Vorel and his Merry Counters

Commander / EDH* JWiley129


DaggerV says... #1

Riku is good stuff lol. Good to hear you're having fun with it. My LGS store is slowly gaining a following though I kinda dropped the ball a bit due to real life. My suggestions are going to be based on older cards in general but I won't suggest banks breakers, I'll keep it at 10$ cards or less.

Momir Vig, Simic Visionary is a big one, and possibly a commander replacement. He sounds like he's overdone but I don't run into him too often. He curves higher, however it'll keep your creatures and threats coming. Experiment Kraj can copy activated abilities of even your foe's creature if you don't mind giving them a counter. Though that part don't see much play I've noticed.

Worldly Tutor will bring that creature you need to the top of the deck for a whole one mana. While Mystical Tutor will do that for an instant or sorcery.

Genesis Wave after you build you manabase up will help kick your deck into overdrive short of a board wipe. Though that said I try and have a graveyard recycle heavy.

Speaking of manabase. Riku decks play a lot of mana ramp spells? I do in mine though I bring out Maelstrom Wanderer as a commander if I need to pack more heat. Harrow , Explosive Vegetation , Cultivate and others will boost you up. Though getting too much land too fast tends to paint a bull's eye on you, it'll hopefully be too late to stop you hehe.

Regrowth is a cheap two cost card recursion if you need to re-use an important card.

My local group ended up soft banning them, but Sylvan Primordial , and Diluvian Primordial are fun cards despite being up there on the mana curve.

Primordial Hydra ] and Increasing Savagery will have good synergy with this deck. Might even nab up a Feral Hydra to dump mana into on slow turns.

I like Merchant Scroll since it'll fetch whatever counterspell I need for specific circumstances. Essence Scatter , Hinder , Plasm Capture , and even Dissipate should be easy to get a hold of.

Hand Advantage is a very important aspect of every format. EDH is no different. Prime Speaker Zegana , Consecrated Sphinx , and even a Blue Sun's Zenith can be handy.

I could go on and on, I'll suggest some more creatures later, which is probably what you want the most help on, but I will end with this, Cyclonic Rift is a great way to lead the way to a win :)

Have fun and good luck _

August 31, 2013 10:24 p.m.

cschiller says... #2

December 30, 2013 7:20 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #3

cschiller - I will ignore any an all comments that are strictly a card name with no other exposition as to why the card should be included and what should be taken out in place of it. I find these that these comments are unproductive and provide no content.

December 31, 2013 3:50 a.m.

puxing says... #4

JWiley129 i think that is really lame...

that person gives you a new idea but doesn't want to spend time on saying unnecessary things because you can just read the card.

but if you really are going to ignore people that are trying to help you in there way, because you think you are to good for them. then i think you are not a person that deserves help.

January 11, 2014 8:56 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #5

puxing - I find that too often people just list a bunch of cards w/o any explanation as to why it should be considered. This may be the internet, but that doesn't mean people should get away with minimal interaction.

How would you feel if in real life you asked for help on a deck and someone said, "Doom Blade ." No explanation, just "Doom Blade ." I don't know about you, but I would find that a bit off putting. Put a little effort into it. Also if someone is going to suggest a card, finding cards for it to replace would also be helpful.

You may disagree with what I said, or how I said it, but that is my opinion and it is no less valid than yours. Btw, it isn't a new idea. I recognize that Darksteel Reactor is a good card with Vorel, because someone else suggested it before him. Would you like me to get into why I'm not running it?

January 11, 2014 10:21 a.m.

puxing says... #6

well, i understand that you like a full explanation more than just a card name, we all do.but please also understand that you get free information from people that are trying to help you.

and also this is the internet and people are not bound by your rules. if someone wants to give you a tip for a card to put into your deck and why, they can.

if someone want to give you just a card name, they can.

if someone want to give you a link to a cute sleeping bunny, they can.


okee i forgot what i wanted to say thanks to some funny pictures of bunny's but ooh well please let people help you in there way.

also, yes i would like to know why you are not running Darksteel Reactor :D

ps. i am guessing because it has a | you win the game | effect

January 11, 2014 11:38 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #7

puxing - I understand that the internet is not bound by my rules, and thank god it isn't. I would be a terrible internet czar.

