Walking on Islands

Modern stalydan


Aefinn says... #1

I see the point in AEther Vial + Merrow Reejerey but there is a big problem with it too: it will work for a very limited time in this deck because of those manacosts of your creatures. I would rather take 2 out and add 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx .

Also what the heck with that avg price :D

July 15, 2014 6:39 a.m.

genuine139 says... #2

I had seen a comment from you on another merfolk deck that was not quite accurate. By no means do I mean to be rude, just helpful. Using AEther Vial to put a merfolk into play, does NOT trigger the ability of Merrow Reejerey as it does not play/cast the creature. It puts it into play/on the battlefield. Slight but important distinction between "play," the verb (cast) and "play," the noun (the battlefield)

July 15, 2014 1:21 p.m.

stalydan says... #3

@Luutamo, the only way I can work out that average price is it must be adding Alpha Lord of Atlantis otherwise I don't know which is silly really because I got three third edition versions for $15. Also I do see your point about the AEther Vial but I think maybe remove one vial and either an Island or Mutavault .

@genuine139, that kind of sucks. I'd always seen play and put as the same thing. Oh well, the vials still work in the deck even if they're not being untapped as easily.

July 15, 2014 6:25 p.m.

mordecai412 says... #4

It seems a little risky to me to have a card that needs green to cast with no forests in the deck. I know that you can AEther Vial the Kiora's Follower into to play but,it could easily become a dead card in your hand and with a tribal deck you cannot have that. Personally, I like Cursecatcher and it wouldn't hurt to lower your curve a little bit.

November 2, 2014 5:44 p.m.

stalydan says... #5

@mordecai412, There's also the Cavern of Souls to help produce green as well. I mainboard them for helping to untap AEther Vial and also enable a combo with Wake Thrasher and occasionally Judge of Currents in a mirror to generate a more powerful creature and net life gain as well. If there was a land like Wanderwine Hub that also produced green, I'd definitely add it.

Maybe +2 Hinterland Harbor and -2 Island .

November 3, 2014 3:17 p.m.

OpenFire says... #6

Kiora's Follower isn't cut out for Modern, try Cursecatcher instead.

December 9, 2014 6:55 p.m.

DavidBray says... #7

With Aquitect's Will, i'd replace Merfolk Sovereign with your Master of the Pearl Trident. However, Sygg, River Cutthroat and Wake Thrasher are interesting new takes. +1 from me. How do they treat you?

I'd love you ideas of my deck Devotion to the Waves if you're willing.

April 26, 2015 3:05 p.m.

stalydan says... #8

@DavidBray: I've had a lot of success with the two. Sygg, River Cutthroat has been a good source of card draw consistently and also good against burn decks as they will usually waste two bolts trying to get did of him and Wake Thrasher does well on the turn after it's put into play. I prefer using an AEther Vial to get it in on an opponent's turn so I can go for lethal straight away but that's only if I have a second already in play that is on or can be ticked up to two charge counters.

Merfolk Sovereign is only there to ensure that I will be able to get unblockable damage in. If I'm play against another blue deck or in a mirror, I sideboard it out for whichever card seems more appropriate.

April 26, 2015 4:14 p.m.
April 26, 2015 4:25 p.m.

stalydan says... #10

@FAMOUSWATERMELON: I run Aquitect's Will over Spreading Seas for two reasons;

1) With a few lands that don't tap for blue mana, it's handy to cast it on my own and draw a card while still keeping the functionality of the land itself (uncounterable, 2/2 creature, and ramp respectively).

2) Seas ended up being removed or countered a lot because of the threat it posed in the meta of my store. If that changed, I would run at least two of them in place of Wills.

April 26, 2015 4:32 p.m.

Second_Strike says... #11

If you ever want to use this deck in a multiplayer scenario, you might want to consider Quicksilver Fountain. You don't get the card draw that comes with Aquitect's Will but you do get to disrupt everyone else's mana... Notice that omits the phrase "in addition to its other types". The lands it affects are just islands, nothing else. They only produce blue mana. That would really mess with, well, everything that isn't blue :D

April 26, 2015 4:33 p.m.

stalydan says... #12

@Second_Strike: I will definitely consider that if my store ever does a modern multiplayer event; sounds amazingly brutal! Might annoy a partner in 2HG if they're not playing blue but I think it can be worked around.

April 26, 2015 4:39 p.m.

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