Warehouse 13

Casual* Mxyzptlk


HydraOoze says... #1

I would add Master Transmuter Tinker and 4 of the artifact lands for each color also I would get more Etched Champion and Cranial Plating lastly I would add more big creatures like Blightsteel Colossus for tinker and master transmuter. Hope these help +1

April 19, 2014 11:53 p.m.

NateJH says... #2

Rule of 9 bro, the basics of deck building. 9 different cards with 4 of each that work well together, in combination with 24 lands to start. Then playtest the deck and refine from there.

April 25, 2014 11:03 p.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #3

NateJH I definitely get that efficiency and consistency are important, and I want to move in that direction. I would disagree somewhat on the necessity of the rule of 9 in deckbuilding. It's definitely a good starting place, but to me it always felt like a setup for having one strategy that you've backed up by having your main card/combo in your deck multiple times.

That's not to say I don't want to reduce the number of different artifacts in this deck and have more multiples. My concern with turning it into a deck of 4-ofs is the ability to keep all five colors present in the deck, which I'd like to do.

I think I'd say some goals I have are to:-Increase efficiency of fetching and mana fixing.-Eliminate some of the dead weight without restricting myself to a few cards.

HydraOoze I really like Master Transmuter , probably more than Tinker because it doesn't require sacrificing. I have a couple Memnite s around that would go great with that. I'll consider more Champions and Cranials plating, depending on cost. No idea what they are at the card shop here. My big concern with changing all of my land into the Mirrodin artifact land (I know it would put Metalcraft and Cranial Plating through the roof) is the vulnerability to cards that say destroy/exile all artifacts, because then I'd be SOL.

I'll definitely be thinking about the stuff you guys suggested. Thanks!

April 26, 2014 1:25 a.m.

Joking101 says... #4

April 27, 2014 11:26 p.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #5

I do like the Forge. I should have at least one in here for security. When/if I get my hands on it I'll have to playtest to see how consistently I can get it out. If I also added the Master Transmuter I'd be able to avoid the 9 cost, too. Hmm...

April 27, 2014 11:45 p.m.

Eldaver says... #6

I'd go for at least 2 Master Transmuter and maybe 3 Spine of Ish Sah for the etb.

April 27, 2014 11:51 p.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #7

Thanks Eldaver! I like that combo a lot. It also just made me realize how well the Transmuter can synergize with the Clock of Omens .

April 28, 2014 12:01 a.m.

pacman3 says... #8

One thing that could help is getting some dual-lands for the mana base. Even getting things like Rootbound Crag , Sunpetal Grove , Clifftop Retreat , and Glacial Fortress could be useful.

This would allow you to trim down on some of the artifact land-searching and focus on winning and stalling until you win, rather than search for the lands you need to cast the colored spells you run. Or worry about lands coming in tapped.

Creature-wise, Solemn Simulacrum and all of the myr creatures: Iron Myr , Silver Myr , Copper Myr , Leaden Myr , Gold Myr all give you a minor win-con, ramp, and color fixing.

Also, all of the old artifact lands such as Tree of Tales , Ancient Den , etc are banned from modern.

May 2, 2014 4:08 p.m.

Mxyzptlk says... #9

I'll consider the Myrs and dual lands for some mana fixing. I think the first step will be for me to determine which things I'm adamant about keeping (Etched Champion , Wurmcoil Engine , and Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer for example) and which things are expendable.

As for the artifact lands, I don't plan on using this deck in competitions, just casually. I appreciate the heads up, though, and the suggestions. Thanks! :)

May 2, 2014 8:36 p.m.

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