Walk in the Vastwood

Commander / EDH wyzeman


Ataraxey says... #1

Seems like a fun deck. Any playtest notes or experiences? Any adds from M20?

Thinking of building this from my Oathbreaker Nissa deck as it has a bunch of similar cards for my EDH group.

July 11, 2019 12:01 a.m.

wyzeman says... #2

the deck is very simple to play, as ramp card became bonus and eventually win condition. The main challenge is to not play all of draw and accelaration cards. Keep in mind that you will have to face one or two boardwipe. The goal isnt that much of protecting your creatures but to bounceback more quickly than anybody to those boardwipe. Kalonian Twingrove with Bramble Sovreign are a particulary cheap combo to get 4 "15/15" creatures into play for 7 mana. try to throw some dangerous threat as a decoy for removal before doign your final move and the win is pretty sure to be yours.

I dont have test new M20 card in this deck yet, any suggestion ?

July 11, 2019 6:28 a.m.

Ataraxey says... #3

I think my only suggestions from looking at M20 power level and playing a few pre-releases would be: - Leyline of Abundance - Cavalier of Thorns - Gargos, Vicious Watcher - Maybe 1 of the new Viviens?

I was also surprised to see no rare lands in the deck. Was that a cost saving measure, or do you not like the green focused rare lands? A few I had thought of: - Winding Canyons - Alchemist's Refuge - Ancient Tomb


July 11, 2019 8:15 p.m.

wyzeman says... #4

I like the idea of a competitive deck with mainly basic land. This is also for cost saving. This deck was build in the idea that sacrifice some land in fight or for protection is'nt that much important.

July 11, 2019 8:44 p.m.

wyzeman says... #5

I usually use my land for mana...so ;)

July 11, 2019 8:46 p.m.

wyzeman says... #6

In attempt to minimise the extrem vulnerability of the deck to flying, I have switch Nissa, Voice of Zendikar for Vivien, Champion of the Wilds and Deathrender for Silklash Spider

July 13, 2019 10:01 a.m.

austintayshus says... #7

Primal Bellow could be fun?

Temur Sabertooth could help protect you against boardwipes.

August 1, 2019 7:19 a.m.

wyzeman says... #8

thanks for the tips, I was actually testing Primal Bellow in a Gargos, Vicious Watcher deck. It might be a good fit in this one too.

For Temur Sabertooth , as this deck relay more on playing new card quickly than protecting the one in place, I'm not sure if I would try it.

August 1, 2019 7:25 a.m.

Ataraxey says... #9

Any notes on the latest updates? Looks like more enchants/instants and 2 different creatures. How key is Natural Selection in your experience, with it being a $100+ card? What would you swap it out for if it wasnt used?

August 9, 2019 3:23 a.m.

Ataraxey says... #10

For some reason the deck isn't showing what the updates are, so for anyone else here's what I found the changes are:

REMOVED: azsuza, lost but seeking Farhaven elf forgotten ancient mycoloth silklash spider thelonite druid beacon of creation rude awakening skullclamp

ADDED: Whiptongue Hydra Yavimaya Dryad Natural Affinity Natural Selection Finale of Devestation Druidic Satchel Burgeoning Exploration Zendikar's Roil

Really surprised to see Azsua removed since shes so good but I guess Exploration is kinda a good replacement and harder to kill?

August 9, 2019 3:53 a.m.

wyzeman says... #11

Some answers:

I have switch Azura for Exploration in hope to be more resilient to wrath and to add a one drop. This is off course a test. But it's showing some result.

Removing Skullclamp and Beacon of creation in favor of Natural selection and Druidic Snatchel is mostly a flavor move as is seen more "Green to me". As Skullclamp was a big token eater that move give me the possibility to switch some slow token generator as Mycoloth in favor of another wincon. Casting Craterhoof Behemoth with Final Devastation was so far a satisfying move. Thelonid Druid was nice, but as Exploration was'nt as good as Azura in effect, adding Burgeoining is helping to replacing her. Zendikar Rolling was in the first brew and its payback faster than Forgotten Ancien. Farhaven Elf was first replace by wood elves who give a untaped forest instead of a tapped land. But im trying Yavimaya Dryad in all my mono green deck now. Possibly not a better choice as we going back to a tapped land but I like the fack that the card remain usefull afther the ETB effect as I dont relay in bounce/blink effect in green. The other move is to test fastest Whipthongue Hydra in replacement of Silklash Spider, and also I like Hydra's (dont ask, I don't know why).