I'm not running Darksteel Reactor partially because of the "you win the game" clause. While Commander is the format for doing busted things, I don't want those things to be like Darksteel Reactor . You can stop a 1522/1522 Kalonian Hydra swinging at your face. An indestructible artifact? Not so much. It's partially the same reason I don't run the infinite turns combo of Vorel of the Hull Clade and Magistrate's Scepter . It doesn't make the game any more fun.

January 11, 2014 11:42 a.m.

Generalsplat says... #8

Nylea, God of the Hunt is good in these kind of decks otherwise you will be chumpblocked all day. Chimeric Mass is also a good card to consider

February 3, 2014 9:02 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #9

Generalsplat - Nylea isn't a bad idea, nor is Chimeric Mass . My only problem with the mass is there is quite a bit of artifact removal in my meta, so I'm a little hesitant there. I've already put some Born of the Gods cards in, so I'll see where I can put Nylea, God of the Hunt after I've got the rest of the cards.

February 5, 2014 5:25 a.m.

omgitsbill says... #10

Hi I'd like to offer some suggestions. I've done a stupid amount of research on my vorel deck so here are some swaps I suggest:

Skylasher --> Wonder even if they counter wonder, you're in a great spot for flying defense

Mystic Genesis --> Plasm Capture or Fuel for the Cause or Counterspell or Voidslime 5 CMC for what will probably be a ~3/3 token will be disappointing.

Adaptive Snapjaw --> this guy doesn't have anything special except evolve, might as well put a proper fatty on the board instead Primordial Hydra

Archaeomancer --> after you cast him he doesn't do anything, and you don't have any major bombs in your sorceries and spells. why not replace with an unlimited counterspell Glen Elendra Archmage ? (goes unlimited with Sage of Fables

Beetleform Mage --> better choice for combat trick would be this guy Winged Coatl

Cloudfin Raptor --> develops a bit too slow, yes EDH are longer games but even when it's big enough to be a threat it doesn't have trample or anything special. Better fliers for this deck: Triskelavus , Pentavus , Kira, Great Glass-Spinner (warning: draws alot of hate), Viral Drake , Tradewind Rider

Crowned Ceratok --> nothing special here... i strongly considered this guy initially, but he's pretty much strictly worse than Nylea, God of the Hunt and will never be the bomb that Overwhelming Stampede is

Experiment One --> tempting because of the evolve but not much offered to you from this guy. The regen is cool, but do you really want to pay mana to double counters on him? I'd recommend an annoyance like Blighted Agent or utility like Ulvenwald Tracker

Fangren Firstborn --> needs 3G, doesn't have counters initially, requires attacking and it has only 2 strength. For only on more mana you can put Murkfiend Liege on the board

Lighthouse Chronologist --> neat card, i understand it'll be maximium power level quickly, but kind of annoying to have on the board eh? How about subbing for Quest for Renewal , or a super fun one Intruder Alarm . Maybe a nice combat trick like Vitalize ?

Nessian Demolok --> they'll always pay tribute. Even if you have primal vigor + doubling season + corpsejack menace (yeah I know you can't) out, they'll still pay it. He doesn't have trample so counters aren't as big a threat as giving him destruction. A much better removal for this deck is Nullmage Shepherd

Trygon Predator --> Can work well if you have a Thassa, God of the Sea alongside it. Otherwise, better off throwing some more defense on the board like Plaxcaster Frogling or Spike Weaver

Wall of Frost --> just weird for this deck. If you want some lockdown, try Propaganda or more combat tricks like Triton Tactics . If you want people to avoid attacking you, you could also use Vigor , or Wonder , or Hornet Queen as deterents.

Cyclonic Rift --> i feel sorry for your friends haha. Anyway, this card is weird in this deck and if they have a spell like Reverberate or Redirect all your counters are gone. Overwhelming Stampede is the best bomb you can get for this deck.

Steady Progress --> this card is good for making a quintessential point of EDH. You have to ask, "Is this card good alone, could this card ever be good alone? What conditions need to be on the battlefield in order for this card to be good?" You'll likely find yourself with this card in hand wishing you had something better. If it's draw you want, swap it for Simic Guildmage a far superior card.

