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Wall of Stall [Fr this time] (Still save me)

Pauper Gate GWU (Bant) Wall



Instant (3)

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Enchantment (1)

Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)

Okay take 2, Run it back. Walls. What are walls for? keeping things out, keeping things in, but how do you switch between out and in? Doors, or well, lets just pretend all of these walls are castles and totally don't range from "structural objects" to force fields, air, and literal knives. So what does that mean? Gates. You gotta get in and out, you just gotta. You also need to get in your opponents face to kill them with your "wall" of sentient floating knives which makes Basilisk Gate... I was going to say perfect but I'll just stick with casually viable.

As you can probably tell, this is a horrible Walls tribal deck centered around gates, more specifically Basilisk Gate. The main goal of the deck is to stall and survive with Walls like Wall of Vapor and Wall of Glare supplemented with value generating walls like Wall of Runes, Sunscape Familiar (famously a wall not a familiar), Secret Door, and Overgrown Battlement. Floriferous Vinewall can find a gate, while Growth Spiral, Broken Bond, and Reap and Sow get them into play. Preordain helps with card selection and Arcane Denial and Journey to Nowhere function as removal. Once you have enough gates in play Basilisk Gate is used in conjunction with the few Walls that are capable of attacking those being Roving Keep if you have the mana, Prison Barricade which can attack repeatedly without requiring mana, or most commonly Wall of One Thousand Cuts for its average cost, stats, and flying.

Fortified Area is too funny to run less than 3 because well WALL TRIBAL CARD AT COMMON also banding is funny as heck. Banding weird, but lets you choose where combat damage is assigned however youd like (if blocking with two or more creatures with banding) rather than the opponent selecting damage order and damage then being dealt until the first creature dies, then the next, and so on. Its funny and can mostly be used to spread out damage from larger threats while keeping your creatures alive. Its just a neat card and its nice that it can potentially do something. It would probably be optimal to remove it for control elements or whatnot but this is Walls. We may not be perfectly constructed but we are the pillar of this community and format. Totally. Definitely not jank. I guess this deck is best described as Walls, but they were made in New Jersey so they fall over on you and break your spine.

Maybeboard: Spidersilk Armor - Fliers are an issue, thats about it. Good if I can find space. Open the Gates - Needs testing, I believe the deck can find gates well enough but it is an option if not. Utter Insignificance - VERY IMPORTANT and need to make space for 2-3 copies. Shuts down creature based combos at instant speed (like Putrid Goblin) serves as some removal, but most importantly can allow more walls the ability to attack because they will lose defender. An extra wall on attack may be the difference between a whether or not you can get a wall through unblocked to then buff. May be better than Journey to Nowhere for its utility and strange offensive use. Aqueous Form seems pretty necessary as well as there is no guarantee a wall will ever go unblocked. Running Aqueous Form would make including Season of Renewal a good idea, plus it can also grab Utter Insignificance after activating its exile ability.


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(+2 Aqueous Form -2 Respite) -- Respite doesn't further the game strategy and only helps to prevent being overrun (+2 Season of Renewal -1 Fortified Area -1 Floriferous Vinewall) -- you can tell i was running out of things to cut but I didn't think a 4th vinewall would be necessary to find gates [might add back vinewall since it fuels most of our ramp that cares about having lands in hand] (+2 utter isnignificance -2 Journey to Nowhere) -- very similar role but utter insignificance can help rid our walls of defender in some niche situations


90% Casual


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #5 position in Pauper 3 months ago
Date added 4 months
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.59
Tokens Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Goblin 1/1 R, Skeleton 1/1 B, The Atropal, Treasure
Folders Pauper
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