I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm not even sure I fully grasp the concept of tempo. the point of this deck is to pump out small, efficient threats and pop their (the person across the table's) threats with small combat tricks. I went mono color because it's just that much more reliable. I understand splashing may be useful though. I chose white because of its useful low mana creatures and my comfort playing it.
Swift Justice
Can usually save your creature while getting rid of another. The small life boost is nice too.
If you can block it you can break it.
Righteous Blow
A white Shock. Sort of. Even if this isn't enough to outright k.o. an attacker or blocker, combined with a little power from my blocker or attacker it should do the job.
War Falcon
2/1 for 1? Yes please. Evasion too? Yes please! Gotta have a soldier? Oh... well... The only non-soldier creature I have is
Serra Avenger
Dryad Militant 2/1 for 1? Yes please. The added effect is nice but wasn't intentional.
Doomed Traveler is the bomb. People get afraid of him, and intimidation tactics are fun. There are two benefits to him, first, when he dies he'll essentially come back as a flyer (not technically, but you know), second, because of the effect of his death, it encourages people to not block him because they don't want to deal with a flyer, which in a way, is essentially making them deal with two flyers if you think about it.
Precinct Captain is nice. Because of the mono color of the deck, it doesn't matter that he's WW instead of 1W. First strike serves as a small defense mechanism and he makes 1/1 soldiers when he gets through which is quite useful for the obvious fact of having more creatures and it keeps
War Falcon
... Waring?
Serra Avenger
Is an awkward choice. 3/3 for 2 with flying and vigilance is awesome. But, this deck is supposed to be somewhat fast. She could turn out annoying. I'm considering cutting her to two instead of 4 or maybe taking her out all the way. Time will tell.
Silverblade Paladin. Oh, you... You're a double double striking mad man. Do I really need to say anything else?
Mentor of the Meek is actually very important in this deck. In case you didn't notice, there are TONS of 1 drops. So, while someone else may be playing a two mana card you could play two one mana cards. This will take a toll on your cards-in-hand. To help, Mentor of the Meek is in, he triggers on every creature, including the tokens, except
Serra Avenger
(Another small thing against her).