Wally's Wacky World of Walls

Modern Panzerforge


demonicgrizzly says... #1

You have a spelling error in this otherwise festive and humorous deck description

"You don't want to miss our" under the impulse items thing

Looks like a good time. I tried the wall thing a while back and had a good time doing it. I ended up moving away from the defender aspect into a straight toughness build, that way I didn't have to pay to attack.

Edit: here I am talking about spelling and I spell shit wrong. Ironic.

September 18, 2016 10:28 a.m. Edited.

Panzerforge says... #2

Thanks demonicgrizzly, I had meant for that to read straight into "You don't want to miss our specials!"

That being said, perhaps some ellipses would show that better.

Regardless, thank you for the look! I've been having a lot of fun playing with this, it's a hard match for a lot of deck types.

September 18, 2016 10:38 a.m.

Moonbar says... #3

Everything about this is great. +1

September 18, 2016 5:12 p.m.

You have my complete adoration, good sir! This is soooo much fun. A love decks like these, and this one is perfect! The sentinel and the battlements are botu long-time facorites of mine. I usually always end my comments by wishing people an awesome day, but you, sir, get an exceptionally awesome one!

September 18, 2016 8:26 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #5

Wally appreciates your business, Moonbar and The7thBobba!

September 18, 2016 11:40 p.m.

Oh, I do want to shop here often. :-) So much to buy that I didn't know I needed until I got here. Do you do special orders? If so, may I suggest adding to your stock Glyph of Destruction and Doran, the Siege Tower. Fling combos nicely with Glyph of Destruction as well, but not enough with the rest to suggest it here. +1.

September 20, 2016 1:34 p.m.

Moonbar says... #7

Glyph of Destruction is not modern legal?

September 21, 2016 10:49 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #8

TheMadRocketeer, Wally would need to splash a lot of paint around to make Doran fit in, which is why we carry Assault Formation instead.

And I'm afraid Moonbar is correct about the Glyph, but if you're shopping super casual and your friends are cool with it, it and Fling WOULD make a good deal.

Thank you for shopping at Wally's!

September 21, 2016 11:02 p.m.

Sorry about that. I was thrown off a bit by the following.

"Wally's Wacky World of Walls is a casual store, but don't think that means it doesn't pack a lot of bargains!" -- I'm a Casual-only player (for now, anyway), so I saw this and missed the marker for Modern.

"Dawnglow Infusion -Patented anti-burn ointment, best if applied with Axebane Guardian supplying a ." -- This had me thinking a bit of white would be OK, but I didn't consider that Dawnglow Infusion is a sideboard card and doesn't need white in order to still be effective. Yeah. Doran, the Siege Tower needs white, would be a central piece, and 4 Axebane Guardians aren't enough to guarantee it.

September 22, 2016 8:17 a.m.

mr_funk says... #10

i have a similar deck and i have been fooling around with cards like Anger of the Gods and Pyroclasm and Bonfire of the Damned and Comet Storm. you get a ton of extra mana, and those X mana ones could blow out a game. also Colossus of Akros isn't a bad move, imo, in this style deck. ramp him out, he's a defender, monstrous him, he is game-ending.

September 27, 2016 4:16 p.m.

TransMarx says... #11

is this deck budget?

I think a good move would be to play around with Collected Company for some explosive plays with your vent sentinel. I'd also consider playing fetch and shock lands. Id also suggest some damage based wipes seeing that most your walls can chump but not kill on blocking interactions, something like Pyroclasm, and Anger of the Gods can do some serious work to clear the board for when you do go beats with your Assault formation.

as for sideboard tech, I'd switch out Destructive revelry for Ancient Grudge, Atarka's Command is a great card you might want to consider, and Vexing Shusher for games against Jeskai control

September 29, 2016 5:25 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #12

mr_funk, I have also considered something similar, and found Banefire to be the hottest bargain, and a quick way to close shop early!

September 30, 2016 7:42 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #13

Patrique, well, Wally likes to keep the prices under $10 per item, but special orders could be put in.

