Walking Nightmare (Zurgo Helmsmasher)

Commander / EDH Hc_Clan


Lanzo493 says... #1

Shame on you for not running Rogue's Passage in a voltron deck. Archetype of Courage doesn't help your commander at all because he's indestructible and doesn't need first strike (unless that's in there for the other creatures). Inquisitor's Flail is double damage(ish) and Grafted Exoskeleton can cause an easier kill on the opponent.

I faced a really nasty Zurgo deck once that would boardwipe and attack for commander damage. Zurgo is indestructuble, and you have access to the 3 best board wiping colors. Jokulhaups and Devastation WILL win you the game after Zurgo is on the board, but Worldslayer is even better

October 4, 2015 10:04 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #2

Long time no see Lanzo493. Yeah, you got me, I definatly need Rogue's Passage in this deck. Also, I know there's a reason for Archetype of Courage but I'm blanking right now so..probably time to cut it. Inquisitor's Flail sounds like a good alternative, that or Fellwar Stone.

House rules of pod dicatate no mass land destruction and infect goes from 10 to 20, so under those conditions I'll have to say no to your other suggestions. However, normally I'd run those cards as well as Cataclysm with this deck.

October 4, 2015 10:36 p.m.

Spark0fPrimus says... #3

I like it! Definitely gave me some ideas to improve my own Zurgo Voltron deck, like the board wipes....for some reason it didn't occur to me that Zurgo is the perfect commander to run with wipes lol.

Should definitely try a Grappling Hook. Works great on Zurgo and almost always guaranteed he'll be eating one of your opponents creatures for lunch, just adding to his power.

October 20, 2015 6:58 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #4

Thank you so much for the +1 Spark0fPrimus!

I think for now I'm going to have to decline Grappling Hook only because this deck really focuses on dishing out commander damage..and with the amount of boardwipes in this deck Grappling Hook would just become a more expensive Fireshrieker, rarely do I want Zurgo to eat creatures instead of just dealing damage to my opponents.

Maybe if you suggested what to take out for Grappling Hook I would reconsider..

October 21, 2015 6:16 p.m.

shaistyone says... #5

Unquestioned Authority

Also, Debtors' Knell seems pretty good given how wrath happy you are. Rise of the Dark Realms is even better if you can get there.

Lastly, Crackdown is a nice combo with Blind Obedience, and doesn't impact you at all.

October 22, 2015 12:41 p.m.

venok says... #6

Maybe No Mercy or Dread for defense

October 22, 2015 2:44 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #7

I really like Crackdown! I didn't know this card existed before! However, I feel Debtors' Knell and Rise of the Dark Realms are too expensive for this deck -- this deck doesn't have too many problems with defense but I like the idea of Rise of the Dark Realms and Dread.

I may sideboard Debtors' Knell as it could be insanely useful if Zurgo gets killed too many times and starts to cost too much, could possibly just bring him out from the graveyard if nothing better comes along.

Spirit Mantle is a better version of Unquestioned Authority in my opinion and I run a playset in my modern deck, so for variety's sake I won't include it here, not for now, at least.

For now, I'm thinking:

In: Crackdown Out: Brave the Sands

In: No Mercy or Savage Beating Out: Wear//Tear

October 22, 2015 11:23 p.m.

epajula says... #8

Merciless Eviction, Iroas, God of Victory, and Wrecking Ball or other land destruction to deal with Maze of Ith, and Mystifying Maze. Lapse of Certainty ensures hilarity when someone sandbags for when your going in for the kill.

No reason to keep Archetype of Aggression.

December 5, 2015 10:35 p.m.

BoCaliv says... #9

I've been looking into another commander deck to start to have along side my Dragonlord Silumgar one. A Voltron Zurgo is the perfect second option for when my playgroup gets TOO annoyed by my control nonsense.

Great place to grab inspirations, and very fun to playtest. +1

January 14, 2016 6:43 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #10

Think I'll add a Strip Mine and Tectonic Edge for some light land destruction on the chance we encounter a Maze of Ith-type effect -- will take out Cathedral of War and either Temple of Triumph and/or a basic. Iroas is good and was the original general before this became full voltron but doesn't fit the theme well (will probably never be a creature, Zurgo is indestructible so Iroas' 4th ability doesn't matter, etc.) Merciless Eviction would be good if one of my other boardwipes is no longer cutting it, I'm looking at you Martial Coup. I'm glad you like it BoCaliv, happy building!

