Devotion to Black

Modern* Undead_Assassin


GhostBall says... #1

Seems like there is a lot of brewing going on with Waste Not . I am trying to figure it out myself Wasted Thoughts (Need Help). All I can say is my deck originally looked similar to yours and believe it or not Gary was slowing me way down. Master of the Feast has been a win-con almost every time he comes out.

I am still looking to update mine as well so I will keep an eye on yours. +1

August 7, 2014 4:06 p.m.

Thanks GhostBall, I'm going to heavily test this deck out soon. I'll see how the Gray Merchant's come out for me. Maybe just one to use with Liliana if I need it for a win-con, but we'll see. He's so powerful, it's hard not to want to use him in a mono-black deck.

August 7, 2014 4:26 p.m.

GhostBall says... #3

@Undead_Assassin I agree and please let me know what you find. I ran only about 20 games or so with him and I found 3-4 cmc was my sweet spot and 5 was reserved for Lili or Dictate of Erebos for me. I am trying to find a place for Ashiok's Adept but I am having trouble making it work. Also I am trying so hard to find out how Thoughtrender Lamia could work but I don't see it happening. Looking forward to your updates.

August 8, 2014 10:48 a.m.

Tremere34 says... #4

This looks very interesting.

August 19, 2014 5:29 p.m.

@Tremere34Yes it is! I'm enjoying what it does, I feel it could be more polished though. Hopefully the next block will give us something cool to work with!

August 21, 2014 4:27 p.m.

whiteredaggro says... #6

Heya, Liked ur decklist, But Imo I would change like 2 or 3 cats for 2 or 3 Herald of Torment . After all it's a devotion deck and and it has 2 devotion and isn't a 1/1 for 2. Sure the discard is great but Herald of torment I think would give you 1 more out as a win seeing as it does plenty of damage and helps alot when the Gray Merchant of Asphodel pops out.

August 28, 2014 8:31 a.m.


While I think that's a great suggestion, I think Master of the Feast is threatening enough as a flier for the deck. Black Cat has better synergy for the deck IMO, ( With Waste Not ) and so does MotF. 5/5 and makes my opponent draw so I can keep discarding them, sounds great. Works great. He would do great for devotion indeed, but let's not forget Whip of Erebos , Liliana Vess , and Disciple of Phenax they all have great devotion and curve well with the deck idea. Having four 2 drop creatures is always a good thing in standard. Plus, the 1 life lost every turn is a turn off to me. Thanks for your input though, I might consider it if the next block changes things.

August 28, 2014 10:53 p.m.

whiteredaggro says... #8

Btw, another thing to improve the deck is to put atleast one more Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , seeing as you wont have any mana problems as the deck is all black you should really run atleast 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx . Seeing as the land can replace itself when you play it and tap it for even more mana if u got the devotion for it is great. And you would want to draw one or start with one in hand also, I see no reason for just playing one. I am making a similiar deck to this btw, I will post the results on how it goes here. best of luck

September 3, 2014 6:24 a.m.

You're correct whitedaggro, I should. In fact, I only listed one since I only had one at the time. I just picked up a second, will update. Thanks, good luck to you as well.

September 3, 2014 3:50 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #10

I'd add some Drown in Sorrow instead of Disciple of Phenax .

U can whip the cat back the same way u would the Disciple. No matter how u look at it 4 mana for a 1/3 is just not good.

September 8, 2014 5:25 p.m.


Interesting. Although, now one is going to block the 1/1 cat when I whip it back. Whip of Erebos exiles creatures after that turn. Black Cat doesn't die, therefore it's ability wouldn't trigger when it leaves the battlefield. Disciple of Phenax will trigger again when it enters the battlefield. It's a little high on the cost, I wish it was a 3/1 or 3 CMC honestly. Drown in Sorrow seems really good though, it could kill my cats and cause more discard, while killing my opponent's weaker creatures. Great suggestion.

September 8, 2014 5:34 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #12

lol sorry for some reason I thought Whip of Erebos read "Sacrifice that creature at end of turn" or something like that.

..but yea, Wrath the Cats!!!

