Lance Armstrong Naya -- Please Advice!

Modern Subject134127


Boza says... #1

i really do not know how well arya works with xenagos, given that one triggers during upkeep and the other at the start of combat.

This deck is tries to do too many things at once and achieves none of these things well enough. Most of cards work only in the combos they are listed in, but not anywhere else.

  • 14 creatures is not enough for either purphoros or xenagos.

  • Arya is really hard to activate and a very fragile way to achieve your goals.

  • The burn does not combine with anything in the deck, it is just good stuff.

  • Beastmaster ascension will never activate in this deck. Akroan crusader has 8 cards that target him, so drawing it and more than one of those eight is really hard. This ascension is best played when played only when there are 7 creatures that can attack already for immediate activation. This deck will never do that.

  • There really is only 1 target for the auras - the crusader. Everything else is pretty bad with it or more accurately, not good enough.

  • awaken the ancient is good, but only when combined with satyr hedonist. too slow otherwise.

Everything about this deck screams inconsistent to me. It is decent when you get the right cards together, but as it is, this is not happening very often.

The key word that I want you to remember is consistency . Consistency is the main goal of any deck building process - you want your deck to do a couple of things at most, but do them as often as possible as good as possible.

Redundancy is one of the easiest ways to achieve that - having multiple cards that do similar things. For example, if you have Ajani's Pridemate in your deck, you will want Archangel of Thune in there as well to provide a similar effect, since they are both triggered from the same event. Another example is having playsets of your most important cards.

I can see several possibilities for this decks progress:

  • an WRG aura deck, with a focus on hexproof creatures and making them big.

  • a GR aggro deck, with a focus on the midgame.

  • a GR tokens deck that focus on swarming the opponent.

  • a GW midrange deck that provides some amount of threats and control in the early game.

  • some form of combo deck in those colors.

  • a G or R devotion focused deck for modern.

Note that all of those will require a total overhaul. Choose one of the options above and I will give you a sample decklist. Make that deck, playtest it against yours here on T/O and see the difference.

August 28, 2014 7:55 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #2

Thanks a lot for the tips, very valuable information! I had completely overlooked the turn order, which is pretty bad now I see it myself.

I prefer experimenting a bit on my own and gradually learn how people construct their decks the way they do, I'll try to turn it into WRG aura which seems more in the original spirit of the deck. Since it requires an extreme overhaul anyway though, also I'll attempt a bunch of aura's into Mayael's Aria + Sunbond , see if I can make it work. Feel free to provide a decklist though!

August 28, 2014 12:18 p.m.

Boza says... #3

I can now see that the second attempt is a lot better than the first one - a clear improvement. More synergistic cards, the theme is obvious, you simply want to beat the opponent on the head with creatures with auras on them. I will try to think of a decklist for one of the other options, if you do not like it, I will provide some suggestions for this one.

Nice job!

August 28, 2014 3:47 p.m.

Subject134127 says... #4

Your help is greatly appreciated in any way :)

I am horribly uninformed about the meta, so a few suggestions on how to make a sideboard would be stellar! Suggestions about the mainboard or deck lists are of course never a bad thing either!

August 28, 2014 4:53 p.m.

CrazyCrackCarl says... #5

You probably don't want this deck to look like every other G/W hexproof, but I think your better off dropping Uril, the Miststalker and putting in Slippery Boggle!. He's great for EDH versions of these decks, but is too slow otherwise. dropping him means droppng mana ramp like Trace of Abundance . Try 4 of's Fleecemane, Gladecover, and Boggle. Shield of the Oversoul is a GREAT card, but I'd replace it w/ Hyena Umbra . Totem armor will save you more often then you'd think, and it gives you another way to get first strike. Also, Rancor is only like a $1.50, pick a few up and you'll be set. Now, Signal the Clans ins't optimal, and later on will be useless, for the only reason you have it is cuz you lack creatures. in a deck like this, you only need one of these creatures in your hand, preferably a Glade or Boggle, and Signal the Clans will be worthless when you pull it or have it in your opening hand w/ that one creature. On the off chance you don't pull a creature, mull til you do, simple as that. Cuz your more than likely going to pull enchantments for that one creature.

September 7, 2014 8:32 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #6

Thanks for the advice!

Hyena Umbra is something I came across and the extra first strike would indeed be awesome, especially since the creatures will often lack toughness. Slippery Bogle is a useful way to get 8 Scouts, and works awesome with Favor of the Overbeing . Defense is a big downfall in a deck like this so 'just +1 and vigilance' for the other creatures wouldn't be terrible. Rancor is a great suggestion! Returning to hand if an opponent makes me sacrifice or plays AoE board clear such as Supreme Verdict (requires no targeting) is certainly very useful.

I'm considering to run 2x Retether instead of Uril, the Miststalker . Still relatively high CMC cost, but in the case of heavy board/enchantment clear (Fracturing Gust would be terrible for example) which should be the case if the game goes on too long, I'll have a way to quickly recontrol the board. And hopefully it makes the deck a bit more unique as well.

September 11, 2014 5:32 a.m.

Dorotheus says... #7

Deck doesn't have enough balls.

September 11, 2014 5:44 a.m.

HaazdaGerfson says... #8

Hey Subject, I like the Naya Hexproof deck you've got here! I've played against one in a tournament and they can be potentially scary! Here are some things I've noted from tournament versions of this which could make yours better:

For creatures, I think having Kor Spiritdancer 's would make more sense instead of the Fleecemane Lion 's. In this kind of deck, Kor is really a necessity (I mean just look at her abilities!). I realize that you probably had all of your creatures be at least partially green in order to benefit from Favor of the Overbeing . The problem is that Fleecemane Lion 's monstrous ability is far too slow to wait for, and until then, he doesn't match the hexproof or aura theme. Yes, Kor isn't hexproof either, but she does ramp extremely fast from aura's, and the lack of hexproof is solved by the Umbra's. On that note, you could replace the Favor of the Overbeing with Spider Umbra .

