Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

Modern nbarry223

SCORE: 272 | 889 COMMENTS | 72431 VIEWS | IN 116 FOLDERS

nbarry223 says... #1

I'm thinking of replacing The Gitrog Monster with something, since I tend to get into loops where I am one mana short of being able to cast a Primeval Titan far more than I would like.

I've listed some of the top candidates on the maybeboard, but I am open to pretty much anything - it doesn't need to be a creature either. Feel free to share thoughts on any of them, or suggest something completely different.

March 17, 2022 10:09 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #2

So I've decided to add Questing Beast to compliment The Gitrog Monster for the "not enough mana but I need presence" slot. The Gitrog Monster is better when I am waiting on a bounceland (added card draw), while Questing Beast is generally better when we don't have Amulet of Vigor yet, because we aren't sacrificing whatever lands we do have. I probably should choose one or the other, but for now I've decided to run both.

March 19, 2022 2:23 p.m.

JacobAGrossman says... #3

You could probably just go Questing Beast and Titania, Protector of Argoth for the pre-6 mana slots. Maybe going mono green makes it easier? I doubt that's really a thing though, given your land base. They just seem to achieve similar goals

March 19, 2022 5:19 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #4

Yeah, I was thinking Titania, Protector of Argoth or Questing Beast if I had to go with one only. If I've used a fetch Titania ramps me, but she relies on fetches to be useful essentially.

Questing Beast is probably a more consistent fit for the slot, since he's good against aggro with his 4+ toughness (most aggro is around 3 power early) and is also good against larger things due to his deathtouch. He serves as a very good attack deterrent, and can even chip away at them while still being able to block thanks to vigilance. They also have a harder time chump blocking him, due to the 2 or less power clause.

I'll keep The Gitrog Monster around for now, but he's my next cut if I think of something else to try out or need the slot for whatever reason.

March 20, 2022 3:48 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #5

I'm definitely thinking Riveteers Charm will end up replacing Anguished Unmaking when it's released. It is non-targeted removal, so it actually hits more things, plus Abrupt Decay already covers all the low CMC targets that may be issues. Riveteers Charm also gives me a wishable form of gravehate and also has a built in card advantage mode, so the swap seems like a no brainer.

The only real downside is that is a little harder to produce than , but I don't see that as a major concern. I guess exiling also eliminates some graveyard abuse, but that's more of a side effect than a requirement for the slot.

April 10, 2022 8 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #6

Just curious, any thoughts on Hall of the Bandit Lord as a haste land?

April 14, 2022 12:38 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #7

I’ve actually tried it out, and it doesn’t really work that great for this build. That’s because it doesn’t help to allow haste after fetching. You could add it and some combination of Slayers' Stronghold and / or Hanweir Battlements  Meld, but it is not capable of covering the slot to give your titan haste after fetching.

Nothing else really needs haste and that 3 life is a lot if you want to use it for mana, it’s not just a once and done cost.

April 14, 2022 6:46 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #8

Hmm, strongly considering moving Sigarda, Host of Herons to the main in place of Questing Beast. With Riveteers Charm moving to the side, and becoming a very useful target due to all the flexibility, I'm going to want more access to which makes Firespout a solid option that I can make space for.

-1 Questing Beast
+1 Sigarda, Host of Herons

-1 Sigarda, Host of Herons
-1 Anguished Unmaking
+1 Riveteers Charm
+1 Firespout

and I'll probably try to find a way to make space for more 5 color lands. Any opinions? I really do like Questing Beast but Sigarda, Host of Herons has more relevance overall. Its casting cost is a little difficult for what I wanted the slot to be for though, so I'm not completely sold on the idea. Another option would be to replace Doomskar with Firespout, but I'd like to have both if at all possible.

There's just so many good options, it's hard to squeeze in all the things I want to do...

Edit: I guess I could cut Necromentia for the Firespout instead, since that's probably my least used card.

April 21, 2022 7:17 p.m. Edited.

nbarry223 says... #9

Riveteers Charm has been overperforming and makes such a great wish target. I almost feel like I don't even need a big fatty in the side anymore because of how nicely Riveteers Charm sets me up (pay 3 to draw 3 essentially). Its only real issue is the casting cost requiring 3 colors, but we have enough ways to get around that for the most part.

