Vraska's Knights

Pioneer Anatak


Axel_XIII says... #1

I like the general idea of this, but if you are serious about improving this deck for FNM I would cut the Vraska planeswalker and scorn, if you don't want to upgrade to History of Benalia I really like Charge also I would cut paladin of atonement for some Danitha Capashen, Paragon also, I really like your idea with Pegasus Courser, and I think it would combine well with a couple copies of Sigiled Sword of Valeron especially if you include Danitha, furthermore I feel like you are in need of more removal, and while murder is fairly costly I would try a few copies of Walk the Plank, Cast Down, and Seal Away and if you feel like testing it out, I'm a big fan of "Legendary" knights and running a few Blackblade Reforged

August 8, 2018 7:11 a.m.

Anatak says... #2

Hi Axel, thank you very much for the suggestions. Whilst I understand that Vraska might not be FNM worthy, it is the theme of the deck. I'm willing to sacrifice power to keep her in.

I mostly chose Murder as a budget replacement for Vraska's Contempt, but Cast Down seems like a better alternative. I prefer it to Walk the Plank since its an Instant, which I feel is important for clearing blockers.

Since Vraska herself has a +2 that relies on Creatures, I've opted for less removal in favor of more creatures. That being said, I am willing to drop the Paladin of Atonement from more. I like Seal Away for the replacement. Overall I guess this gives the deck a more control feel?

The equipment idea is strong, but I'm just not a fan of equipment in favor of more creatures.

Thank you again for your help!

August 8, 2018 3:34 p.m.

Anatak says... #3

On second thought, I've decided to spend some money and slash out for: History of Benalia and Vraska's Contempt.

August 8, 2018 3:46 p.m.

tdmurrell says... #4

I feel like the vraska's scorn has got to go. At my FNM everyone is running aggro red and I sideboard shielding mare and the kitesail pirate to help against the steamkin speed moment of craving and shalai is good against it too.

October 23, 2018 6:44 p.m.

Anatak says... #5

Hi tdmurrel, thank you for your feedback. Your group sounds like a fun bunch of people. I've been considering dropping Vraska's Scorn for a while now. It is noticeably the weakest card in the deck. However I've been strict on myself in maintaining a "Vraska" theme to the deck, so I only wanted to replace it with another "Vraska card", so to speak. I've decided to swap in Costly Plunder in its place, since it features Vraska on the card art. Another option is Golden Demise, but that appears to have counter synergy with the early creatures in the deck. Please let me know your thoughts on this.

October 25, 2018 3:47 a.m.

tdmurrell says... #6

I do like costly plunder and have been thinking about adding that as well. There’s also a white card gain 4 life draw a card at instant speed, not sure which i like more.

October 25, 2018 11:13 a.m.

tdmurrell says... #7

B/W Knights Would you mind checking out my deck as well and letting me know what you think?

October 25, 2018 11:59 a.m.

rjphilla says... #8

You're not playing Gideon cause...? Also History of Benalia If you're running knights, common man. Both are no brainiers.

November 9, 2018 1:41 a.m.

rjphilla says... #9

Ok, didn't see the History cause of your wack grouping.

November 9, 2018 1:42 a.m.

Anatak says... #10

Thank you rjphilla for your comments.

  1. I don't run Gideon for flavor. These are the Knights of Vraska, not the Knights of Gideon.

  2. I keep History separate because it creates tokens. I feel its important to differentiate it from the core set of Knights as cards like Midnight Reaper don't proc from tokens.

I'd be open to further discussion. Why is Gideon such a no-brainier, as you put it?

November 9, 2018 2:27 a.m.

Demarge says... #11

First of all you can hide old comments by using the last part of the deck editor (having your last comment be back in november can be distracting for new comments).

Now for this deck hitting any swamps early on really hurts Knight of the White Orchid , cutting the swamps down to 1 can really help and run Concealed Courtyard (non budget, Marsh Flats or any fetch land that can grab a plains or swamp can get your Godless Shrine s).

In modern white and black has extremely powerful removal in Path to Exile (which just got a reprint in every gideon spellbook, it also will give you a Rest in Peace which many white decks are running many of in their sideboards lately) and Fatal Push (which is honestly at it's most powerful in a fetch land happy deck), 1 cmc removal vs 4 cmc is quite the difference.

Now there are many good 1 cmc knights and being able to start early is quite important for how fast the format is. Knight of the Ebon Legion can get powerful pretty fast, he even gets bigger if you take 4 dmg in a turn not just the opponent. Student of Warfare is an oldie, it also can become a sizable threat pretty quickly. Dauntless Bodyguard is also pretty decent, it not only can protect a Knight Exemplar later in the game, but it also can just be sacced to proc the stronger effect on Fatal Push or Midnight Reaper .

... now protection is honestly a lot more powerful than just hexproof from a color, especially when a Mirran Crusader can block a Vengevine profitably all day.

Having more creature buffing can also be kind of nice, Benalish Marshal and Valiant Knight can be decent at their jobs, they are at least in the majority of the deck's curve (which for modern you really want to lower it as much as you can for an aggressive deck).

August 24, 2019 5:29 a.m.

Silverdrake says... #12

Neat concept! I love decks that build around flashy but not very powerful cards (I did the same thing a while back with the original Vraska... the deck wasn't very good but it was hella fun!), and this looks like it has potential!

I assume the Mastermind's Acquisition is just in there to help find Vraska? If that's the case, why not just run the Vraska-specific tutor that they printed in her deck - Vraska's Scorn ? Same cost and it domes your opponent for an extra 4. I know it's not a good card, but honestly neither is the planeswalker you're working with here. It's all for fun, so why not lean into it?

And for your creatures I'd consider leaning a bit harder into first strike - that way you get to take better advantage of the +1/+0 from Vraska's plus ability. Specifically I'd maybe consider cutting 1-2 Valiant Knights and 1-2 lands to run 2-4 Knight of Malice (since you have far more white permanents than black ones so it'll come online much faster/more often than Knight of Grace) in the main. A 4/2 first strike pro-white is no joke!

Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun!

December 17, 2019 11:12 a.m.

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