January 17, 2016 1:50 a.m. Edited.

jonfehl says... #11

Is there a reason you don't run world slayer in this? How does this deck do in group games? I'm actually looking to build my second edh deck and I absolutely love Zurgo.

February 16, 2016 7:43 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #12

Pod says no MLD. Otherwise I'd totally run it, along with Armageddon.

It does well in groups because of how much ramp there is, I've gotten Zurgo out as early as turn 2. As long as your opponents don't run too much removal just for Zurgo it does fine in group play and you can play very politically (deciding who to swing at each turn, making allies by letting certain players live, etc.) This is one of my absolute favorite decks and I definitely recommend him as as a commander.

February 17, 2016 1:09 a.m.

jamie_fulp says... #13

I love this list. It looks absolutely nasty. I may adapt and tweak it, play a little more land destruction. I, for one, want salty opponents haha. Only thing I have a question about it card draw... Do you run into problems with card advantage? Or do you usually have control quick enough?

February 24, 2016 6:15 a.m.

Hc_Clan says... #14

Typically, I have enough cards to get things done and keep the board the way I like it. When possible, I try to keep as many removal spells/boardwipes in my hand until I absolutely need them and instead spend my excess mana on abilities to buff Zurgo up (equip costs, Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion, etc.) I'm sure throwing a Phyrexian Arena would help, and I've considered putting it in over All Is Dust.

February 24, 2016 3:50 p.m.

MsSysbit says... #15

Nim Deathmantle fits this deck as an interesting way to keep Zurgo alive and give him fear. Basandra, Battle Seraph and Godo, Bandit Warlord fit ideally imo too

February 28, 2016 10:16 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #16

Thank you for your suggestions MsSysbit! I'm not sure how I feel about Basandra, Battle Seraph but I really like your other two suggestions. I just gotta see how they fare vs. cards I'd want to take out

February 28, 2016 11:04 p.m.

MsSysbit says... #17

No prob Hc_Clan. Basandara kinda ensures other things won't impede your attacks but it's up to you. Godo is a search plus a great assault(you have his Maul in the deck already) that can gett himself a second attack. And Nim is a little unserious but quite effective too if you can keep the manna out for it. Hope they help ya out.

February 28, 2016 11:07 p.m.

Jazzmino says... #18

What do you mean by 1v1 legal variation?

September 9, 2016 10:22 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #19

Just in case you want to play this in a 1v1 scenario, there's a separate ban list for those sort of match-ups. I left it open to interpretation so that you can put whatever you want in based on the deck you are playing against.

September 9, 2016 11:26 p.m.

geekmp3 says... #20

Tainted Strike for an optional alt-win-con? Does well with Chandra's Ignition

October 27, 2016 4:46 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #21

Thanks for your comment geekmp3, I totally just realized I didn't place the house rules for the club that I ususally play this deck in. We do 20 infect damage to kill instead of 10 (I know right?) so that's why that card has not been included in here.

October 27, 2016 4:53 p.m.

jonfehl says... #22

This is one awesome deck! I've been wanting to build Zurgo since he came out, but I've never really had a good build in mind. How well does this deck usually do for you? I'm assuming along with infect, your group frowns on wordlslayer?

November 5, 2016 2:16 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #23

Usually fairs pretty well in multiplayer actually. More combo-y decks don't always have the removal to take care of all the shenanigans in this deck. My one issue that most often arises is draw which is not uncommon in these colors. However, if you play this deck with the mindset of "sandbagging" or only using spells when it is necessary, you should have a great time.

Actually, it was my own decision to not include Worldslayer but it's definitely a fantastic card for any Zurgo deck.

November 5, 2016 6:17 p.m.

jonfehl says... #24

also, is there a reason you are not playing vampiric and demonic tutor?

November 5, 2016 6:19 p.m.

Hc_Clan says... #25

I only have one copy and they are being playtested in another deck. My decks posted here on tappedout are what I really use and not primers.

November 5, 2016 6:23 p.m.

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