Warrior Queen [Najeela Midrange/Tempo cEDH Primer]

Commander / EDH Pongo_Pygmaeu5

SCORE: 479 | 181 COMMENTS | 194544 VIEWS | IN 176 FOLDERS

pitan77 says... #1

adayum I think this deck doesn't run Faeburrow Elder because it only has 3 black and 2 red permanents making it very difficult to combo off with this card and that you also need to heavily rely on having those colors in your combat step so if any of those colors you need gets blown off you'll be missing a color.

March 1, 2020 3:10 a.m.

Maniac_Jack says... #2

Hey Pongo i used to play najeela flash hulk 2 years ago and then i switched to a Tymna Thrasios shuffle Hulk. Wen Thassa oracle was printed i stopped playing cEDH and now that Flash is banned i want to get back into it. I'm thinking of building a Tana/Tymna stax deck or a variant of this primer you posted because i already own 90% of the cards exept mana crypt.

How do you feel about switching the artifact ramp package for a Null Rod, Collector Ouphe and maybe a Gaddock Teeg also putting in a Toxic Deluge now that Flash is banned and maybe putting in a Selfless spirit against boardwipes...

Have a nice day and i'm looking forward to your answer.

April 22, 2020 9:22 a.m.

Pongo_Pygmaeu5 says... #3


Toxic Deluge is too symmetrical and flies in the face of our overrun gameplan. Teeg and Selfless Spirit are both fairly weak into the current cEDH meta--Teeg doesn't really shut out most win-cons these days and Selfless Spirit doesn't protect against Toxic Deluge.

Null Rod and Collector Ouphe can be fine considerations in particular metas but these days I'm generally less interested in mana denial and more interested in making explosive plays with Dockside Extortionist. Your mileage may vary.

Note that this primer has migrated to Moxfield and will gradually stop being maintained. This includes answering questions unless they are posed over there.

April 22, 2020 2:28 p.m.

phsycord says... #4

Pongo_Pygmaeu5 can you ask for the link in the cEDH Decklist Database to lead to your moxfield deck?

April 23, 2020 11:18 a.m.

CommanderDD says... #5

Is the reason for leaving our chain of vapor playing more cards preventing a lose with spell denial - that also work to protect our win? Chain also bounces our own dockside which can win games. With all those new crazy cards it is not easy to figure our what to play. I also recently cut my druids which felt crazy.

May 11, 2020 7:31 a.m.

heavyuser says... #6

What about Peer into the Abyss subbing out Ad Naus?

July 8, 2020 12:11 p.m.

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