My sideboard definitely has a lot more space now, so I'm toying around with a few ideas.

April 24, 2022 2:27 p.m.

I still think having a big 6 drop fatty in your wish board makes perfect sense. You're already getting 6 mana + with your Titan shenanigans, so it's not like that target mana value would be out of reach. There's nothing quite like landing a giant threat and watching your opponents face fall. You could whiff on drawing the top three cards, but a giant threat is always going to be a giant threat

April 24, 2022 3:23 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #11

I definitely agree, and I am keeping the 2 for now, but the digging power feels good enough that I have the space if I need it for something else. I have 7 large creatures + 4 pacts + 2 turntimber (which does whiff once in a while). A lot of the time a Primeval Titan will seal the game, while a sideboard creature just puts me in a better spot (they don't have haste and aren't lethal the next turn usually). Depending on the situation, it can be better to gamble on drawing good. Even if I whiff on those draws, I just eliminated 3 bad draws which might have cost me the game anyway if they could have dealt with that singular threat.

Cultivator Colossus is the only fatty that isn't ideal to draw over a sideboard option, but even it isn't that bad. Elderscale Wurm is better stalling and just as good of a body, and Primeval Titan is just well...what the deck is built around.

Also, a lot of the non-fatty cards I can draw help me out depending on what other presence I have. There's a lot of smaller synergies throughout the deck. The only bad draw is really Sakura-Tribe Scout and Arboreal Grazer. Even lands can add value whether through lifegain (Courser of Kruphix), card draw (Cultivator Colossus), or their inherent utility (most of my lands do something).

Most of the time when I actually need something, it is a green bounceland (or enough smaller lands to get to 6), and this helps big time in filling that slot. It just so happens that it also fills the big creature hole pretty well too (around 60% consistency if I had none).

It really shines when I am low on threats, since this helps to replenish in a big way. If I don't have enough for Glittering Wish + casting the big guy same turn, this is the obvious choice (I can hold up interaction then cash in on card advantage if I don't feel threatened). If I've not used all the extra land drops I have access to, this is that much better as well. It's just an all around great card, and I'm only talking about one mode on it. Eliminating my opponent's largest threat is great, and the option of exiling their graveyard at instant speed can sometimes be relevant.

April 24, 2022 4:37 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #12

I found that Eladamri's Call is a nice option that doubles as a dryad or titan as needed. It’s also a solid option in the side or main.

Riveteers Charm is nice for finding lands and Eladamri's Call lets me find specific creatures. Elvish Reclaimer from Eladamri's Call could be a roundabout way to tutor for lands too against decks with less interaction.

I also added back some gravehate and anti-mill in the form of Wheel of Sun and Moon since I felt I needed it in the current meta.

May 29, 2022 9:33 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #13

I think I’m happy with where this sideboard lines up now. I’ve really liked the swap from Glittering Wish to Fae of Wishes, as it has more overall synergy with the deck and even allows a few more lines.

Deck description has been updated as well. Let me know if I missed anything if you come across any bad references.

June 7, 2022 7:10 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #14

I've been having lots of fun with Fae of Wishes since the transition. I just added Approach of the Second Sun as a sneaky alternate win-con, since I had the space for it. Open to any other ideas anyone may have, since I have at least 1-2 spots to play around with realistically.

Hidden Strings
Carnage Tyrant
Approach of the Second Sun

aren't really needed, but they cover some niche uses that I like to cover. I can swap them in/out with some other options if anyone can come up with some fun alternatives.

June 7, 2022 8:18 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #15

I'm actually thinking Spring-Leaf Avenger has awesome synergy with Fae of Wishes and even Primeval Titan, but I think it falls into the realm of win-more unfortunately. If I had more little fliers or something, I could definitely see it making its way into here.

Figured I'd mention it since it was fairly good in testing, but not really good enough to include.

July 15, 2022 6:31 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #16

Finally went through and updated the description after all the swaps with the new tech. I think my 75 is pretty stable now and covers the weaknesses and matches I want it to cover. I found Inferno of the Star Mounts and Inferno Titan as some spicy options that help with the Blood Moon / Magus of the Moon matches, allowing me to play around the card, instead of trying to deal with it.

