Wander This

Commander / EDH* Onesiphorus


Eric1827 says... #2

the one thing you need to consider when play Maelstrom wander is when I pay 8 mana will I hit dead drop cascades and counter's usually are but ones like Delay Spelljack and Spell Crumple are not.

July 31, 2013 3:32 p.m.

Onesiphorus says... #3

@Eric1827: Thanks for the input. I do consider dead draws, they are the worst thing that can happen, and I should probably be looking for more ways to stack the library. I don't agree that changing the counterspell base is the answer, though. Delay is a neat trick but could cause me to be a non threat for two turns and I only gain one cascade out of it. Spelljack is expensive, I would be trading out a more useful card for another cascade gamble. Switching it out for Bribery would be fairly equal, but I would rather steal a card of my choice from an opponent. Spell Crumple is already in, and it is a dead draw, but one of the few ways to put a Commander out of a players reach. Besides, if I have the mana to recast Maelstrom Wanderer next turn, I might just counter him myself and do it again.

July 31, 2013 6:58 p.m.

Eric1827 says... #4

I have found a card that can stack your deck for you try out Scroll Rack

August 2, 2013 9:22 a.m.

Eric1827 says... #5

sorry didn't see that there nvm.

August 2, 2013 9:28 a.m.

Onesiphorus says... #6

Thanks for looking Eric1827.

After some trials with Brainstorm ; Ancestral Knowledge ; and Dream Cache , I've come to these conclusions:

Brainstorm : Aside from it already being known as a strong cantrip, using it to place a pair of cards for cascading that you happened to draw early is helpful.Verdict: IN

Ancestral Knowledge : Wow, digging 10 cards deep before casting Maelstrom Wanderer is amazing. You technically only need one additional mana to use this, since you can cast it the turn before then pay it's upkeep once. Also, the added ability of removing cards that aren't going to help in this match is awesome. Verdict: IN

Dream Cache : This sorcery speed brainstorm at triple the cost is very underwhelming. I can't justify it's existence.Verdict: EXILED

August 2, 2013 12:41 p.m.

Eric1827 says... #7

excuse me I believe that is not how cumulative upkeep works.each upkeep it gains an Age counter and then you pay the cost for every Age counter on the card. If i remember right

August 2, 2013 6:32 p.m.

Onesiphorus says... #9

Allow me to clarify Eric1827,

I cast Ancestral Knowledge the turn before I plan on casting Maelstrom Wanderer . I then need the eight mana to cast Maelstrom Wanderer plus one additional mana for the first cumulative upkeep of Ancestral Knowledge . After I have cascaded, I can either keep the Ancestral Knowledge around, or sacrifice it and shuffle my library.

August 2, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Eric1827 says... #10

looks nice especially with the two stacking artifacts i.e. rack and top.

August 3, 2013 1:07 a.m.

voodoomaster says... #11

Their is no such thing as ''Budget'' in this deck, is their? lol

August 7, 2013 9:14 p.m.

Onesiphorus says... #12

August 8, 2013 1:04 p.m.

zorsmobile says... #13

I would suggest Worldly Tutor or possibly even Sylvan Tutor or Personal Tutor as a great way to set up your cascades, yes it's a bit of card disadvantage but it can be a great boon. Speaking of setting up your cascades, Momir Vig, Simic Visionary could be excellent. You cast Maelstrom Wanderer , then set up the triggers in reverse how people usually set them up to activate the blue trigger first, then tutor for a creature card to put on top of your library to cascade into. Momir is a useful creature in general but is excellent with Wanderer.

Things I might cut include Azusa, Lost but Seeking , and the two Sakashima cards. I'd just imagine the tutors would give you the versatility to deal with any threat along with setting up some insane plays.

I like the deck, fun stuff!

August 26, 2013 6:59 p.m.

Onesiphorus says... #14

Thanks for the comments, Azusa, Lost but Seeking hasn't been very good, and I have been thinking about cutting her. I like Worldly Tutor but the other two, being sorceries, underperform more often than help.

I have tried Momir Vig, Simic Visionary . He is okay when I hit him early, but a disappointment later in the game.

The Sakashima cards have a strong presence in the deck that allow for unique options. Sakashima the Impostor can clone my own legends since she keeps her name, and being able to bounce and clone again makes her extremely versatile and valuable. I use Sakashima's Student to bounce and recast other creatures, including Maelstrom Wanderer . I am more likely to cut Riku of Two Reflections and Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind next.

August 28, 2013 12:45 p.m.

zorsmobile says... #15

Ah true, I see more of the value in Sakashima's Student now. I used to have a 5 color Horde of Notions deck, and it's too bad you can't run any of the Ultimatums in this deck since with the help of Mystical Tutor and Vampiric Tutor I once Maelstrom Wanderer 'd into Violent Ultimatum and Cruel Ultimatum . Needless to say the game was pretty much over at that point... I also could see Animar, Soul of Elements helping some to reduce the cost of Wanderer, and I agree with the Riku cut for sure.

August 28, 2013 1:37 p.m.

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