Novijen, Heart of Progress --> consider Homeward Path in place of this. This costs BU, which is expensive, and i can guarantee people are going to want to steal your fatties once you hit mid game.

Bred for the Hunt ahhhhh this card just SCREAMS "simic deck!", but it requires two conditions: you need a +1/+1 counter on your creature, and that creature needs to deal combat damage. Try Rhystic Study , Edric, Spymaster of Trest , or Otherworld Atlas depending on your budget. Otherworld is a grouphug that can hurt you in the end but it's fun to have everyone draw 20 just because you're looking for something.

Copy Enchantment SOLID CARD, but it doesn't fit the theme of this deck. How about this bomb instead Pentad Prism . Combine with Pemmin's Aura , Freed from the Real to go infinite.

Curse of Predation pretty nice choice for this deck, until you compare to Primeval Bounty , Freed from the Real , Pemmin's Aura , Vigor , Opposition , Rings of Brighthearth

Forced Adaptation way too slow, and only one effect, and it's an enchantment so it'll innevitably die. Try a Ring of Evos Isle or Ring of Kalonia instead

Into the Wilds I used to run this, until literally last week. I went 3 turns in a row without a land on top at the beginning of upkeep and pulled it from my decks.. all of them. An extreme superior choice is Oracle of Mul Daya . Or Far Wanderings , Boundless Realms , Summer Bloom , Courser of Kruphix , and if you can afford it, Burgeoning

Krasis Incubation this is such a weird card. It's about the most expensive possible way to put counters on your own creature, and an opponent can simply remove it and get counters (assuming they have the right mana). I'd swap it for Fatestitcher or Blustersquall .

Primal Vigor this is only a safe choice when you're running counters AND tokens. If an opponent has a token generator then this may lose you the game. Instead, I'd suggest throwing some utility in like Experiment Kraj , Master Biomancer , Eternity Vessel , Lux Cannon , or a card that EVERY vorel deck should have: Thousand-Year Elixir

Blessings of Nature even with miracle cost it simply isn't worth the card slot. Swap for Master Biomancer asap!

Divination weak in EDH, weak in standard. How about Mind Spring instead?

Give / Take really appealing card for this deck, but the draw removes all counters and it's mandatory that you draw all the cards. Having a card slot taken to give a creature 3 of +1/+1 counters isn't worth it either. Spike Feeder , despite being completely different, would be a nice replacement. Moves counters around and you have very little life gain.

Traumatize Why is this here? 5 CMC? Might as well throw Progenitor Mimic in your deck instead ;)

Contagion Clasp a weak ETB and it has no bounce. If you want the proliferate just use Viral Drake , Contagion Engine , and Inexorable Tide instead. Nice replacements would be Everflowing Chalice or Kiora's Follower .

Elixir of Immortality great card, but it's pretty outclassed by Primal Command especially in this deck. If you play this deck right, people are going to try and tuck your commander.

Ring of Three Wishes not against this card... but consider other options in this CMC range like Triskelion or That Which Was Taken

MUST ADD THESE TO YOUR DECK: Fatestitcher , Master Biomancer , Kiora's Follower , Pemmin's Aura , Pentad Prism . If nothing else, add these.

February 19, 2014 9:28 p.m.

Generalsplat says... #11

Yup I agree with most of the guy above me said exept for two cardsRing of Three Wishes is insane in edh and you have proliferate and your general. This is a must have

Give / Take draws stupendous amounts of cards if placed on the right creature

Also steering away from the edh staples can be very fun and also a lot cheaper moneywise ;)

February 19, 2014 10:04 p.m.

Generalsplat says... #12

If you ever thought about adding red check my deck out:Riku +1+1 counter madness

February 19, 2014 10:06 p.m.

omgitsbill says... #13

I'll give ring of three wishes a shot now thanks for the tip

February 19, 2014 10:09 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #14

kurtesh - I appreciate you looking at my deck and pointing out areas of improvement, and some changes were made while TappedOut was down so I haven't had a chance to fix them. But many of the cards that you have suggested have done work for me and won me games. Several of your suggestions are good, but I'd just like to go through the ones that I don't agree with.