For Natural Selection, I try it as a proxy. This goes with the historical meaning of the deck. My first goal was to create a blueish green deck in term of library control as bedrock for the main theme (land ramp). So far I fond it costly to "scry 3 or reset" for 100$. but as Brainstorm was a no brainer in blue deck I think that the same logik is applyable to Natural Selection if you dont need to buy it.

August 9, 2019 5:56 a.m.

wyzeman says... #12

Rude Awakening was remplaced by Natural Affinity who can ne cast in instant for slightly the same effect. Just need to be sure to get enough untapped land...so Im not sure yet. Need more playtest.

August 9, 2019 6 a.m.

wyzeman says... #13

now testing Cream of Crop instead of Druidic Snatchel.

August 13, 2019 9:55 p.m.

Ataraxey says... #14

Any notes on the latest changes? And any idea if you can get the updates section to show changes so I don't have to compare against my deck each time its updated?

January 4, 2020 6:13 p.m.

wyzeman says... #15

I don't know why you can't see update. I will comment it tomorow, I'm little buzy right now

January 4, 2020 8:36 p.m.

wyzeman says... #16

Basicly I have removed the slower Planeswalker, those with high mana cost and/or high ultimate and no very usefull +1. The reason is that I just can't never use it. Thats means no more Garruk, Caller of Beasts , and Nissa, Who Shakes the World . I have replace them with Horn of Greed and Early Harvest to get more momentum on card draw and mana ramp.

I also have switch Rishkar's Expertise in favor of Shamanic Revelation because I get stuck with Rishkar's Expertise too much time waiting for the a good time to cast that never came. Also, this deck almost never loose a game in my meta. Thats means that im the primary target before the game start. Since that, I need more way to gain life. It also combo well with another modification. Game are almost alway's win with Craterhoof Behemoth and this card is better with a lot of token than fiew big fat creature. This is why I had reintegrate Beacon of Creation and add Lys Alana Huntmaster . Lys benefit from the more elf of the last update (like Eladamri, Lord of Leaves ). I had cut in the treefolk branch to make those addon, swiping out Seedguide Ash who is very slow and Leaf-Crowned Elder who lack of target to be really efficient.

Other modification are Constant Mists for a better protection. Wirewood Hivemaster for more tokens. Genesis Wave to replace some Vivien, Champion of the Wilds and other planewalkers habilities to fetch card from the top of library. Mwonvuli Acid-Moss Who can be use as bad ramp or to get rid of Maze of Ith or other "screw my day" land and Desert Twister as this the only one true removal in green (that I know).

To make room for the last 4 cards I don't remember witch other card than Tireless Tracker I have removed.

The goal was to get more synergy from land and creature type and also get more tokens as they are the main key to victory. By playing more and more this deck it's become obvious that the draw rate was never an issue with Nissa as commander, This is why I have cut in the more slow planewalker that do that kind of stuff in favor of more quickness and momentum.

January 5, 2020 11:37 a.m.

wyzeman says... #17

I have also change Cream of the Crop for Into the Wilds as I dont really need extra scry. Also, it's replacing well Leaf-Crowned Elder hability with more potential target (37 land vs less than 10 treefolk + shaman).

January 5, 2020 11:42 a.m.

Ataraxey says... #18

Thank you - I have noticed it's a bit slow in my play group, so these changes sound like they'll be helpful. I'll let you know once I try the deck out with these changes!

Any green additions you like from the new set like Nyxbloom Ancient or Dryad of Ilysian Grove?

January 8, 2020 9:42 p.m.

wyzeman says... #19

I don't have test the new card yet. Hope to does it soon. I'll give particular attention to your suggestion.

January 9, 2020 5:20 a.m.

wyzeman says... #20

Dryad of illysian Grove seen to be very nice in 3 or 4 color deck or if you can play cards of your opponents. But in this deck I think it's just to be a bad version of courser of kruphix. Or maybe is just that I like to much playing cards from top of my library.

Nyxbloom seens powerfull, but for 7 it might be a little slow. But I think it worth a try. for 7 mana I can also considering Boundless Realms or Zendikar Resurgent

January 12, 2020 9:04 a.m.

Ataraxey says... #21

I would recommend Growing Rites of Itlimoc as a cheaper and decent alternative to Gaea's Cradle

January 31, 2020 2:20 a.m.

wyzeman says... #22

Good one. Think I would try it instead a forest and keep both (cradle is a proxy, playmates use proxy too, so that is'nt a problem). But yes in a budget mind growing rite is a very good alternativ. Thx for the tips

January 31, 2020 7:15 a.m.

wyzeman says... #24

February 22, 2020 8:52 a.m.

wyzeman says... #25

February 22, 2020 11:56 a.m.

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