Vish Kal, The Sword in the Darkness [[Primer]]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 149 | 62 COMMENTS | 17768 VIEWS | IN 64 FOLDERS
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #2
yeah the deck has undergone some changes since I first posted this and I haven't gotten around to updating it on here yet. Thoughtpicker is definitely back in the mainboard and the basics aren't foil because that would be a few hundred dollars and unnecessary since I already have the actual basics that are shown in here. Maybe someday if I have nothing else to do with the $600 :)
April 10, 2016 11:32 p.m.
To upload your custom commander, go to your "alters" and add him as a new alter. Then, find his alter code (it will be a=SomeNumber) add it next to your commander in asterisks, like the F you use for foil
August 16, 2016 9:29 a.m.
Where did you commission your alter from? It looks amazing. Also, +1 for a well-made deck
August 19, 2016 12:46 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #5
Thanks, why no actual upvote though? Are you having problems with the upvote button? A lot of people have been saying that lately and I'm wondering if there is a bug I should report to Tapped Out. The alter is a foil alter I made with some cool random art I found on Google. It's not painted over an actual Vish Kal unfortunately. Hopefully some day WotC will realize he needs to be reprinted in foil with this exact art :)
August 19, 2016 7:09 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #7
Nope! I'm not interested in playing the optimal cards in every deck just because the colors enable it. I prefer to build for fun and flavor. Also, I like the 75% EDH ethos. Fun should be the goal of an EDH game, winning often ensues from that, but it's not necessary.
September 23, 2016 6:10 p.m.
You mention some of the best combos aren't in the deck. Would you be able to tell me what those combos are?
November 8, 2016 6:13 p.m.
I love decks like this. Nothing spike-y but tons of fun and personality. I've personally never seen a Vish Kal deck in action. Have you considered Aetherflux Reservoir? I don't know if your life total gets to be very high but a battlecruiser-y lifelinking general probably helps that along.
November 8, 2016 10:11 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #10
Profet93 like I said in the description, Bitter Ordeal, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Ashnod's Altar and Nim Deathmantle aren't currently in the deck. Mikaeus combos with Vish Kal to kill everybody's creatures or set up Bitter Ordeal or Blood Artist to kill everybody. Nim Deathmantle and Ashnod's Altar allow sacing dudes over and over for degenerate ETBs. There's no Triskelion because I despise the combo with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed.
November 8, 2016 11:29 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #11
Steaditup thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoy the deck and cited those reasons. That's exactly how I like building decks: lots of personality and synergy. I have thought about the Reservoir but I don't think I really need it and lifegain isn't especially the goal of the deck. It's an interesting thought for sure.
November 8, 2016 11:31 p.m.
Have you considered Gonti, Lord of Luxury? I run him in my ayli deck and it's a lot of fun to steal stuff from people. We have similar deck lists, but mine focuses on life gain a bit more.
December 22, 2016 12:05 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #17
Yeah I like him a lot and want to play him in more decks but there's already like 20 cards I want to fit in this deck that work with it more directly. I think I'll put him in my second deck when I build it.
December 22, 2016 12:14 a.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #19
check out the comments on my deck Infernal Tribute to Rakdos. We discussed adding the backgrounds at length over there. Thanks for the affirmation and appreciation! :)
December 26, 2016 10:41 p.m.
captainawesome3 says... #20
I would 100% recommend mikaeus, he goes infinite with vish kal, works great in my edh deck. +1 upvote
also, what's up with your commander? is it an alter?
December 31, 2016 6:40 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #21
captainawesome3 You may have missed in the description where I mentioned the combo with Mikaeus in passing. Of course I know how it works but as I've discussed in the description and comments, this deck goes infinite too many ways too often for my taste. I am not the kind of deckbuilder who seeks infinite combos or enjoys winning that way in particular. Besides being repetitive, it leaves a bad taste in your opponents' mouths since it is basically uninterruptible except with Sudden Spoiling.
My general is a proxy I made on a decal that I laid over a de-inked foil. All of my generals are pimped, usually just by being foiled but since no foil Vish Kal exists, I made my own. Thanks for the upvote and discussion; I'm updating the decklist right now with a bunch of changes actually as I'm always tooling around with this deck.
December 31, 2016 7:50 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #22
Also, captainawesome3 if you meant to upvote (which I very much appreciate), you don't appear to have clicked the button yet. Thanks again.
December 31, 2016 8:10 p.m.
+1 for an awesome deck. Never actually read vish kal before this. He seems powerful.
January 1, 2017 2:15 p.m.
FenIsABasicSwamp says... #24
Thanks! Yeah he's incredible and very underrated/ignored unfortunately. IMO he's the most powerful creature ever created.
January 1, 2017 2:54 p.m.
@EternalBrewmaster: He looks like it. I might have to find room for him in my teneb deck.
K34 says... #1
First, I would consider mainboarding that Thoughtpicker Witch. She's a serious threat to someone using a tutor like Worldly Tutor or Enlightened Tutor.
Second, why are your basic lands not foil? Everything else is, lol.
April 6, 2016 8:49 p.m.