Viga-BOOM! (Primer + SB Guide)

Modern nbarry223

SCORE: 272 | 889 COMMENTS | 72432 VIEWS | IN 116 FOLDERS

nbarry223 says... #2

so, hmm...

I'm thinking about possibly putting 2 Glittering Wish mainboard, and adding a lil toolbox to my sideboard. Does anyone have any ideas on what would be some good multicolored targets? I think it has a lot of potential since I can essentially find ANY multicolored card, if I tweak my mana base enough. The only thing is, I'd want to find replacements for some of my sideboard cards, so I don't dilute their purposes too much.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

My first idea is to look at split cards, but I'd like to really branch out and see what all this card can do for me.

April 30, 2014 5:05 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #3

So far, I've found Wheel of Sun and Moon as a form of graveyard hate, and Clarion Ultimatum is just bonkers with an amulet out (2 untaps for everything!). This is looking very promising already.

April 30, 2014 5:48 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #4

Xenagos, The Reveler is there as a filler card in the sideboard right now, I can't really come up with anything else all that useful for the slot (that's multi-colored).

I'm open to suggestions!

April 30, 2014 7:04 p.m.

Jay says... #5

April 30, 2014 7:15 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #6

Already in my maybe board, but I'll accept so u get the points for suggesting it hehe...

Take a look at all the multi-colored cards in there and let me know if any stand out as really useful to you. I just can't come up with anything really. My only thing is, I currently have no answers for creatures, But I can't come up with something that deals with hexproof AND indestructible. I'd like my answer to get everything if I am paying 2 extra for it.

April 30, 2014 7:24 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #8

K, so I really like Glittering Wish in the playtesting I've done so far. It is basically a must answer card for control players, since they have no idea what problem card you might grab, so I can actually use it to feel around for counterspells in addition to just being my B-plan when something goes wrong. I think it's really solidified my deck's win percentages in game 1, while not really hurting them in games two and 3, all around a very good swap.

The only thing I miss is Leyline of the Void since I can no longer exile their graveyard from the very beginning of the game. Now they get the time to dump crap in there until I can grab Wheel of Sun and Moon but all in all, I feel it's a change for the better. If only Rakdos Charm had more friendly colors...

Another thing I really like, is I can actually side in my green creature wish targets, and side out the wishes themselves, letting me run 5 copies instead of 3 (lower casting cost too!) since Summoner's Pact is anything.

I'm still quite open to suggestions though, I'm sure there's some awesome gold cards I have no idea about :)

May 1, 2014 11:23 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #10

I just read through all the past comments, and this deck doesn't even resemble what it was originally. Definitely a big thanks to everyone for letting me bounce ideas around, can't believe just how much this deck has changed!

I definitely have to remember to look at all the new sets for cards to update this deck with though, because Glittering Wish targets should be released in practically every new set; I just hope some are viable (green creatures wouldn't hurt either!).

May 3, 2014 5:30 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #11

I'm still looking to see if there's anything better than Ajani, Mentor of Heroes for the Glittering Wish and a bunch of lands spot, as he is still quite a risk. Sometimes I won't see a creature in the top 4, and they have enough to swing at him for his death that turn.

Unfortunately, I'm starting to think there really isn't anything out there for that spot yet.

May 3, 2014 9:47 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #12

I think I will stick with Sigarda, Host of Herons as my solo threat for now, as it's an answer to eldrazi and Liliana of the Veil too. I actually stalled an 8 rack deck enough to win thanks to her, since they couldn't get me with lily, and she's also shut down a tron deck when they searched up Emrakul, the Aeons Torn I just sat behind my Elderscale Wurm and this lil lady.

May 5, 2014 2:30 a.m.

fijord says... #13

hahaha, that would be awesome to see, not too often that Emrakul, the Aeons Torn almost gets blanked like that.

May 5, 2014 4:32 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #14

I think the real hero is Mosswort Bridge

Most of the times that Glittering Wish saves me wouldn't be possible without the sheer digging power from Mosswort Bridge that actually finds it. I've decided to cut a Lotus Cobra for a second copy, to see how upping this pivotal land does. Instant speed casts, and digging for answers are absolutely huge in here, since I don't really have them otherwise (responses can totally catch people off guard).

