Waiting for Godo - cEDH primer

Commander / EDH gtoast99

SCORE: 259 | 170 COMMENTS | 130154 VIEWS | IN 125 FOLDERS

Kaleo42 says... #1

Following. Will respond with in depth feedback after work. My cEDH Beat Down deck is probably a good resource for you for gauging cEDH combat baded decks.

March 12, 2018 11:41 p.m.

Sgtpopnfreash says... #2

So this just came to me I haven't tried it but what about running Krark-Clan Ironworks, Myr Retriever and Helm of Awakening?

March 16, 2018 6:05 p.m.

Kaleo42 says... #3

Apologies for the delay, I had to write this twice.One time mana sources make a lot of sense since you do need 11 mana to play your commander and equip all in the same turn.Basalt Monolith, Grim Monolith, Lion's Eye Diamond, Mana Vault, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song, Lotus Bloom, Lotus Petal, Treasonous Ogre, Vessel of Volatility, Simian Spirit Guide

Rite of Flame is too weak and Mana Seism may be a bit too deep.

Good RocksChrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mana Crypt, Mox Opal, Sol Ring, Coalition Relic, Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo, Everflowing Chalice, Mind Stone, Fellwar Stone, Metalworker

Ok rocks to cut if you need more slots.Worn Powerstone, Jeweled Amulet, Fractured Powerstone

EquipmentHammer of Nazahn, Helm of the Host, Lightning Greaves all good but how do you feel about Sword of Feast and Famine + Aggravated Assault backup strategy? Sword of the Animist is a good equipment for this strategy as well but depending on the table may not be fast enough.

Draw and tutorsSensei's Divining Top, Daretti, Scrap Savant, Tormenting Voice, Wheel of Fortune, Imperial Recruiter,

I do not like Gamble without reliable graveyard interaction and I generally dont like Winds of Change especially if your opponents have any graveyard interactions.

Love the counter package, no Dualcaster Mage?Fork, Burnout, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Reverberate, Ricochet Trap, Glorious End, and of course Possibility Storm. Not a big fan of Veilstone Amulet in cedh but the makeup of your local meta will make or break this card. Active Volcano is probably too much.

Extra turns can be a big surprise win for this strategy. Love them. Final Fortune, Last Chance, Warrior's Oath

Artifact hate seems good but missing Vandalblast. By Force, Shattering Spree, Trash for Treasure.

Moon effects are strong but another meta call. Blood Moon and Magus of the Moon

Maybe too many colorless lands? I think you could cut one land overall but I understand you want to hit each land drop. Ancient Tomb, Buried Ruin, Cavern of Souls, City of Traitors, Command Beacon, Crystal Vein, Dwarven Ruins, Gemstone Caverns, 25xMountain, Sandstone Needle, Scorched Ruins, Sequestered Stash

Equipment assists seem good for faster hands but kind fragile. Brass Squire and Magnetic Theft

Dire Fleet Daredevil is a good card.Goblin Welder, Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer, and Welding Jar are all good.

Kuldotha Forgemaster is a good way to tutor the equipment into play.

Sphere of Resistance is a fantastic protection card but can make it easier for others to combo if you leave it out.

March 17, 2018 12:07 a.m.

Kaleo42 says... #4

March 17, 2018 12:10 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #5

Thanks for the awesome suggestions and feedback!!

I agree on Mana seism. I do feel rite of flame isn't bad though. Sourcery speed is a bummer, but I do like it. It'll go on the watch list.

I do need a backup wincon, and godo can pull sword of F+F. But no tutor for aggravated assault. So yeah dunno there, o don't think the deck can spare the slots. I agree animist is too slow.

Gamble I like... If it can pull treasonous ogre, you have a good chance of turning a T4-5 hand into T2. But I get what's not to like as well. Winds of change... Should probably get pulled. Good call.

Dualcaster was an oversight. It's going in, thanks. Active volcano was meant to be an answer to problem commanders. Teferi, baral, yidris, zur all go away for one red. And if they counter that, thats hopefully one less to counter godo.

