Vile wait I mean Vial Goblins!!!
August 1, 2013 5:03 a.m.
Wainwright says... #4
sylvannos, I dont have a specific budget in mind, I'm currently trying to get hold of a playset of Goblin Lackey .
whiteknight07, whilst I realise the importance of Cavern of Souls it would already be in here if I owned it, but for me again talking about budget, it's just too much for me.
Thanks for suggesting Goblin Guide that's in here for the haste ability right? What to take out?
LeaPlath I see Lightning Bolt at 1cmc has it's advantages, would you run it instead of Brimstone Volley or Thunderous Wrath ? I have Lightning Bolt in a RDW build, but chose volley and wrath for the ability to hit for 5 damage.
August 1, 2013 6:53 a.m.
reconaissance says... #5
Warren Instigator and Goblin King for more board clogging and another lord, The burn spells are necessary, but Lightning Bolt alone should be fine.
August 1, 2013 8:28 a.m.
Wainwright says... #6
reconaissance do you mean Lightning Bolt x 2? or x4??
I'm trying to get hold of Goblin Lackey would you run a playset of this as well as Warren Instigator ??
What do I take out to make room for these additions??
August 1, 2013 8:38 a.m.
reconaissance says... #7
i would always run a playset of both, on turn 3 getting a lord, krenko, and (if you are going into legacy with it, which is where Goblin Lackey is legal) Goblin Piledriver , he is a must. As far as lightning bolt goes, x4 is needed. I'd say take out Goblin Fireslinger , Goblin Arsonist , and Hellrider , with the amount of goblins on the board, you can win without him, attacking turn 2 with Goblin Lackey and dropping a lord with Warren Instigator on the board already has tons of damage for turn 3
August 1, 2013 8:46 a.m.
Wainwright says... #8
Thanks reconaissance, for taking the time to explain things to me, Hellrider is in here for now, along with things like Massive Raid because it's making the best of what i have.
I think I can get the lackey and the instigator, Goblin Piledriver going to be a tough find in China.
thanks again though, I know what I should look to take out when I increase the number and types of goblins that I own.
August 1, 2013 9:01 a.m.
Goblin Lackey isn't legal in modern, so if you wanted to add him you would have to redo the entire deck to make it more viable in legacy.
I don't play much magic anymore, but when I do I play goblins so I will give my 2 cents. The point of a goblins deck is to have the mana curve as low as possible, but still play goblins that are either just powerful on their own or buff all the other creatures as well. Battle cry is very useful for this, so I would run Goblin Wardriver . Goblin Bushwhacker is also amazing, the fact that for RR you can give him haste, he is often times even better than the wardriver. I like running Signal Pest as well to make it so that the Legion Loyalist 's battalion is even more powerful. Goblin Guide is also 100% necessary in a modern goblin deck.
Hellrider is a good card, but if you drop him for more 1 or 2 CMC goblins, you could also reduce your land count.
I use Warren Instigator but he really isn't as good as you would think, especially since all of my goblins are low costed. Sometimes I would rather use Mogg War Marshal
Goblin Fireslinger , get rid of him. A 1 damage ping is not very good and you would be better off replacing him with a stronger goblin made for attacking.
Krenko, Mob Boss is good, but personally in a modern goblins deck you should try to win by turn 4. Playing krenko turn 4 sets you up to win turn 5, but I would rather just play a kicked Goblin Bushwhacker turn 4 and win right then and there.
Replace the 2 Thunderous Wrath s with 2 more Lightning Bolt . 5 damage for 1 mana is good, but that only happens if you top deck and cast it right then and there. I would rather use lightning bolts that aren't a bad thing to have in your opening hand, and when you top deck them you can either cast them right then or wait till later and still cast it for 1 mana.
Oh, and Goblin Grenade is a great finisher.
Goblinin' 'n' stuff this is my deck.
August 1, 2013 11:39 a.m.
Goblin King and Blood Moon can end a game easily in a build like this. YMMV, though.
August 1, 2013 3:03 p.m.
I don't like the Massive Raid . What's your budget? If you want suggestions, here's my deck: How to deal 257 damage on Turn 4 Oh, and Shared Animosity is a house.
August 1, 2013 6:07 p.m.
