You Aren't Worth the Blood on My Shoes!

Commander / EDH Decisive


WarriorMagic says... #1

I would suggest adding in animation module, blade of the blood chief, citadel siege, walking ballista, endless one, hangar back walker, hythonia the cruel, kalitas traitor of ghet, karpov of the ghost council, krav the unredeemed, maga traitor to mortals, marrionette master, and mikaeus the lunarch. If you still need more help, I would suggest going to one of these two websites and searching what you need.

February 13, 2019 8:29 p.m.

WarriorMagic says... #2



February 13, 2019 8:30 p.m.

MagmaArmor0 says... #3

I think your deck needs more ramp to get out that huge commander--things like Thran Dynamo , Gilded Lotus , Black Market and the like can really help to get that 7 mana a lot faster.

To make room for them, I think you can afford to cut Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim , Viscera Seer , and Yahenni, Undying Partisan --Your commander is already a sac outlet, so I don't know how many more you need.

February 13, 2019 11:25 p.m.

Decisive says... #4

Animation Module - Missed out on that one, great idea

Blade of the Bloodchief - I feel as though it's not gonna be used to its full potential most of the time, since, while Vish Kal likes counters, this deck isn't a counter deck that much.

Citadel Siege - Same reasoning

Walking Ballista - Maybe, but I have reservations about adding it since I can't really see myself ever using the ability to gain more counters, so it'd enter with x counters and id either sac it to Vish, or use it all up to blast someone.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet - Already in.

Endless One - Similar reasoning to Ballista

Hangarback Walker - Definitely can see it being useful, though I worry I'll never really cast it for a high enough x to get that much out of it

Hythonia the Cruel - Too expensive really, trying to keep the cmc as low as possible

Karlov of the Ghost Council - Lifegain is just a byproduct of the cards in the deck, I might actually make it less lifegain oriented, so while he can be great removal, I don't think he'd be that useful. Might take a bit more consideration to full decide

Krav, the Unredeemed - Not really sure about him, maybe board for now

Maga, Traitor to Mortals - Would be way to expensive to cast to get a significant amount of life drained, can only see him being played late game to get that final bit of damage in.

Marionette Master - While a great card, I don't have any ways to sacrifice artifacts, so her ability is moot

Mikaeus, the Lunarch - Not a counter deck

Thanks for your suggestions. I think I should refine the objective of the deck a bit more and appreciate your assistance, WarriorMagic

February 13, 2019 11:25 p.m.

Decisive says... #5

MagmaArmor0, I was also feeling as though I could use a bit more ramp, black market was definitely a miss, but I don't think I'll be running Lotus or Dynamo for the fact they're pretty expensive in cmc, and I'd like to refine the deck so that it could be competitive (though granted Vish Kal isn't really the best commander for a "competitive" edh deck)

I'll gladly remove Yahenni, as I've had doubts of his worth ever since I put him in. As for Ayli and Viscera, serious consideration would have to be made. Viscera is a free sac outlet, she has been really useful thus far in exploiting death triggers thus far, as for Ayli, she's removal for the most part, and unless I get another source of removal, I don't think I'll be replacing her.

And you can never have enough sac outlets! XD

Thank you for your suggestion, I appreciate it!

February 13, 2019 11:33 p.m.

Damn that looks much better than I thought it would. Nice deck!

February 21, 2019 11:58 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #7

Yo Byuante, nice page!

Have you considered running a couple of these cards?

The biggest issue I see however with the deck is actually the CMC curve, it's a bit on the high end side and since you are going for the combo reanimation route you can opt to run more redundancy and protection package. You can consider also running Leave No Trace as tech cards or Devoted Caretaker as well. Leonin Relic-Warder is also a great inclusion since it can go infinite with any of the enchantment spells and you would only need a drain effect to kill the table. Not to mention Sun Titan as well, Fiend Hunter can also lead to a lock down effect with Yosei or drain with Kokusho.

Hope that helps!

February 24, 2019 9:27 a.m.

Decisive says... #8

Thanks for your comment hkhssweiss, I appreciate you taking the time!

I personally dislike the use of Contamination : I'm not mono-black, so it could screw me over, and it seems as though it'd be overly dependent on Bitterblossom to work, or it'd be a waste of reanimation as it might require me to sacrifice something too valuable to lose (I'm not fond of having to sacrifice a Crypt Ghast, for example)

Entomb - I could see myself running, 1 mana for an expensive play with a reanimation card. It'll take some time to figure out what would be worth cutting to make room for it.

Buried Alive - I don't run mass reanimation, and having to put several good cards into the yard with only a way to reanimate one per turn seems like a guarantee that my yard would be targetted

Dance of the Dead - I could probably make use of another reanimation spell, but I don't have a good card in mind to cut for it, do you?

Necromancy - Flash reanimation is yet to be needed, though if the situation changes, I'll find room for necromancy, but for the time being, maybeboard

Land Tax - Card advantage, sure, but it's very limited in scope in this deck, with only 15 targets, that's 5 triggers at most, and discarding lands isn't something I want to be doing. Plus it only triggers if I have fewer lands than others, which, even though I'm in white/black, is actually kind of an uncommon site. And overall, it's only truly good if gotten early on, as having a land tax turn 10 isn't that good for anything other than extorting or devotion.

Smothering Tithe - Good ramp, especially in white with such a high curve. I personally don't see a good card to remove over it and would appreciate your input

Scroll Rack - Also a good card, especially for getting rid of a stale hand.