I would like more artifact hate including vandalblast. Any other suggestions? Abrade? It's about the only thing I can do in red, so I may as well include it. Will need to destroy stax pieces, or good on others fast Mana.

I want to try to leave in moon effects, but they will be watch list.

On lands, I'd have more R landsnif godo was 4RR. But I only need the one for the combo. Might run into issues with fork/reverberate backup... But I think more consistently hitting T3 is more important.

Squire tuna an 11 Mana combo into 3+6. Magnetic theft makes it 7 Mana. While squire is fragile, I think both are baller at speeding up the deck.

Did you mean helm of awakening instead of sphere of resistance? I'm more inclined to go that route.

Thanks again. Will be updating soon.

March 17, 2018 3:14 p.m.

Sgtpopnfreash says... #6

For mass artifact destruction you have Vandalblast, Shattering Spree and By Force

March 17, 2018 4:19 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #7

Out - gamble, winds of change, tormenting voicesIn - vandalblast, dualcaster Mage, twinflame

Out from maybe board - Mana seism, isochron, sundialIn maybe board - sword of F+f, aggravated assault

March 18, 2018 9:36 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #8

Metalworker was proving really hit or miss in Goldfishing, and prone to removal. I was underwhelmed, and pulled it for flameshadow conjuring. Yeah, it's 4cmc. But reduces the combo cost from 11 to 7.

March 18, 2018 9:45 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #9

Out - boil (so on the fence here), glorious endIn - gamble (on the fence here too), jitte (something else I can tutor if Helm gets exiled. A bad alt win, but better than nothing)

March 19, 2018 1:35 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #10

Out - active volcano. I so want that to be good. But I needed something to cut.

In - stranglehold. After seeing how good some of these stax pieces were in a real world game (most notably, moon and possibility Storm), I think stranglehold will be a great addition to the deck. I'm still trying to be faster and less Staxy than some of the other godo lists on the red discord, but I see what they are going for.

April 1, 2018 6:14 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #11

Testing out Krark-Clan Ironworks in place of gilded lotus at the moment, from a suggestion on the cEDH discord.

April 2, 2018 10:11 p.m.

ForsakenxEDHx says... #12

What turn is your average win?

I've got no good ideas for improvement, but the list looks all in. I'm not a real strong Red player, wondering how your list does against heavy stax like Brago, or Combo like Selvala Brostorm.

Gave you the Upvote for putting the effort into Red.

April 6, 2018 9:32 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #13

Averages around T3, and we want to aggressively mull to get there. There are many paths to T2. And while T1 wins require specific cards (so far I've identified ogre, recruiter, or Krark-Clan Ironworks as paths to T1), there are many ways to win T1 with one of those in the opener. So not common by any means, but much better than saying "God Hand".

It is very much all in. Against stax, it depends which pieces come out. Tax effects hurt of course, and we may have to godo pass and pray rather than win all at once, but it's still achievable. Stony silence and null Rod suck, but we can get around them to an extent with hammer of nazahn. Moon effects, cursed totem effects, and such don't hurt us at all really. Stranglehold and mindcensor are probably the most effective at shutting the deck down. They hurt other opponents too, so hopefully one of them can deal with it for us haha.

Combo is not as big a deal. The couple of counter effects we have against blue can either protect us or stop an early blue combo win. Besides that, the deck races quite effectively, and ofen wins out of a surprisingly small board state the turn before with things like magnetic theft, twinflame, final fortune, etc reducing the overall combo cost. So against mid-range combo, we just try to win first. Countering godo isn't fun, but we can usually get enough Mana to recast fairly quickly, though we may have to pass and pray if he's too expensive. Destroying the helm is more of a problem, so we have a bit of recursion. Exiling the helm is probably our biggest concern, with little recourse besides hoping we draw into dualcaster/recruiter and twinflame/heat shimmer. Fortunately while we have to worry about praetors grasp, I haven't seen much artifact exile in competition lists, with stuff like return to dust being too expensive.

