Waiting for Godo - cEDH primer

Commander / EDH gtoast99

SCORE: 259 | 170 COMMENTS | 130154 VIEWS | IN 125 FOLDERS

gtoast99 says... #1

Thanks ICPH. That's exactly correct. I ended up cutting veilstone, too. At least for me, counter was more of a threat. Creature removal is certainly a thing, but I found veilstone wouldn't be nearly as useful as other protections for my playgroup. And it's much easier to watch for open creature removal Mana than counters.

April 14, 2018 4:38 p.m.

betefico says... #2

Good point about rings, I decided to use voltaic key instead as another way of pumping out lots of mana instead of the rings. (i am filling the slot for the p3k extra turn card)

April 16, 2018 2:10 a.m.

betefico says... #3

this is my list currently:


April 16, 2018 2:10 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #4

Very nice! I'm a little iffy on defense grid in there, can backfire if not played on the combo turn. And its really expensive to add to the combo. You've got buried ruin but I like sequestered stash as another basically free card slot recursion for helm. I'd strongly suggest LED. Plays off goblin welder, can be used to get ogre off a recruiter tutor, and if we're playing godo into helm we don't actually need a hand so it can contribute to some crazy fast wins. Good lookong list though, let me know how it goes for you! Especially if there's anything you find you like more or less than you expected.

April 16, 2018 7:26 a.m.

betefico says... #5

If only I had an L.E.D. lol.

Ya I am curious to see how the Defense grid goes, will report back.

Sequestered stash just seems really expensive to me, and for that reason I chose to not include it. Especially with all the double red costed spells I am running.

April 16, 2018 6:03 p.m.

betefico says... #6

I have also created a pdf of 9 token godos on an 8.5" x 11" sheet and printed / sliced them at my local print shop for use with this deck, if anyone is interested i can post the file somewhere.

April 16, 2018 6:38 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #7

Defense grid can read "the combo player to your left wins" lol. That's why I pulled it from an early draft. But let us know. Sequestered stash, I look at it this way. Our backup plans are pretty terrible. Any way, especially in a "free" etb-untapped land slot, that we can get back on track is worth considering. Yeah, it's 5 Mana to get the helm on the deck. If you've got the 11 from the first time your tried to combo though, drop godo and it's put into play. If you've got hammer in play already, it's equipped and you win. That's totally worth it imho. So it's slow, yeah, but it isn't terrible and it doesn't cost much. You should have plenty of red sources, but play testing will tell the story.

Feel free to post up the godokens lol! Though usually if we get that far, it's too late haha. I'll send you an invite to the red discord for further brainstorming.

April 16, 2018 7:09 p.m.

betefico says... #8


here is the .png of the tokens.

I have the pdf if anyone wants that instead

April 16, 2018 7:23 p.m.

soccerboy98 says... #9

So I know in the description you dont recomend cating godo and passing. When is that a reasonable play? Is casting and passing t1 reasonable if so what about t2?

I'm not sure if this has been asked before or answered anywhere so sorry if it has.

April 18, 2018 1:07 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #10

Awesome question. The earlier of course, the safer. But when things like nature's claim are a single green, we aren't ever really out of the woods. For me personally it's a look at where my hand would be by dropping Godo early or waiting, and what that difference is. If I can play godo t2 and pass OR t3 and play+equip, I'll probably wait. If I could play him t1 and pass OR my best route otherwise takes me to t4 before I can do both, I'll certainly play him now. And of course anywhere in between is a judgement call on the part of the player. It will also be relevant which decks are in the pod (likelihood of removal vs counterspell disruption), what their untapped resources are that turn, and if you have recursion or protection in hand or on the field.

Sorry for a less than straightforward answer! Hopefully it made some sense.

April 18, 2018 2:23 a.m.

ElTacoDude says... #11

Have you considered Scorched Ruins? There might be enough ways to get red mana for it to worth it. Just a thought.

April 19, 2018 12:34 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #12

Scorched ruins was in an early iteration if the deck. I think it's a bit of a trap card that I fell for, honestly. Yes, it does ramp. It always felt like ramping for +2, which is worth it even with a big down side. But I always forgot, this is my third land drop too. So it's really only ramping for 1, and sometimes at the cost of my only red sources, or valuable utility lands. It's also a super strip mine target. All that combined, and with as many colorless sources as we already run for utility, I decided to remove it. Great suggestion though, and you may have more luck with it in your build. Let me know if that's the case! If it's not already in honorable mentions, it deserves a spot there and I'll add it.

April 19, 2018 7:05 a.m.

skullflower5 says... #13

What does the deck do against Authority of the Consuls and friends? They pretty much shut the whole deck down for as little as .

Also I believe Geosurge would be preferable to the Vessel unless I'm missing some interaction.

