Waiting for the Sun's Warmth [Please Playtest!!!]
SCORE: 139 | 149 COMMENTS | 21170 VIEWS | IN 69 FOLDERS
TheGamer, sorry dude, I just made the deck and was tweaking it a bit, but the black mana sources are there now!
May 26, 2014 4:19 p.m.
I really like this deck though. It looks super fun to play!
May 26, 2014 4:49 p.m.
Fatboy26105 says... #5
Since you're running that many enchantments why not try Sphere of Safety ?
May 27, 2014 10:21 p.m.
Underworld Coinsmith seems like he should be in here. I'd swap him in for the Oreskos Sun Guide 's
May 27, 2014 10:27 p.m.
Fabled Hero might be better to run over Akroan Skyguard because he is a good wall being a double striker and he gets huge and you can gain a lot of life with him.
May 28, 2014 11:15 a.m.
Soulmender and Ordeal of Heliod should just be taken out in my opinion, Underworld Connections , Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Obzedat, Ghost Council and Archangel of Thune would make this deck better.
May 28, 2014 1:58 p.m.
Xvar, this deck appears to be made by a person who cant afford 15$ archangels an wants to build on what we call a "Budget"
May 28, 2014 2:23 p.m.
Xvar & MAGESTIC_LLAMA, while more expensive cards aren't out of the question, I would like to keep this deck on a slight budget.cdixonm I was on the edge with fabled hero's 2W cost, but I think you're right about him belonging in this deck
May 28, 2014 6:38 p.m.
agarritano says... #11
I realllllly feel like Underworld Coinsmith will end up being far better than Oreskos Sun Guide considering you have 20 enchantments to trigger his constellation.
May 28, 2014 6:47 p.m.
Underworld Coinsmith seems like a must and I would drop the Sanguine Bond for 4x Vizkopa Guildmage
May 28, 2014 8:17 p.m.
I started a Standard deck with a very similar idea, that quickly mutated to a Orzhov midrange. Check it out! Gary's Wrath
May 28, 2014 8:19 p.m.
Ok guys, I feel like I need to explain why I am not enthusiastic about using Underworld Coinsmith : I feel like having multiple BW cost creatures could be a little hard to get off consisitently. Also, where life-gain is concerned, Nyx-Fleece Ram is much more valuable ,consistent, and gives me a beefy blocker to hold off aggro decks a bit. The only reason I'm not sure about is his BW: everybody else loses a life ability. It is a little more expensive than simply using a creature or chaining an Ordeal of Heliod with a Vizkopa Guildmage or a Sanguine Bond . So overall, not too happy with the card, but I won't necessarily rule it yet. Once again, thanks for the time, support, and ideas guys! Keep'em coming!!!
May 29, 2014 12:06 a.m.
agarritano says... #17
My thoughts were taking out Oreskos Sun Guide for the Coinsmith. His second ability is only to be used if you just have a bunch of extra mana, not to really depend on, in my opinion. Regardless, I dig your deck and all the lifegain, +1 from me! :) Check out my deck if you get a chance Bantarama
May 29, 2014 11:11 a.m.
given the 12 Auras you are running, Hero of Iroas over Akroan Skyguard is an absolute must!
May 29, 2014 12:55 p.m.
Agreed on the Hero over Skyguard, since several of said auras are Gift of Orzhova. Your mana base is more than consistent enough to let you get off Underworld Coinsmith, and the activated ability is really the last thing to do. Considering stalling is the goal, perhaps Frontline Medic?
May 29, 2014 5:13 p.m.
Tithe Drinker might work in here. Some extort to burn extra mana and get some life drain/gain and naturally a 2/1 lifelink.
May 29, 2014 5:20 p.m.
Zarieth is right! Tithe Drinker will be useful in this deck.
May 29, 2014 10:15 p.m.
Splash green for ajani to use his ultimate with sunbond? :P
May 31, 2014 3:58 a.m.
RonThaWiked says... #23
Nice one up from me check out my new prototype won last night with it but still needs a lil work
May 31, 2014 6:31 a.m.
I think I would swap out the 4x Fabled Hero
for 4x Fiendslayer Paladin
natural lifelink, plus protection from removal means he should stick around longer to trigger your life gain triggers. Underworld Coinsmith
is also a great suggestion by the others, and I agree that swapping these for the Oreskos Sun Guide
is probably a good idea. Lastly I think that Sanguine Bond
is a little slow, and unnecessary, with the guildmage. I would swap these out for 4x Tithe Drinker
this will give you more lifelink, as well as bodies for the 12 Aura in your deck since currently you only have 17 targets, you run the risk of drawing the wrong half of your deck.
May 31, 2014 11:54 a.m.
joriiiii12345 says... #25
This deck strongly reminds me of the Orzhov Lifegain deck I made last week. Perhaps you'd want to compare them, and maybe give me some advice?I focused my deck more on enchantments by the way.
TheGamer says... #1
Where are the black sources so you can actually play Sanguine Bond
May 26, 2014 3:47 p.m.