Voltron Wears a White Hat

Standard* Caerid


buildingadeck says... #1

I think your sideboard could use Aegis of the Gods , Oppressive Rays , and Banishing Light at the minimum. You may need more defense depending on how quickly you get creatures out with 20 mana. Also, let me know how Nyxborn Shieldmate works.

I have a white weenie deck on my profile, too. Check it out and maybe take some ideas from it. Advice and a +1 would also be appreciated. I like your deck, though. I think it's pretty balanced.

July 18, 2014 3:04 p.m.

Caerid says... #2

Thanks for the feed back. I agree on the sideboard options. Although I'm less enthused about the Aegis of the Gods than I was when I first saw it leaked. So many of the things I wanted to stop say 'all opponents' instead of 'target opponent'.

I personally like the Nyxborn Shieldmate quite a bit. Its quite flexible, at low cost. You have a nice 1 drop if you need to get something out, or if you are hurting on creatures starting hand, and it has a cheap bestow cost. Unlike Aegis of the Gods , I was very underwhelmed when I saw this card leaked, but it has slowly made its way into almost every white deck I have. Playtest with it a little and see if it jibes with what you are trying to do. Its all personal preference.

July 19, 2014 7:03 a.m.

buildingadeck says... #3

Okay, cool. Yeah, I just need a nice one-drop human who plays better than Favored Hoplite , because he is very underwhelming.

July 19, 2014 9:57 a.m.

cjk191997 says... #4

There's no Soldier of the Pantheon why? And another theros combo u must have missed is Cavalry Pegasus and humans such as Soldier of the Pantheon and Fabled Hero cuz a double strike flier is scary as hell especially when you cast a Launch the Fleet and target something else first then triple target Fabled Hero

July 20, 2014 12:41 a.m.

Caerid says... #5

I find that most decks don't have scary multi-color cards. Definitely in my mete, but even on the whole I feel 'standard' is moving more toward single color cards (even in multi-color decks). You have the gods, and those can be bother some, but a monster fabled with lifelink turns not getting through into a big boost in life until you can pass him through with a Gods Willing or Spectra Ward. Great sideboard for sure, but on the main I just personally don't like it as much. I did have the Cavalry Pegasus in on an earlier version, but I found I was wishing for something else when ever I would get it. I hate to ignore the air, but I seam to be doing just that. USUALLY its fast enough to not mater. . . usually (its fast - one way or another). There are those times that it doesn't happen. Gift of Orzhova was great in this deck, but with that rotating out soon, I'm hoping for some nice white in Khan's. Launch the fleet is great, but I see that in more of a true token deck (which I plan on building at some point), but the number of creatures I tend to have (one or two) makes its upside small, beside the target for the hero that is.

Thanks for the input!

July 21, 2014 3:09 p.m.

Caerid says... #6

One thing I'm currently contemplating: Marked by Honor or Observant Alseid


July 21, 2014 3:10 p.m.

kg77wiseguy says... #7

Whichever way you go on Mark vs. Alseid, I'd replace one and run a Heliod.

July 31, 2014 10:27 a.m.

doriboncore says... #8

I would run a Knightly Valor instead of an Observant Alseid , though Marked by Honor is one mana cheaper than both of those.

August 6, 2014 10:52 a.m.

6tennis says... #9

March 19, 2015 3:28 p.m.

Caerid says... #10

@6tennis - Most definitely. I need to up date this deck with DTK. Thanks for the suggestion. . . unfortunately where this deck started, once return to ravnica dropped, it lost a ton of speed. Still does well, especially for the price.

March 20, 2015 8:42 a.m.

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