If I'm being honest, Inferno Titan is probably the weakest of my sideboard cards currently, but I can honestly get by without:

Chalice of the Void
Inferno of the Star Mounts
Inferno Titan

with Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip and Worship being next in line, although I really like what they do for the deck, so I'll probably be keeping these 2 options for the foreseeable future.

More than open to any suggestions anyone may have.

July 30, 2022 6:17 p.m.

Tic12 says... #17

Reading this, i'm feeling like a two years old baby in terms of magic.

Great list, thanks for your explanations, i'v learned a lot about magic in the last half an hour.

Don't have any suggestions, just a +1!

August 10, 2022 3:16 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #18

Haha, amulet titan decks are one of the most complicated decks to play, and my version has even more lines and intricacies, further complicating it (I’ve had a few games where I would consider the line I chose as a misplay, and I’ve played the deck for years - many “misplays” were minor enough they didn’t result in a loss, but I still failed to squeeze out as much advantage as possible in the scenario).

Thanks for the +1

If there’s anything that I didn’t explain well enough feel free to ask and I will do my best to elaborate.

August 10, 2022 5:35 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #19

I'm actually starting to get excited for spoilers. Karn's Sylex looks amazing, being removal and fetch hate. Joint Exploration also looks playable, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. Definitely slotting in Karn's Sylex though, it's too good not to.

August 22, 2022 8:10 p.m.

How do you feel about the new Silverback Elder or The World Spell?

August 31, 2022 8:15 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #21

Silverback Elder is a vanilla 5/7 for 5 unless we have other creatures. At that CMC, I would much prefer Cavalier of Thorns which synergizes way more with the deck, allowing me to "search" a land on entry, and essentially replace itself when it is removed in most cases.

The World Spell is too slow, and just not useful enough at that cost. I would prefer something like Tooth and Nail unentwined over it, as I'd have the mana to cast whatever I am finding next turn, and Tooth and Nail has the added flexibility of entwining it to put them into play same turn. In this deck, one large threat is enough, so even if I could read ahead to cheat stuff in, the CMC is already too much, and I'd rather just have a threat.

August 31, 2022 8:42 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #22

I do think Threats Undetected has potential in here, but I can't think of a diverse enough threat-base to support the card (mana dork package is viable enough). Since the last choice is in my opponent's hands, I need to be capable of creating lose/lose packages, like you can with a nicely constructed Gifts Ungiven package. They've also learned from past oversights and made it that the 2 cards we aren't getting go into the deck, instead of the graveyard, eliminating the "failure to find" tricks that are possible with Gifts Ungiven.

August 31, 2022 8:51 p.m.

I think if you swap the Eldrazi Displacer for Dragonlord Dromoka, that might be the only change you need to make. Having 1 Dragonlord Dromoka in the main for 1 Threats Undetected, and no other changes, is actually something I've seen on MTG Top 8. Maybe it's threatening enough to grab a Primeval Titan, Cultivator Colossus, Dragonlord Dromoka, and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove as your package. That way it's 3 major threats upfront, or the threat of a scapeshift hitting right after!

September 13, 2022 10:47 a.m.

nbarry223 says... #24

It’s a thought I’ve had too honestly. Throwing another 5/7/8 power card in the main to make the card work. I think in most situations I’d prefer a hard tutor over something that essentially has the potential to whiff.

I do think the card has potential to be good, but I generally draw the line when you “need” to add other cards to make a card better.

I’ve not play tested it yet, so I could be wrong and it’s amazing, but I don’t think so, since the matches where getting multiple threats would be beneficial (control) it gets countered, and it’s a little slower in aggro/tempo matches where you need that early presence.

I plan to test it with at least the gruul (8 power) and selesnya (5) dragons, since they are playable on their own. I may even explore the crazy ones like omnath again. I’ve been on the lookout for something off color that I may have missed as well, since there’s now enough non-pact options. I thought about sun titan, but it’s 6 power, so doesn’t really help here.

September 14, 2022 12:03 a.m.

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