TL;DR --- T2-4. Yeah it's a bit fragile, but maybe not as much as you would think, and the speed makes up for it.

April 7, 2018 11:02 a.m.

PhillipDixon says... #14

Upvote for the deck name alone. The fact that this seems pretty good is just icing.

April 10, 2018 8:55 p.m.

Sgtpopnfreash says... #15

I'm glad to see Krark-Clan Ironworks in some deck lists now.

April 10, 2018 10:48 p.m.

Argentum Armor is IMO a better backup plan than Umezawa's Jitte. You can grab it on combo turn with one of the token-godo copies and destroy up to 2 permanents (get the Hammer with the first token, Armour with the second if you don't already have the Hammer). Helps deal with problem permanents that would otherwise wreck our plan, such as Propaganda effects or Glacial Chasm. Both cards are dead draws, and won't be cast if drawn unless the Helm of the Host gets exiled.Both require 2 turns worth of attacks to kill a player (Jitte needs a turn to get enough counters, and Argentum needs at least 3 connections (9+9+9)). While both can remove blockers, Jitte can't do it on the first attack, and has to spend otherwise offensive power to do so (burning counters), Argentum just nukes the blockers before blocker declaration.

Jitte has a couple advantages: is a good mana rock if Honor-Worn Shaku is out, and Argentum also has a higher equip cost, but both are zero if you have the Hammer out anyway.

April 11, 2018 1:34 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #17

Thanks! I'll add something about argentum armour.... And it may end up in my build anyways! It actually on takes two connections with armor if you have hammer already, which is an improvement. Still a stupidly slow backup plan, but it's not the worst lol. I like it, thanks for the comment and all the help with the deck on the red discord!

April 11, 2018 6:57 a.m.

Tentacprf says... #18

I absolutly love this deck but I dont have a thousand dollars for it, any ideas for a budget build of it?

April 11, 2018 11:48 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #19

I had considered a "budget" section.... But I'm not sure it'll work. You can sub smelt for shattering spree. You can leave out warrior's oath, that will save you $50, ugh. There are good border versions of ancient tomb, city of traitors, chrome Mox, grim monolith, etc if your playgroup is cool with that. But things like crypt, LED, the moxes, grim monolith are pretty much required for the fast Mana to make it work. Still, at $1300, it's still relatively budget for cEDH decks, which can climb to many thousands easily.

April 11, 2018 11:58 a.m.

Sgtpopnfreash says... #20

Tentacprf if you have any interest in Competitive edh then the expensive parts in this deck are not only required but also kinda required for any other CEDH deck. If however you just want to play battle cruiser magic with some casual people then you get all the cheap rituals and ramp you can then add a couple extra lands and try to combo on turn 5-6 instead of turn 3 every game.

April 11, 2018 9:06 p.m.

betefico says... #21

No rings of brighthearth to go along with your basalt monolith and grim monolith?

April 13, 2018 5:24 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #22

Betefico, with no tutor for either piece, I didn't feel it was necessary. The infinite Mana would make sure we could always cast Godo through whatever counterspell or creature removal commander tax so long as we have one red, which is nice. The investment to get to it isn't insignificant (6 for rings and basalt, plus two more if you want to activate the same turn). As a backup plan if helm is gone, our infinte Mana would still need a third card to sink into to be worthwhile. The big reason though is that rings wouldn't do much on it's own to advance the game plan, and would be a pretty dead draw without basalt. So I left it out.

April 13, 2018 7:17 a.m.

Gwent says... #23

Hey gtoast99, are we using Defense Grid? Only have one copy trying to figure out what deck to put it in

April 13, 2018 5:28 p.m.

Gwent, you can, but its a difficult card bacause unless you play it on the turn that you plan on winning (+3 mana), it also allows other combo decks to get protection from the control players. If your worry is counters, I'd rather have a Pyroblast, and if your worry is removal, Veilstone Amulet is better.

April 13, 2018 9:08 p.m.

Gwent says... #25

Thanks! Very excited to build this great work to all the brewers and testers

April 13, 2018 9:21 p.m.

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