[IKR] Will of the Thousands [BANTCOMBO 11.0]

Pioneer* Dr_Jay

SCORE: 152 | 45 COMMENTS | 19898 VIEWS | IN 42 FOLDERS

jubale says... #1

By blocking! 4x Servo Exhibition, 4x Sram's Expertise

November 14, 2017 2:21 p.m.

bigliljames says... #2

Fit in 2 Walking Bal to get around stalled boards and smack someone for 10 damage.

November 16, 2017 12:05 p.m.

jubale says... #3

I built a deck based on this one, tempered by cards I actually own. Feedback appreciated. One thing I neglected was Merfolk explorers.

Servo Ramp

Standard jubale



November 16, 2017 6:24 p.m.

Lost_0ne says... #4

Im playing my own take on this engine and gotta day I love it. I added one mirage mirror and one cultivators caravan to liven up the trophy mage. Also an hour of eternity, one dusk // dawn and 3 countervailing winds to give some responses.

November 23, 2017 2:25 p.m.

jubale says... #5

My version was semi-successful. Lots of fun but it needs work if it's really going to compete. Basically it was sometimes really powerful and sometimes fizzled. OP, please share what your good and bad matchups are with your list.

November 25, 2017 1:07 p.m.

Lost_0ne says... #6

This is what Im playing in mine its less creature heavy more response based.

  • 4 angel of invention
  • 2 ixalis diviner
  • 4 tishana, voice of thunder
  • 2 trophy mage
  • 3 inspiring statuary
  • 2 servo exhibition
  • 4 srams expertise
  • 2 growing rites of itlimoc
  • 3 counterwailing winds
  • 2 dive down
  • 2 chart a course
  • 2 pull from tomorrow
  • 1 mirror mirage
  • 1 cultivators caravan
  • 1 hour of eternity
  • 1 dusk // dawn
  • 4 sheet dunes
  • 4 glacial fortress
  • 4 sunpetal groves
  • 4 scattered groves
  • 4 irrigated farmland
  • 3 island
  • 1 forest
  • Sideboard
  • 2 appetite for the unnatural
  • 1 dusk//dawn
  • 2 blossoming defense
  • 3 negate
  • 3 settle the wreckage
  • 2 approach/ mechanized
  • 2 heroic intervention
November 25, 2017 11:44 p.m.

Kittus says... #7

lost_one, jubale, I have been playing this deck for a while but with Dev's list (from Strictly better Mtg youtube channel) and It has been working pretty well. Haven't tested vs control though, which I think it would struggle a bit.

What I wanted to point out is that this deck shines when you get your ''combo'' out. Which is Sram's Expertise into Growing Rites of Itlimoc . So the think is: let's try to do that asap, play Channeler Initiate and Legion's Landing which can give you the 4th mana by turn 3. If you Sram into Rites in turn 3 it's win, that's for sure.

Then, Walking Ballista is too good for this deck, you are always flooded, Balista is the best way to use that mana.

And about your list lost_one I think that 4xShefet Dunes is too much taking into account that we are playing a lot of friend lands.

November 26, 2017 4:29 a.m.

Lost_0ne says... #8

Thoughts on toolcraft exemplar for the early game?

December 7, 2017 11:45 p.m.

Dr_Jay says... #9

Lost_0ne It is a possibility, but I usually prefer to use my taplands on turn 1- Having white mana untapped t1 is difficult, which is why I may even swap out the Authorities in the sideboard to Inspiring Cleric or the like.

December 8, 2017 10:30 a.m.

Lost_0ne says... #10

Ive added in 3 spite of industry and 2 herald of anguish for an alternate win condition. Have plenty of sources for blacks between channeler, spire, caravan, and the mirage mirror to copy one so isnt to cast and provides constant threat because of the discard and flying 5/5

December 30, 2017 7:59 p.m.

BlizzardBeast says... #11

do you think that Azor, The Lawbringer from rivals could fit into this?

January 3, 2018 8:25 p.m.

Dr_Jay says... #12

BlizzardBeast Not too much, but there is a lot from Rivals that I've been brewing. New Huatli, some of the Elder Dinos, among others look great.

January 4, 2018 2:03 p.m.

Lost_0ne says... #13

THoughts on nezahal, primal tide as alternate win con? Cant be countered protects hand size Incase tishana dies after draw and after her draw you have plenty of cards to blink. Im going to try two

January 8, 2018 8:03 p.m.

murilom says... #14

I really liked your deck and tried to make a similar list. But instead of using the artifacts, I tested using more creatures for card advantage and the angel. Now with the goal changed, I think there will be more control decks. What did you think of the deck? and you think something changes against the controls?

Mylist: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/22-01-18-bant-midrange/?cache=2018-01-22%2018:55:31.470011

Thanks man, your list is awesome

January 22, 2018 6:56 p.m.

Pownu says... #15

not gonna lie i dropped an up vote on this deck for the page design alone. best one I've ever seen

March 1, 2018 10:34 p.m.

FlabbyAbs says... #16

Weird list XD. I tried scrolling through comments to see what the combo is. Is it just a synergy or actual combo?

March 2, 2018 4:49 a.m.

Dr_Jay says... #17

FlabbyAbsSpecifically, it is in the 'synergy to the extent of combo' tier. It is really just non-infinite combo. Is Prosperity + Cadaverous Bloom really an infinite combo? No, not really. But it is still a combination of cards that, 70+% of the time, leads to victory. Same with this. In fact, this deck plays very similarly to Prosperous Bloom, in terms of mana production and spells cast.

March 2, 2018 8:25 a.m.

Dr_Jay says... #18

Pownu D'aww, thank you! It isn't the best; that one elf page, that may or may not be working right now, is definitely the most creative.

March 2, 2018 8:39 a.m.

Exernos says... #19

x12721 look at this

March 11, 2018 12:58 p.m.

FlabbyAbs says... #20

Something I've noticed is Jadelight Ranger fares somewhat better than Champion of Wits and Trophy Mage. Jadelight does kinda of a similar job but is a bigger body. I say it after realizing the extremely weak bodies were terrible to aggression. The Irrigated Farmland I think need to be forest to make Ranger consistent, but I think it's overall a bit better.

I personally think Servant of the Conduit is on par with Channeler Initiate but feel 2/2 is necessary to block opposing Legion's Landing, Bomat Courier, and other problem weenies. Casting Initiate 2nd turn and literally dying to anything is really rough if your draw is not so great.

March 12, 2018 2:04 p.m. Edited.

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