Leave No Trace - Since I lack mass enchantment removal, definitely worthwhile to make room for it.

Devoted Caretaker - I don't know about this I feel that if I were to run protection, I'd run Mother of Runes instead. But to determine the usefulness of protection, I'll have to run a few tests.

Leonin Relic-Warder - Aside from the fact it goes infinite with a drain card, it seems like a waste of a slot in this deck. If I don't have the required card and I play it and exile someone's thing, saccing it becomes a no-no, so it's dead in play and doesn't do much to help us win.

And I don't see how Fiend Hunter can lead to a lockdown effect with the Dragon Spirits, as, for their ability to trigger, they must die. Mind expanding on that?

I look forward to hearing back from you!

February 24, 2019 3:34 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #9

No problem Byuante, in regards to your question on some of the cards that you can consider, I'll give my input. As you said you want to build this as competitively as possible, Vish Kal is quite big cost and for consistency as well as efficiency you can cut down on all the token producers as they don't "win" you the game outright, whereas an infinite combo does. Having a sub-token theme would be good as you can use it as a back up plan for when your main line doesn't fall through.

That being said, I am also unsure of the meta you play in as well, all my suggestions come from the current play group I have witnessed and played with decks myself. I play with around twenty players so there is a lot of variable match ups however, they are 80% completely optimized/degenerate/cEDH decks. The thing about competitive matches your curve is generally pretty low, your curve is 3.19 Avg. CMC which is good, but we can lower it down to be more efficient.

With the card choices:

  • Entomb / Buried Alive - These two are the few cards that are efficiently costed and can put stuff into your grave, upping the reanimation count can lead to wins or selective lock down, or value grabbing. It's essentially a tutor for you as you make use of your grave as well. While Entomb is instant speed, for Buried Alive you don't have to use it right away you can wait for the timing and use it as a set up before using a cheap reanimation spell, this can lead to a win on the spot with the Karmic Guide/Reveillark combo.
  • Necromancy - Good against mirror match up, good for against control players, and also value targeting as well. The fact that it can be used at instant speed is amazing.
  • Leonin Relic-Warder - This actually depends on the timing you use LRW, while yes it deals with your opponents artifact/enchantment, but saccing it is also good if you decide to add in more reanimation enchantment spells, plus if you have a sac outlet on the field you can permanently exile them but sacrificing it while the trigger is on the stack. It doubles as a win-con and a perma-exile effect.
  • Fiend Hunter - Sorry I didn't clarify with Fiend Hunter (FH), it's in conjunction with Karmic Guide (KG) and Reveillark (RV) as well as you can break the P/T 2 limit with the addition of Fiend Hunter. Having a sac outlet on the field and KG, RV, as well as FH can lead to infinite loops of Yosei/Kokousho. Starting with them on the field you can sac KG, FH, and Yosei. Yosei triggers, sac RV to bring back KG and FH. FH trigger on the stack and KG trigger on the stack. KG targets Yosei, FH exiles KG. Sac FH to bring back RV. Than you can start all over again by saccing Yosei and KG.

Hope that helps explain the card choices as well as answers your question!

February 24, 2019 6:12 p.m.

timckmorse says... #10

This deck looks super fun. I just built a Teysa one myself all about sacrificing and taking some ideas from this one. +1

March 3, 2019 11:29 p.m.

Decisive says... #11

timckmorse, thanks for the upvote!

Yeah, this deck's pretty fun to pilot, especially when it comes in out of nowhere to take the win. I've been put in pretty touch positions in the past and this deck handles itself well, even under those circumstances.

Since you're familiar with aristocrats, having built a teysa deck, do you have any ideas on cards you think might work?

Thanks again!

March 4, 2019 8:39 a.m.

5c0r910n says... #12

commander is super versatile on its own, can't believe i've never seen it before, super cool deck, definitely gonna put this guy on my list

March 4, 2019 6:18 p.m.

Decisive says... #13

5c0r910n yep, only 296 decks on EDHREC atm, not a commander you'd typically find at a casual table, but one that'll definitely make the game interesting! See also my Bosh deck (The Hulkbuster) for another commander you also might not have heard of! (Only 188 decks on EDHREC atm)

March 4, 2019 7:28 p.m.

Reckless Spite and Curtains' Call are almost strictly better than Ashes to Ashes by virtue of instant speed. Malicious Affliction is pretty great as well

April 5, 2019 4:58 p.m.

sub780lime says... #15

My current feedback is to change the font on the deck post. Makes it much harder to read the deck and details to be able to offer feedback. :)

April 17, 2019 11:25 p.m.

Decisive says... #16

Hello sub780lime,

I appreciate that comment, and after having others say the same thing, I'll get some help changing the font to something a bit less painful to read.

In the meantime, may I ask you give it another shot?

April 18, 2019 1:18 a.m.

sub780lime says... #17

No worries, Byuante.

Westvale Abbey  Flip seems a bit win more in this deck and I think there are better token generation / outlet options to help enable your main win con of Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter . I almost prefer the added control offered by Sadistic Hypnotist .

Sword of the Animist seems a little out of place. I'd honestly replace that with Swiftfoot Boots to help with the protection package.

I see Reliquary Tower in the maybe board, but I would rather have Vedalken Orrery in here.

I'd prefer Merciless Eviction in place of one of the more targeted removals.

Just to throw it out there, Finale of Glory or Secure the Wastes could add a mana dump.

P.S. orzhov is not my strong suit :)

April 18, 2019 11:12 p.m.

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