Wanna see a magic trick?

Modern TheAnnihilator


UpsetYoMama says... #1

You might want to consider a couple of Stony Silence for the SB? If Affinity is on the play, they could potentially kill you before you can resolve a Supreme Verdict.

While playing Blessed Alliance mainboard is interesting, I think personally I would run 3-4 Snapcaster Mage mainboard and move the Blessed Alliance to the SB.

Have you considered Remand? I'm sure you have, and it might be difficult to add, as it kind of completes with the slot for Spreading Seas.

July 29, 2017 4:24 p.m.

TheAnnihilator says... #2

@UpsetYoMama I don't feel like theres a a huge need for stony silence here since the Affinity matchup is already quite good, considering the Detention Spheres in the 75 and Spell Queller trading with every relevant attacker. The only payoff spell that matters is Plating, which is easily managed by removal spells.

Blessed main is actually pretty standard for UW Control, and secretly very good mainnoard. The card is very versatile, also boning Etched Champions and Bogles without targeting. Alliance is the best option for removal past more mainboard spheres and possibly Condemn (which is weak to Chalice on 1 and Reality Smasher). The problem with more Snapcasters is a lack of relevant targets for them and nonbo with Rest in Peace sideboard.

Remand is fine, but hardcounters are much preferrable. As you said, they would otherwise compete with Seas but have far less impact than Seas. We're not particularly interested in the minor tempo gain from Rrmand regardless.

August 2, 2017 8:32 p.m.

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