April 20, 2018 1:36 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #14

Authority shuts the deck for one turn, which hurts, but we can play around it. Godo for helm. Enter combat, make a tapped godo, grab hammer of nazahn, pass turn. Next turn enter combat, make a tapped godo. Tutor for argentum armor, which hammer then equips to the first (now untapped) copy. Attack with the untapped armored godo, argentum armor kills the authority and we get another combat. Then proceed with combo as usual. Not great to delay us a turn, but something we do have a way around.

You're not missing interaction, it's just the RRRR that keeps geosurge off the list. I found I couldn't get the 4th red as often as I'd like I'm play testing. When it works it works, but vessel is the slower yet more consistent option. That one is hotly debated over in the red discord haha.

April 20, 2018 3:13 p.m.

Juanturnkill says... #15

What do you think about a budget build? I've been fooling around with $150 cEDH godo and was wondering if you had any budget ideas or knew of a budget list.

April 25, 2018 8:54 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #16

Getting anywhere close to 150 is a pretty tall order! I suppose in a "budget cEDH pod" if there is such a thing this could work. For the true cEDH meta, the fast mana rocks are pretty much a requirement to be fast enough. Id spend the money there and maybe look to other places to shave cost. Its still going to be a pricey deck with the rocks though, if budget is the main concern. Heck, for cEDH, the budgetless version is already pretty budget! I do wish you luck in it though, keep me posted on how it goes for you!

April 25, 2018 9:07 p.m.

Juanturnkill says... #17

k like i get 150 is really low but like 300-500 is reasonable. and yeah, it is really cheap for cedh, which is impressive. And thanks, Ive had mostly turn 4/5 wins with minimal disruption so far, so i'd say the core is solid.

April 25, 2018 9:10 p.m.

soccerboy98 says... #18

sorry if this is a dumb question but why dire fleet over dualcaster? I'm guessing because dire fleet can get you a counterspell for protection during your combo turn, but why cut a back up win-con with dualcaster/twinflame? once again sorry if this is a dumb question, just super curious about this list and really looking forward to completing it.

April 26, 2018 12:51 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #19

Not a dumb question. We went back forth over it tonight for a while, but all came to the same conclusion. Without the good tutors, the odds of pulling the combo when you need it are sufficiently small. Dire fleet gives you more options than dualcaster, and you don't have to have your Mana (1RR no less) open all the time. Also doubles as grave hate.

April 26, 2018 12:59 a.m.

plkjasonhk says... #20

I like this deck very much. The meta of my LGS is running the MTGO 1v1 commander ruling, but I would still like to try this deck out. Any advice or thoughts whether the deck would still be viable while losing a bunch of fast mana sources? (The meta is quite competitive with control decks like Kess, Breya and partners)

April 26, 2018 4:14 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #21

I don't know the details since I use the official banlist, but my inclination is to say the loss of fast Mana would be pretty rough on this deck. Much more than most. If you are talking actually playing 1v1 matches, you'd be at a double disadvantage since these 1v1 games will exacerbate many of the decks problems - lack of toolbox tutors and possibility of combo removal - while focusing 100% of your opponents removal and counter magic on you. This deck has been optimized for multiplayer using the traditional rules committee EDH banlist.

April 26, 2018 7:30 a.m.

Nic44 says... #22

Love it in EDH when mono-red causes heads to turn. Great deck! +1

As I see it, this deck is mainly about fast mana. You obviously have the best the format offers, but what about some more fringe options that are probably bad but do ramp hard...

Generator Servant, Heart of Ramos, Palladium Myr.

April 28, 2018 10:30 p.m.

gtoast99 says... #23

Thanks!!! Generator servant was in an older version of the deck and never played out like we wanted. I like palladium myr, but it's a bit fragile. Thats definitely one to watch going forward. Heart of Ramos I think is just too slow, in my opinion.

April 28, 2018 10:42 p.m.

Mr.Burp says... #24

Can you link the math that got you to the dropping of the 3th final fortune effect? I'd like to see that. Can't seem to find the discord server... Tnx! Great deck, got myself a LED yesterday for the deck.

April 29, 2018 4:37 a.m.

gtoast99 says... #25

Congrats on the LED!! Basically we want one cost reducer in hand, but not two (because most are redundant) and not zero. There is a weird math trick that's counterintuitive like the Monty Haul problem whereby reducing from 9 to 8 reducers, we didn't actually lower the chance of having one in hand. We have skewed from having two to having zero slightly. We have one free mull, can still play well at 6 often enough, and can often get there fast enough on Mana sources alone so it's worth it to skew slightly away from duplicate reducers. Removing warrior's oath allows the deck to be ever so slightly more interactive. I'd have to find the exact numbers somewhere in the discord thread, and there has been a lot of discussion since then. We are getting down to some very fine decisions now.
Here's a temporary link Mr.Burp https://discord.gg/W9h2aW

April 29, 2018 5:44 a.m.

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