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Vorel's Factory of Win-cons

Commander / EDH Artifact Casual GU (Simic)



Welcome to Vorel's Factory! Here, we make sure that there's always some way that you can ensure victory over your opponents, whether it be milling their deck, drawing yours like a maniac, having good friends, having a cool and pointless generator, a tower that reaches to the sky, buying Vorel himself to handle those careless bastards,or manufacturing your own personal army. Just be careful, products are known to have a long charge time.


Ashnod's Transmogrant/Lanowar stuff/Zameck Guildmage+Rogue's Passage: Enlist Vorel to kill them himself (Dies to Doom Blade)

Biovisionary+Infinite Reflection/Progenitor Mimic: All the friends a guy ever needs (Dies to outsiders)

Darksteel Reactor: When asked what it did, Vorel answered: "It hums" (Obligitory, in-every-Vorel-deck card. Dies to... Well not a lot actually... Dies to white?)

Golem Foundry / Riptide Replicator /Titan Forge/Shrine: The inner green player wants to win this game (I don't blame them. Dies to Ratchet Bomb?)

Grindclock: Wait, you had a deck? (Dies to Eldrazi titans. Screw those guys)

Helix Pinnacle: Touch Lord Helix himself! (Dies to the influence of the Dome)

Hurricane: Rock you like a burn card! ( Eternity Vessel really helps with this. Dies to counter spells)

Kiora, the Crashing Wave : Release the Kraken; ALL of the Krakens! (Dies to Garruks)

Laboratory Maniac+Otherworld Atlas: I know there was a point where we needed to stop and have clearly passed it, BUT lets keep going and see what happens! (Dies to drawing out opponents first :|)

Lux Cannon+Kiora's Follower/Voltaic Key: IMMA FIRIN MY DEMACIAAAAAR!(Kills their lands, Dies to Avacyn)

Magma Mine: BOOM! (This is one of the slowest charging and least threatening win-cons in here, yet it holds the record of most kills in this deck so far, curiously. It has gained the "Chekhov's Gun" award in my play group and is the main reason I still have it in here (that and it can be brought back with the Salvaging Station). Dies to itself)

Orochi Hatchery : SNAAAAAKES! (And it was all, just a dream. Dies to a snake charmer)

Otherworld Atlas: So that's where it goes! (Loves blue players, and putting those annoying Eldrazi in their hand rather than their grave. Dies to Uncle Nekusar, the Mindrazer)

Progenitor Mimic/Infinite Reflection+Karn, Silver Golem: Vorel is no stranger when it comes to jank, and what's more jank than turning all your creatures into Lux Cannons?(The Death Star will be in range of Endor shortly. Dies to Luke Skywalker)

Sigil of Distinction : Who doesn't like shiny things? (Dies to Artificer's Hex )


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.29
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Emblem Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Golem 3/3 C, Kraken 9/9 U, Morph 2/2 C, Phyrexian Myr 1/1 C, Snake 1/1 G
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