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Villainous Wealth Combo Control Deck

Standard* BUG (Sultai) Combo Control Mill



Creature (4)

Planeswalker (3)

Sorcery (2)


Creature (4)

Why would I run expensive planeswalkers and creatures when I can just play them from other people decks?It took me couple of months to finnaly find a deck suitable for me after all of the good milling cards rotated out of the standard. But here it is! A deck that I both enjoy and win with. Just imagine all the faces of players that got hit with Villainous Wealth for x around 15! Priceless! Especially Abzan players! This deck was meant to only have fun while playing magic but turned out its pretty good as well.And before you say anything like "But it has only one win condition! And it's one based on luck!" Yes, I do have only one win condition as in Villainous Wealth BUT if I don't hit anything game ending, it's still exiling cards and in a long run I can just wait with MILLING my opponent which happened two times already.

Last 4 FNMs were great with this deck

First FNM 2-1-1

Second FNM 2-2

Third FNM (I finnaly realized what I was doing wrong) 3-1

Fourth FNM 3-1


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So again, I went 3-1 at the FNM this week.

First match up, 2-1 was against Abzan Aggro deck, I lost the first game but after sideboard I had no problems. Two Villainous Wealth at turn 6 and 7 made my opponent scoop. Third game was easy going flash in Dictate of Karametra in turn 4 and Villainous Wealth on turn 5 for x=8 with caryatid on the field. From there it went smoothly.

Second Matchup: Sidisi Whip 2-0. both games went smoothly. Hit my combo early on and first game I won with his own creatures and second one by hitting double Karametra and casting Wealth for x=25 with mana left in case of a counter spell.

Third Match-up: 0-2 against another Abzan Aggro but this time I wasn't so lucky. I didn't draw to ANY of my kill spells OR Aetherspouts.

Fourth Match-up: 2-0 against Mono blue artifacts. This was the first time my Villainous Wealth backfired at me. I've hit some artifacts along with 2 doom engines but my opponent took control of em with a creature that I can't remember. (He had inspire mechanic that was exchanging target two nonland permanents that share the same type). But in the end I managed to control the match to the point that I milled him out. In the second game I countered/killed everything he had to play and in the end double karametra with wealth finished him off.

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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 3 Mythic Rares

22 - 8 Rares

13 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 1 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.79
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