Cloudfin Raptor & Experiment One : Not many decks run 1-drop creatures, and these have staying power and win games. I've won games with a 70/70 Cloudfin Raptor , a 30/30 Experiment One , and a 80/80 Experiment One .

Copy Enchantment : This is almost never a dead card. At best it's another Doubling Season , at worst it's a Oblivion Ring or quite possibly a Land Tax .

Trygon Predator : The only artifacts or enchantmets it can't deal with are Sensei's Divining Top and the Theros gods. And he almost always gets through.

Nessian Demolok : If they pay tribute, I'm ok with it. I'll just get a bigger dude. And I wish I could run Corpsejack Menace , believe me.

Lighthouse Chronologist : At worst he's a lightning rod, at best he's 3-4 extra turns. I find it to be a fair trade most of the time.

Cyclonic Rift : This card ends games. Hands down. It's never leaving as long as it remains legal in the format.

Primal Vigor : It's an extra doubling effect. Sure it's dangerous with other decks that run either +1/+1 counters or tokens, but I'm fine with giving a little group hug when it benefits me the most.

Steady Progress : I'm fine with just the cycling effect. Plus it's a free plus when my planeswalkers are in play (I've added 3 that you can see hopefully right now).

That gets the cards that I find to be good cards in the deck that get stuff done. As for your "must includes" I don't find untap effects that appealing. If I need to activate Vorel more than once per turn, I'm doing something wrong. Oftentimes, all I need is one activation to take someone out of the game.

February 20, 2014 7:58 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #15

kurtesh - I appreciate you looking at my deck and pointing out areas of improvement, and some changes were made while TappedOut was down so I haven't had a chance to fix them. But many of the cards that you have suggested have done work for me and won me games. Several of your suggestions are good, but I'd just like to go through the ones that I don't agree with.

Cloudfin Raptor & Experiment One : Not many decks run 1-drop creatures, and these have staying power and win games. I've won games with a 70/70 Cloudfin Raptor , a 30/30 Experiment One , and a 80/80 Experiment One .

Copy Enchantment : This is almost never a dead card. At best it's another Doubling Season , at worst it's a Oblivion Ring or quite possibly a Land Tax .

Trygon Predator : The only artifacts or enchantmets it can't deal with are Sensei's Divining Top and the Theros gods. And he almost always gets through.

Nessian Demolok : If they pay tribute, I'm ok with it. I'll just get a bigger dude. And I wish I could run Corpsejack Menace , believe me.

Lighthouse Chronologist : At worst he's a lightning rod, at best he's 3-4 extra turns. I find it to be a fair trade most of the time.

Cyclonic Rift : This card ends games. Hands down. It's never leaving as long as it remains legal in the format.

Primal Vigor : It's an extra doubling effect. Sure it's dangerous with other decks that run either +1/+1 counters or tokens, but I'm fine with giving a little group hug when it benefits me the most.

Steady Progress : I'm fine with just the cycling effect. Plus it's a free plus when my planeswalkers are in play (I've added 3 that you can see hopefully right now).

That gets the cards that I find to be good cards in the deck that get stuff done. As for your "must includes" I don't find untap effects that appealing. If I need to activate Vorel more than once per turn, I'm doing something wrong. Oftentimes, all I need is one activation to take someone out of the game.

February 20, 2014 7:58 a.m.

omgitsbill says... #16

Depends on your playgroup too. Mine has a lot of removal and control, so big threats are removed pretty quickly. Cloudfin Raptor and Experiment One wouldn't work because if they even start to get big I lose them. If I attack with them early I become a target.

Copy Enchantment okay I'm wrong on that one. I do have a copy but it's in my mimeoplasm deck

Trygon Predator is also a great card, but in my group he'd be really hard to get through, as we all have a good amount of flier defense.

