Man I'm glad to see you running Mana Crypt it is such an awesome card and Sensei's Divining Top was ment to run Journeyer's Kite but I guess your Land Tax +Scroll Rack combo takes care of that, speaking of how do you have foil crypt and rack? Oh Thrashing Wumpus does a nice job "killing everything" have you considered cards like Death Grasp and/or Vindicate or False Cure +Congregate
April 10, 2014 12:33 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #3
The foil Mana Crypt is the judge foil version, and the Scroll Rack is from Commanders arsenal. Don't know how to put the right versions show up. Thrashing Wumpus and Death Grasp really need infinite mana, which I can't get. Vindicate I already have, that's a must for an orzhov deck :D I don't feel that False Cure or Congregate do enough, and False Cure really just messes up with my general. Journeyer's Kite is good, but a little too slow for the deck, but I like the idea.
Thanks for commenting and giving ideas :)
April 10, 2014 3:43 p.m.
vidofnir84 says... #4
Have you considered Pawn of Ulamog ? Then your sac outlets also generate colorless mana.
May 13, 2014 5:37 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #5
Neat idea, but most of the time, when I use my sac outlets they go infinite, and extra mana isn't needed. It is true that it could help in some situations, but there's no room for cards like that. Maybe if I had cards like Exsanguinate it might do something. It is a good card, but would not profit this deck enough.
Thanks for suggestion, I appreciate it a lot!
May 13, 2014 10:54 a.m.
I like what you do with vish kal there!
Only thing i dont really get is Dimir Machinations
, did that card do so well for you?
June 22, 2014 8:36 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #7
Thanks! :) Dimir Machinations is in the deck because of its transmute ability. It has worked pretty great, because many of the relevant stuff is 3CMC, for example Buried Alive , Blasting Station and Necropotence .
June 22, 2014 9:14 a.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #8
Looks really good man, I love combo EDH! Keep in mind that Mikaeus also goes infinite with any creature with Undying or that enters with -1/-1 counters, provided that you have a sac outlet handy.
Fiend Hunter combos with Reveillark in addition to Karmic Guide and Sun Titan. I am not sure if you just forgot to list that one. This also lets you loop out 2-power creatures, notably Triskelion.
+1 for sure.
June 25, 2014 11:48 p.m.
cosmicteapot says... #9
I think you meant that Mikaeus goes infinite with any creature with persist, like Puppeteer Clique . Unfortunately all persist creatures in my colors don't kill the opponents if they go infinite.
Hm, so does Fiend Hunter work so that it exiles Reveillark , and then when Reveillarks LTB goes on stack, you sack Fiend hunter so that it comes back because of Reveillarks LTB ability, and so on? If that works, thanks a lot for pointing it out. I didn't think they would combo.
June 26, 2014 7:32 a.m.
DiamondFlavor says... #10
Yes, you're right that I meant Persist instead of Undying. I agree that there are not really any relevant win conditions attached to these guys, though.
Actually I think I may have spoken too soon about the Fiend Hunter and Reveillark interaction. I forgot Rev was LTB and not ETB. When you exile him to Fiend Hunter, you can stack his ability but you have to choose targets, and Fiend Hunter will not be in the graveyard yet. And if you sac Fiend Hunter in response to his own ETB, you will strand the Rev in exile. I think you're right that they don't combo, so that's my error. I'm used to playing Saffi Eriksdotter , who does combo with Reveillark.
June 26, 2014 10:46 a.m.
cosmicteapot says... #11
You're right with the point that Reveillarks LTB ability needs to target right away when it is put onto the stack. I asked my judge friend and he said it works, but he might have forgotten that part. Thanks anyway, I've learned something today :D
June 26, 2014 5:15 p.m.
msanchez13 says... #12
Hi there, ran across this deck looking for further inspiration for my own Vish-Kal build! I love the interaction between Leonin Relic-Warder and a reanimate enchantment, I'll try to find space for the Warder, and probably a Dance of the Dead. I also wanted to let you know these are great colors for the Enduring Renewal combo, involving sacrificing an ornithopter or a memnite repeatedly. The combo also got stronger with the printing of Razaketh, the Foulblooded since all you need is the renewal and your ornithopter and suddenly the rest of your combo is in your hand. Overall, sweet looking build, +1 for another Vish-Komboer!
cosmicteapot says... #1
Thanks :] I have spent a lot of time working on it.
March 25, 2014 11:14 a.m.