Want a broken, inexpensive modern deck?
Allies, one of the most busted yet cheap mechanics out there. This particular deck was my star deck for a while until my Eldrazi deck started to incorporate more recent cards into it.
This deck is a pro-color, counter, aggro, life gain deck with only one thing in mind: JOIN OUR RANKS, KILL THE ENEMY. Red and White are, simply put, the best colors for and ally deck and I'll explain why.
Kazandu Blademaster
is a two drop that comes in as a 2/2 with first strike and vigiliance.
Ondu Cleric
is a 2 drop that continuously is letting you gain life.
Kabira Evangel
gives you protection from any color of your choosing based on how many allies enter the battlefield.
Join the Ranks
, as an instant allows you to build counters, gain life, and gain protection vs two colors on an opponents turn, which are all invaluable. Ajani's -1 ability and +1 ability are really the only two things you need in this deck also. On the red side we have
Kazuul Warlord
. Kind of lonely, since I removed
Murasa Pyromancer
, but his buff of giving ALL allies counters is beautiful. Your Cleric suddenly goes from this soft spoken Kor to a buffed out brawler in no time. All counter abilities, heal abilities, and protect abilities stack based on how many allies are out there.
Gleam of Battle
is in the deck because it makes a really pretty addition to the counters, and Aurelia, the Warleader paired with this builds those counters and makes protection last way longer.
Cons to this deck include removal, control, and sometimes mill decks. This deck performs best against creature decks, burn decks, and single player games.