Lighthouse Chronologist and Cyclonic Rift just wouldn't work in my group - too Spikey

Primal Vigor again comes down to group. Mine has a lot of tokens, so it'd hurt me more than it'd help, even with a Pentavus and/or Triskelavus in my deck

In retrospect Steady Progress could be pretty nice, especially in your deck having 3 planeswalkers

Must includes: Seriously, Pentad Prism and Master Biomancer are amazing with Vorel of the Hull Clade . Also, Freed from the Real and Pemmin's Aura go infinite with Vorel of the Hull Clade and Pentad Prism

Pretty interesting how different I have to play from you because of my group. They have a lot of removal and catch threats really quick, so I rely on sudden combos to grab a win. That's why I want Kiora's Follower , Fatestitcher , and other untap cards in my deck. Need to be able to make a crazy fatty in one turn, or even during another players' turn.

February 20, 2014 2 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #17

kurtesh - Like you said, it really is up to the playgroup. I could run several of the Vorel win-cons in Darksteel Reactor or Magistrate's Scepter , but I find them boring and unfun. If I was going to make this deck more competitive I might put in more untap effects and counterspells so I can protect my board better. But I like the deck as it is, but Nylea, God of the Hunt might be part of the next wave of edits, whenever that happens.

February 20, 2014 4:44 p.m.

Veross says... #18

I suggest that you put a Glacial Chasm in this deck. It slows down the game and gives you time to build up an army rather than building up just one creature. Build fo couple of turns and then swing 5 20/20's instead of 1 100/100.

I also suggest that you add in a few unblockable cards. I see that you have Elusive Krasis but some cards such as Aqueous Form and Hada Spy Patrol help stop you from being chump-blocked.

July 4, 2014 1:22 a.m.

JWiley129 says... #19

Veross - I put in Nylea, God of the Hunt for chump block insurance. And I don't like Glacial Chasm since I really just want to beat down. When this deck loses, it isn't to creatures, it's to combos.

Thanks for the input!

July 4, 2014 3:39 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #20

More recently there's Altered Ego you could add to this deck along with Mind's Dilation.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is good too.

July 21, 2016 11:02 a.m.

I also suggest Altered Ego as a strict upgrade on Clever Impersonator, unless you're using the Impersonator to copy noncreature permanents.

Look at your legality section. Lumbering Falls and Kiora, Master of the Depths are both illegal, apparently.

I don't know how much success you're having with Undergrowth Champion, but I never liked it very much. Just personally, I would suggest dropping it.

Somehow, you're not running Master Biomancer. Do it.

Spike Weaver and Spike Tiller both enter with counters and transfer a counter for 2. The Weaver has a fog effect and the Tiller makes 2/2s, so that's also nice.

Instead of Lighthouse Chronologist, use Sage of Hours. My personal suggestion; I see you've already considered him, though.

Two enchantments I like: Bred for the Hunt and Curse of Predation. They give you counters for attacking and dealing combat damage to a player respectively.

Sapphire Drake gives everything flying. That's always a good thing in mainly green decks.

Instead of Woodland Bellower, Genesis Hydra. Much more flavor in this deck.

You've got mostly green, so Reverent Hunter would make a good choice.

If you have tokens or lots of creatures often, play Stag Beetle.

Vastwood Hydra gives away its counters even when it dies, as does Servant of the Scale.

Oran-Rief, the Vastwood makes for a good land for boosting your creatures, as do graft lands.

Minamo, School at Water's Edge lets you untap Vorel.

Gutter Grime creates increasingly large slimes. Ew.


Garruk Wildspeaker is a useful endgame planeswalker.

Everflowing Chalice for ramp.

For adding +1/+1 counters at instant speed, Strength of the Tajuru.

Often, you can check Auto-suggestions for cards this deck could use. I used that to bolster my advice. (Bolster is another nice +1/+1 counters ability, btw.) I also used my Vorel deck: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/when-you-have-too-many-counters-blame-vorel/ . It has a card-draw subtheme, but most of the cards are related to this.

A couple other deck ideas:- Atraxa, Praetors' Voice covers so much more ground with +1/+1 counters--you can play Abzan/Dromoka cards, Golgari cards, even the Orzhov Syndicate has powerful spells with counters. And those are just tribes/guilds.- Partner commanders. If Sultai is workable, use Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix for a sacrifice-card draw theme. I have a deck based on that.

August 10, 2017 1:24 p.m.

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