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walkers dont die they call obzedat

Standard* Control Five Color Reanimator Superfriends



reanimator see Obzedat's Aid.

welactually not realy reanimator. i generally hardcast them and if they do die i call Obzedat's Aid.

its a fun deck my walkers even if killed are never gone for long. best play(most fun one) i made was having lili(2counters) and tamiyo on field. opponent almost no hand left use lili -2 kills a creature revive her with Obzedat's Aid use her -2 again and tap the last with tamiyo. and keep on going.

Troll move have bolas ult a 9 and reviving him with Obzedat's Aid in the same turn.


Abrupt Decay simple killspell against aggro and gets rid of cheap cards like Liliana of the Veil or Underworld Connections(before it gets out of hand)

Sphinx's Revelation drawpower just got my 2nd and hoping on a third.

Mystic Retrieval recur spells. harsh if its target is Supreme Verdict though.

Obzedat's Aid recurs all my walkers and because of that gets past Grafdigger's Cage. it also allows me to need less protection on em since ill revive em later anyway.

Supreme Verdict wipes the field.

Terminus alternative deals with regen and indestructibles.


Garruk, Primal Hunter tokenspam. he doesnt realy need more explanation since all know him already.

Jace, Architect of Thought kill Lingering Souls army. lets me draw card and if need be lets me cast bolas from my deck.

Liliana of the Veil discard excessive card or walkers to revive with Obzedat's Aid making t4 bolas a posibility.

Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker its bolas

Vraska the Unseen +to protect herself -3 to kill and ult to win. watch out for opposing verdicts if you try.


Curse of Death's Hold -1/-1 to all who oppose me. stops enemys asseble the legion Falkenrath Aristocrat and manadorks

Glaring Spotlight against hexproof builds. what hexproof i dont see it.

Pithing Needle mainly against Nephalia Drownyard and posibly AEtherling an early needle will give me tons of time to deal with counterspells with Slaughter Games

Purify the Grave ment to be used against reanimators.

Slaughter Games mainly agaisnt control to deal with counterspells.

Witchbane Orb i has hexproof against burn and mill excl. Mind Grind and Liliana of the Veil +1)


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after playing a 2nd 5color i build involving the extrad jaceAoT i obtained paired with some Think Twice i relised how great the aditional drawpower helped me. furthermore it enabled me to lower my manabase to 24 without much trouble.

+2 Jace, Architect of Thought +2 Think Twice

were lowering the count of fieldwipes because with the extra drawpower we draw it way more relieable. same issue with Mystic Retrieval drawn more often and it already has flashback.

for the sideboard we go -2Purify the Grave +2Erase reason are never in my life did i ever play someone that used reanimator or even see someone play it(except on cokatrice). erase on the other hand is needed vs the [[burning earth card.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 11 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

2 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.86
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Beast 3/3 G, Soldier 1/1 RW, Wurm 6/6 G
Folders Interesting, Other Players, standard in theros
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