I don't even have to revisit my manabase (yay).
It seems like a fairly solid swap to me. Only thing I'm really weakening myself to are dark horse combo decks which aren't super prevalent.
July 23, 2015 12:50 a.m.
The newly spoiled Bring to Light looks like a potential powerhouse, provided I can come up with some powerful 3-5 drops. It's a lot like Glittering Wish except it allows me to cast the card right away for an extra 3 mana. For game-enders like Fracturing Gust, that's awesome.
I'll be looking at my options for higher CMC cards for a while now, Thragtusk comes to mind, but I know there's got to be plenty out there, I mean I can grab a CREATURE, INSTANT, or SORCERY; that's so many possibilities at 5 CMC and below. If I do decide to run it, I'll definitely have to revisit the manabase to support the new "sunburst" mechanic.
September 8, 2015 1:25 a.m.
Should I make a section for sideboarding vs specific matchups? It seems that that is one of the trickier parts of piloting this particular build, so it may help some, let me know which matches you'd like to see options against, if anyone is interested.
September 11, 2015 5:39 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #20
I'm having hard times against infect and living end, though I was drawing low amounts of amulets tonight. I also struggled against more standard bloom lists (the ones running hive mind). Playing more against real modern decks I feel like I have a better match up in a grindy-ish game because of how many "silver bullets" the deck has access to.
September 12, 2015 1:09 a.m.
Against living end, Chalice of the Void and Swan Song are your best friends. Neuter the card their deck resolves around, and you beat the deck. Just keep playing threats and bring out Khalni Garden to chump block if you need it.
Infect dies to fog and removal effects, you need to grab them and side out lifegain cards, as those are rather irrelevant.
Bloom titan (and Tron) are the deck's WORST match ups. I've been able to find solutions to all the other decks, but these two are basically races, unfortunately. I've made a lot of recent changes to help with the tron match, especially, without hurting my other matches too much. Stopping the bloom titan deck, however, has proven quite difficult, as I'd want to attack the mana engine, which hurts me just as much (since it is a mirror).
If you happen to find anything that works, I'd be happy to hear about it. Right now, my best idea has been Crucible of Worlds to get some nice hate going on with Ghost Quarter, but it seemed a tad unreliable in testing.
September 12, 2015 3:12 a.m.
Crumble to dust is exactly what I've been searching for to make the tron match easier. Now my biggest problem is bloom titan decks, since it doesn't disable them quite as much (still blows a serious set back to their game plan).
It's difficult finding an answer to Hive Mind that can (hopefully) also answer Primeval Titan that's playable. So far, the best card for that match has been Swan Song since it is the only way to deal with Hive Mind before it comes down. It can also hit Summer Bloom which is quite handy.
September 14, 2015 1:22 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #23
I'm never a fan of countering Summer Bloom if I"m expecting a karoo/amulet to titan or hive mind combo, countering the threat is a much better choice. to Dust_medium.jpgCrumble to Dust does a good job at stopping more usual bloom variants, because Simic Growth Chamber is like half of their karoos and their most reliable blue source.
September 14, 2015 1:37 p.m.
You're definitely right on that note. Maybe it will prove even more useful than I had initially hoped. Now I guess I'll have to cut Hide/Seek for the second copy, since reliably eliminating their tron makes Emrakul, the Aeons Torn no longer an inevitability threat that just makes it a losing match.
September 14, 2015 2:38 p.m.
Once Crumble to Dust is released, I can probably swap Terastodon out for Engineered Explosives again. Looking at all of the sideboards thoroughly, Engineered Explosives is just a lot more useful as a card overall. Terastodon was mostly there to deal with tron; which should become far less of a threat now that there's some seriously powerful hate (that's actually splashable!) against it.
Would just like some opinions on the matter, or something else as a suggestion, if you feel there's a card that's more useful against a larger number of decks. Its basically my floater option right now, as I like where the numbers on everything else are.
nbarry223 says... #1
My one of removals are mainly there for infect and twin variations, as they are tough matches without it.
The cards are the most "generally useful" answers I could come up with.
July 15, 2015 1:01 a.m.