If you're getting Goblin Lackey , and those take up most of your budget, then I'd recommend getting:
4x Goblin Matron (tutors for silver bullets)4x Goblin Ringleader (raw card advantage)4x Simian Spirit Guide (lets you drop multiple goblins turn one or a three drop turn two)
You'd also want four AEther Vial , but those can be hard to find/expensive. Siege-Gang Commander , Gempalm Incinerator , Mogg Fanatic , and Goblin Warchief are other inexpensive to buy/find goblins that are amazing to have.
Your final deck list would look like:
20x Mountain
3x Mogg Fanatic 4x Goblin Chieftain 4x Goblin Lackey 4x Goblin Matron 3x Krenko, Mob Boss 4x Goblin Ringleader 2x Siege-Gang Commander 4x Simian Spirit Guide ------------------------------------------------28 Creatures
4x Goblin Grenade 4x Krenko's Command 4x Lightning Bolt ------------------------------------------------12 Other Spells
August 1, 2013 7:50 p.m.
Wainwright says... #13
linkizzl thanks for your time, to give me some suggestions as well as deck building tips and why to choose certain cards. I feel I understand a bit more thanks to you. Goblins are tough to find in China, least the older one's are, but will look to get them when I can.
sylvannos, thanks a lot, really took some time to show me how my deck should look, I appreciate that a lot, same as I said before, in China they're tough to find, but I do now know what I have to go and look for, really appreciate it. Really liking Goblin Ringleader , can get rid of Wild Guess and boost my goblin count.
If I get a playset of Warren Instigator I should be able to lose Krenko's Command - right??
August 1, 2013 8:06 p.m.
Wainwright says... #14
sheamagic - yeah I know about Massive Raid it's in here at the moment, due to lack of goblin cards and just trying to make the best out of what I have.
Budget? I don't want to be going down the Cavern of Souls route just yet, just too pricey IMO, I don't mind spending money on a card or playset which would vastly improve the deck though.
Oh I will check out everyone's deck's at some point and +1 them, thanks so much for your help so far.
August 1, 2013 8:16 p.m.
Yeah you definitely won't need Krenko's Command if you're running Warren Instigator . Goblin Lackey should be your priority over Warren Instigator , though. Coming down on turn one consistently is what you want to do.
August 2, 2013 12:07 a.m.
Wainwright says... #17
LeaPlath thanks for letting me know the legality of cards, these older cards are difficult for me to find here in China, but it saves me from buying them cards and then not being able to use them. I'm going to try and find Warren Instigator , some more gobby's which help my horde to pack a bit more of a punch.
August 2, 2013 9:21 a.m.
LordOfMishap says... #18
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I had a lot of fun playing your deck, very solid build. +1 for me.
October 16, 2013 6:57 p.m.
Wainwright says... #19
thanks for that lordofmishap1982, no worries about the delay, any reply is good.
Any suggestions??
I'd like Shared Animosity better cmc than Coat of Arms , but not been able to find it in China as yet.
Goblin War Drums was a lucky find, which I wanted to try out, am not sure it makes a huge difference, but is fun if you get it.
October 16, 2013 8:51 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #21
I say if you like something like Goblin Grenade , check out Goblin War Strike
December 21, 2013 12:15 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #22
Also, most legacy goblin decks tend to run AEther Vial . It's a great card considering your game plan. It's also a little on the expensive side so I can understand why you might not want it. Powerful to say the least, especially dropping goblins on your opponent's turn and they can't be countered
December 21, 2013 12:19 p.m.
Wainwright says... #23
Thanks pingpongball120 - yeah Goblin Grenade is in the maybe board I like it - but it's tough to fit into the deck, I'm getting better results from not saccing my goblins, and it's dealing a decent amount of damage as it stands 80% of the time T4 lethal. Playing grenade uses one mana which could be used for a game winning gobby, then I lose one gobby on the field too - I just felt it's too much.
Wizard of the Damned - I need to change my Maybe Board - I've got Goblin War Strike and it's brilliant.
I'd love AEther Vial I realise that's the next step for this deck; it's only not here due to the fact I don't have any, and I don't have any because of it's cost... hahaha
sylvannos says... #1
What's your budget?
August 1, 2013 4:41 a.m.