Since the deck is shifting to more of an "ensure you can win later" instead of "all in" approach, Lotus Cobra doesn't fit quite as well as he used to (not going to cut him, he's still very important, but he doesn't need to be a 4-of anymore).

I'm still looking for another wish target too; if I ever find one, I might try moving the third copy of Glittering Wish to the main again (no idea what I'll cut for it, I like the looks of the numbers on everything right now), I might just make the deck 61 cards if I decide to add in the third wish.

May 5, 2014 5:59 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #15

Faced an infect deck today, which made me realize one of the reasons why I had Chalice of the Void in my sideboard. That and storm, which my deck really has no way to deal with other than relying on outracing, justify it being 3-of like it used to be. Otherwise, they are losing match-ups.

I'm positioned pretty well against the matches that ratchet bomb was for (Fiery Justice and Fracturing Gust ), so I don't see the swap as much of a loss. I was forced to move Engineered Explosives mainboard to make the room for a third copy, so hopefully I don't see it too much when I don't need it. My other idea was Deus of Calamity to main, but I think that's a few too many high cost spells. I'll try to keep in mind which one would have been more useful when I see the explosives.

May 6, 2014 4 a.m.

Prima says... #16


May 13, 2014 5:02 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #17

With html 5.

It is basically like this:


<summary>words to click on</summary>

main body that hides/unhides


May 13, 2014 6:34 p.m.

Prima says... #18


May 13, 2014 6:44 p.m.

This is pretty sweet! What are your good and bad matchups?

May 17, 2014 1:23 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #20

It's pretty good against everything, the only "bad" matchups are combo decks that end up getting lucky game one, then get lucky in either the second or third game before I can win/stop them.

The more "fair" decks have a decent match up against me also, but I usually end up winning best of 3, since Empyrial Archangel is a little hard for them to deal with.

May 18, 2014 1:29 a.m.

How do you fare against control decks like America, U/W, BUG, Junk, and the like?

May 18, 2014 2 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #22

Easy win in most cases. I'd consider Junk as more of an aggro build (with an excess removal suite), and not really control though lol. The most important card in those match ups is Leyline of Sanctity to counteract targeted discard. When that threat is eliminated, I can just outpace their removal. Fetch lands aggressively (Slayers' Stronghold and Boros Garrison for haste, followed by Mosswort Bridge s if my power is high enough) if there's another way to get a titan out in my hand when the first one hits the table. Otherwise, Tolaria West and Simic Growth Chamber are my first targets, for the safer play. The key in control matches is not walking into counterspells and the likes, play around them.

May 18, 2014 7:31 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #23

I guess I should probably elaborate on what I mean by that...

You save things in your hand, that you could have played in the beginning, unless it's some mana dorks that you don't care if they get countered until you have 3 open mana for the Mana Leak that they might have (you want to resolve Azusa, Lost but Seeking or Summer Bloom so use them when you know they will get through). If you see they are running Remand and not Mana Leak feel free to just play as aggressively as you want, only being careful of Cryptic Command on bombs. Eventually, you will get the point where you can produce enough threats in 1 turn, that something will get through, regardless of their hands.

Before that happens, it is quite possible that you see a Cavern of Souls or Thrun, the Last Troll though, so you don't always have to wait forever. Honestly, the hardest of the "control" match ups is Splinter Twin decks with a heavily invested control package (Mana Leak Remand Path to Exile etc.) to back up their combo. The ones that don't really run burn and instead carry path are tougher matches. Since they can basically go off uninterrupted in one turn, that's a tougher control match. Outpacing the standard control decks isn't hard though.

May 18, 2014 7:50 p.m.

dunn086 says... #24

I really love your deck, it looks like so much fun :) Have you considered Acidic Slime in the mainboard? It looks more solid in the mainboard instead of Qasali Pridemage

May 24, 2014 2:19 p.m.

nbarry223 says... #25

yeah, I have, but actually, I am waiting for the M15 release of Reclamation Sage (just spoiled, so no good picture yet) for that slot. It should prove to be amazing, in my opinion anyway.

May 24, 2014 2:23 p.m.

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