Collected Company is good, but the way this deck ramps, Slate of Ancestry becomes very explosive. What we are looking at stocking is Thousand-Year Elixir to speed up our sales!

Destructive Revelry is important in my local meta, where enchantments are popular. Maybe with Kaladesh Ancient Grudge will end up being better.

I do really like Vexing Shusher, that would help keep inventory coming in on rainy days...

We appreciate your feed back, and thanks for shopping at Wally's!

September 30, 2016 7:53 a.m.

KGW says... #14

I may be overlooking something, but you have 59 permanents and one copy of Primal Surge, if you were ever to play it wouldn't it cause you to mill yourself out?

Super cool concept. Glad that Assault Formation is getting some love.

October 3, 2016 12:40 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #15

KGW, that's where that "may" in Primal Surge is really important.

Basically I stop once I have what I need. Usually I leave 10 cards or so in my library. It does mean having to exile one card, but that's a small price to pay.

October 3, 2016 1:24 a.m. Edited.

KGW says... #16

haha. Gotcha. I've never come across that card before.

October 3, 2016 1:28 a.m.

phazing says... #17

God damn this is a tight idea man, 10/10.

October 4, 2016 9:56 p.m.

foxinsox says... #18

Love it. I think I'll try something similar and see if I can incorporate my favourite soft lock of Primal Command + Eternal Witness. It seems to work beautifully with this deck given the ramp and can also find you the hard wall beaters or mana dorks when you need them.

Also, Jaddi Offshoot over the Traproot Kami? It does put a halt to the growth, but the life gain is pretty great.

October 5, 2016 1:16 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #19

Thanks phazing! I'm enjoying playing it!

That's a good combo, foxinsox, though not my style and would take too many parts out for my liking.

Also, Traproot Kami > Jaddi Offshoot due to the growth and, more importantly, reach.

Thank you both for shopping at Wally's, enjoy the rest of your day!

October 5, 2016 2:26 a.m.

MEEps says... #20

Doorkeeper as an extra wincon? it also disrupts most decks (except dredge of course).

October 5, 2016 8:36 a.m.

foxinsox says... #21

Another thought, perhaps Cathedral Membrane instead of Steel Wall? You're sacrificing 1 toughness but it's a strong deterrent to fling things at you early game.

October 6, 2016 7:33 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #22

MEEps, while Wally does approve of keeping a Doorkeeper around to discourage thieves, it just works too slow when compared to the quick Vent Sentinel and the punishing Assault Formation + Tree of Redemption , not to mention that he'd have to change his mana system, or wait until a Axebane Guardian came out to get the to pay for the little guy.

Wally has considered opening a specialty store that focuses on Walls with Doorkeepers to keep things in line.

foxinsox, I haven't had a problem with large bruisers early in the game like that, and when Assault Formation hits the table my Steel Walls are effectively 4/4 anyway. Biggest issue with the Cathedral Membrane, just like the Doorkeeper, is that I need another type of mana to cast it, or suffer 2 life each time I want to cast it without help from an Axebane Guardian. That extra little deterrence isn't worth the loss of life over the course of a game.

Thank you for shopping at Wally's, enjoy your Walls!

October 8, 2016 3:08 a.m.

ShadowAura says... #23

Nice to see anpther Good, Fun wall deck. I built a white green version which worked well, but yours seems really formidable. I was going to suggest Collected Company but I don't know if you need it. Spellskite is good sideboard though.

October 13, 2016 9:48 p.m.

This is amazing.

October 13, 2016 10:25 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #25

We're happy you found what you were looking for here at Wally's, ShadowAura! You're right about Collected Company, we've tried them both, and found that the Slate of Ancestry produces more walls at a better bargain, and can be exponential, turn after turn. Spellskite would have room on our shelves, if only it had defender. Otherwise the color scheme is just off, and the price is enough to drive people into the hands of our competitors.

Thanks again for shopping at Wally's!

October 14, 2016 6:13 a.m.

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