I like the idea of the Mage Slayer , but again I think it's waaay too slow for this deck. I think because you have the Naya version of the Aura Hexproof style deck (and not just the Simic), you can take huge advantage of some Boros Charm 's! All three of its abilities would be uber useful! If they only have 4 life left, end them! They try to destroy your Kor, make it indestructible! Or, the best yet use would be to give your huge creature double-strike to end things faster!

Some other things I noticed:

I'm not sure if I would run the Retether in the mainboard (if at all), and I also wouldn't run either of those burn spells. With a scary and cheap creature, all of their creatures are going to get thrown into blocking it to slow down trample damage.

Another great creature option against opponents without flyers is Silhana Ledgewalker .

In terms of other aura options, here are 3 depending on what you need:

Spirit Mantle allows your creature to not be blocked, targeted, or dealt damage by their creatures.

Keen Sense is great if you find yourself needing card draw.

Daybreak Coronet would be probably your best aura option hands-down... except it's really expensive :/ so I understand if that isn't a viable option.

Another thing I see a lot of is Path to Exile . I run these in my Orzhov tournament deck and I love them. They are super nice creature removal for 1 white mana if you need that. Another viable options instead of Path is Chained to the Rocks if you were to get the shock lands Stomping Ground , Sacred Foundry , and Temple Garden (which I would recommend anyways).

On the note of lands, if you feel like scrying would benefit you, the temple lands (Temple of Plenty , Temple of Triumph , and Temple of Abandon ) would be of great use. In union with the shock lands (which have basic land types), you could probably benefit from Clifftop Retreat , Rootbound Crag , and Sunpetal Grove . These lands (aside from the scry lands) would speed up and diversify your lands so that you could get rid of Evolving Wilds and Jungle Shrine which are just too slow and have no benefit that comes from entering tapped like scry lands do. Brushland isn't terrible, but it's not as good as these other duel lands and would no longer be needed. By simply changing the land base you have, you can speed this deck up tremendously!

Anyhow, I think that should be enough to consider for now! I hope my advice is all for the best, and hopefully you'll find my this as useful as I found your comments on my deck page!

If any others are interested and want to check out my deck, go take a look! +1 and comment!:

Dimir Tron Win Con Playtest

Modern* HaazdaGerfson


September 12, 2014 5:02 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #9

Many of your suggestions are way out of my budget! Daybreak Coronet , Kor Spiritdancer , shocklands and Path to Exile make my wallet cry in a corner for this budget Naya Hexproof deck :(. The current mana base often works out fine too even though it's not mix/maxed optimal, so apart from shifting around the color representation, that'll stay the same for now.

Keen Sense and Spirit Mantle are really nice. Magma Jet is also useful for the scry besides clearing a path / dealing with flying creatures. I'll consider running Spirit Mantle instead because removal is not necessary if I can simply avoid them altogether. I'll put Retether in the sideboard and use the freed space for these nice Aura's. Spider Umbra is a nice consideration as well, I have so far mostly avoided it because I have it in a Harry Potter themed deck and I don't like doing the same thing twice when I make something.

Thanks a lot for the recommendation of the Silhana Ledgewalker ! Fleecemane Lion I always found to be lacking because it took so long to get hexproof but I didn't know a good replacement. Those will be swapped!

Boros Charm is a nice replacement for Mage Slayer , as the opponent doesn't see it coming and it costs less. Probably more than 1 double swing is often unnecessary.

Your comment was very helpful, I really appreciate the time you took to respond :)

September 12, 2014 5:25 a.m.

HaazdaGerfson says... #10

No problem! I figured the time was due considering how helpful your comments were on mine. And I completely understand the budget thing. I went to price out my Dimir deck on TCGPlayer and I winced when the totally was a good bit over $300! >.<

The good thing is, Kor Spiritdancer is only $5 and Path to Exile is only $4, so they aren't too far out of reach. Maybe with some saving, you could trade something in for them! Good luck with the changes; hope it comes out like you want it to!

September 12, 2014 5:35 a.m.

Subject134127 says... #13

I will put in Verduran Enchantress . Currently replaces the second ability of Kor Spiritdancer until I can put it in, and gives another body to block and Enchant (only when really desperate and I have no other hexproof creatures. Can take them out and put in 2 ledgewalkers to reduce chance of that happening). Keen sense is nice too, but this makes it a bit cheaper (hoping to get around 30 euro) and has a very small potential to make me draw a bit more per turn even though it costs 3 mana.

Kor Spiritdancer is 4,50 euro at the place where I buy my cards, excluding shipping, and PtE is 3 euro. I will consider the last one but getting a playset of them is currently not how I want to spend the money on this deck.

Was that a $300 checkout with or without the shocklands and stuff? I made a $80 version of your infinite combo in my private collection, with a cheap mana base but also removing the artifacts+tezzeret. getting a few artifacts again instead of the absurd card draw and some ensoul artifacts + 1 tezzeret should make it relatively cheap still.

September 12, 2014 6:11 a.m.

HaazdaGerfson says... #14

With every single card there, it's well over $300 maybe closer to $400 depending where you shop. However, replacing some of the cards in there really takes away from the potency of the deck unfortunately. I guess it's just the kind of deck that it is. I could maybe get the price down to like $150-200-ish by making some subtle replacements across the board, but even then it certainly would not be as good a deck! It might be somewhat of a long term investment if I wanted to actually build this one.

September 12, 2014 6:15 a.m.

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