This is a Turboland deck that also has the infinite turns engine involving Eternal Witness.
There are 17 controlling cards to drag out the game and the draw engine is insane.
The Turboland combo is to get Fastbond + Ramunap Excavator + Cephalid Coliseum + Nomad Stadium + Tundra + Strip Mine + Threshold.
At this point you can:
Tap Tundra for w
Activate Nomad Stadium to gain 4 life
Strip your Tundra
Replay Tundra losing a life to Fastbond
Replay Stadium losing a life to Fastbond
Replay Strip Mine losing a life to Fastbond
This loop can be repeated to gain infinite life.
With infinite life you can repeatedly Strip Tundra and replay to gain infinite blue mana.
With infinite blue mana you can deck your opponent with Cephalid Coliseum.
A second combo is the Echoing Truth Combo where you need 10 mana, 2xEternal Witness, Time Walk and Echoing Truth. From here you cant play all 4 cards each turn and use the Witnesses to get back Walk and Truth and take infinite turns.
A third combo is to have 12 mana + Witness + Jace + Walk. If you are down 1 counter on Jace you use that to bounce Witness. Replay Witness to get Jace. Replay Jace to bounce Witness. Replay Witness to get Walk. Walk.
Note that while these sound hard to get to they are not.
Imagine it is turn 4 and you have 5 mana.
5 mana: Walk + Witnes getting Walk
6 mana: Walk + Witness getting Walk
7 mana: Walk + Truth + Witness getting Walk
8 mana: Walk + Witness getting Truth + Truth
9 mana: Witness getting Walk + Walk + Witness getting Truth
10 mana: Infinite.
Walk + Witness + Jace is almost as good.
5 mana: Walk + Witness
6 mana: Walk + Jace (use +2 effect to 5)
7 mana: (bounce Witness to 4) Witness + Walk
8 mana: (bounce Witness to 3) Witness + Walk
9 mana: (bounce Witness to 2) + Witness + Walk
10 mana: (bounce Witness to 1) + Witness + Walk
11 mana: Here we are 1 mana shy, but if we drew an artifact mana, another Witness, another Jace or Echoing Truth during the previous 7 turns then we are okay and can go infinite.
Intuition's purposes are:
1) Getting 3xAccumulated Knowledge to draw a lot of cards. Using witness to pay 5 to draw 4 cards is pretty good.
2) Get 3xRamunap Excavator if you already have Fastbond.
3) Get 2xWitness + Fastbond if you already have Excavator.
4) Get Nomad Stadium + Cephalid Coliseum + Strip Mine if you already have Fastbond + Excavator.
5) Get Witness + Echoing Truth + Time Walk if you have Witness in hand.
6) Get 3xForce in an emergency.
7) Get 3xJace if you already have Witness in play and Walk in the yard.
8) Get Acadamy + Sol Ring + Walk if you already have Witness and Jace in either the hand or in play.
9) Post board 3xPredator happens more than you might think.
vs Dredge:
Add your whole sideboard
Remove 4xAK, 4xDrain, 4xForce, 3xJace
vs Shops:
Add 4xWasteland + 4xTrygon Predator
Remove 4xAK + 4xJace
vs Mentor Control - I usually just keep the main deck.
vs Paradoxical Storm - -1 Echoing Truth, -1 Jace the Mindsculptor, +2 Wasteland
vs Oath:
Add 4xCage + 4xPredator
Remove: 4 Jace 4 Accumulated Knowledge
AKs tend to be good pre-board. You do not know what you are playing against and drawing cards is always good. Post board, your graveyard is likely to be hated out more negating the AKs and you can replace them with targeted hate. Intuitioning for 3 hate cards is pretty common post board.