September 8, 2014 7:20 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #13

Drown in Sorrow effectively also answers Goblin Rabblemaster and Master of Waves

September 8, 2014 7:21 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #14

Mardu Skullhunter might be a nice addition, too.

September 10, 2014 4:40 p.m.

whiteredaggro says... #15

Yeah I dont like the change too much Drown in Sorrow should be like 2 of not 4, cuz I mean if u pick out 2 Black Cat to make room for the drown in sorrow you kinda miss the point of having Drown in Sorrow . You could deffintly have them in the sideboard tho, for aggro matchups. And also running just 2 mind rots as mainboard seems kinda weak as a discard deck. I run a really similar deck to this one nowdays, without Thoughtsieze (too expensive for me).

September 11, 2014 10:17 a.m.

I'm waiting for the Drown in Sorrow to come in the mail. I haven't play tested it yet, but you got a point. I was thinking about this change at work today and you got my thoughts exactly.

September 11, 2014 5:14 p.m.


Any kill spell answers Master of Waves , all the 2/1 elementals become 1/0. Therefore die. But Goblin Rabblemaster is getting popular. Drown in Sorrow will be great for that.

September 11, 2014 5:22 p.m.

turnyouover says... #18

Playtested it, +1. Despise is weak in my opinion, I playtested against my post rotation Izzet (which has only 6 total creatures and planeswalkers), most of the time It was just a miss. Master of the Feast puts a lot of pressure in, but Crippling Chill easily counters it until I have a removal, (which in my Izzet deck, the only 1 strong enough was Griptide ). Watch out for instant removals, A player can cast removal such as Hero's Downfall on your turn and still get a card out of Master of the Feast . the temples are weak and are just another card that may get in the way, especially since its mono black. I also managed to get 2 whips in 1 hand which was disappointing since 1 of them became useless. Tormented Thoughts also became useless when I had nothing to sac, and overall, its not that great of a combo to sac with black cat, basically your just trading 2 for 2, but spending mana. Waste Not is interesting, I just don't like its discard land ability too much. Black Cat is very reliable in this deck. Have you thought of using Fate Unraveler or Brain Maggot ?

September 27, 2014 1:38 p.m.

Yeah I'm considering taking out the Tormented Thoughts . Didn't come in handy this time around, I'm working on a suicide black deck that uses it well though. As for Despise , There was only one time when I used it and I didn't get anything. I almost always used it turn 1, took a creature then I got to see what was important to take for my turn 2 Thoughtseize . The two scry lands have been great, choosing your next draw is good, almost too good. At least in my opinion. The thing is about Master of the Feast is he's risky. Chances are though, I made you discard your removal, so he will be hitting you.

I've thought of making a deck using Brain Maggot , Master of the Feast , Fate Unraveler and Gray Merchant of Asphodel . But I liked the idea of a focus on discard.

September 27, 2014 1:48 p.m.

turnyouover says... #20

If you want, try playtesting it against Post Rotation Counterburn U/R Control, and see how it works against it.

September 27, 2014 1:55 p.m.

I see it runs few creatures. Looks promising for izzet honestly. Yeah, would definitely side out the Despise lol

September 27, 2014 2:35 p.m.


I played it in two matches.

I actually sac Master of the Feast to make you discard 5 cards. Usually instants or sorcery, with Waste Not I draw 5 cards. Then I start dropping lands and bombs. That's how I won the first game. I used Despise turn 1 and the deck had Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker lol.

On the second match I didn't have removal to deal with the Spellheart Chimera in the late game. And Crippling Chill locked down Master of the Feast as a blocker to win the game.

Interesting match-up.

September 27, 2014 3:20 p.m.

turnyouover says... #23

Nice! yea unfortunately my deck does not play well against Master of the Feast unless I can get Crippling Chill , Nullify , Griptide or AEtherspouts or some other counterspell. I tried to get my Izzet deck ready against aggro. Try playtesting your deck against --Consistant Turn 4 Wins in... WHAT?-- by Scorprix, its not mine, but its very competitive and fast.

September 27, 2014 3:43 p.m.

Scorprix says... #24

Thank you! This deck seems very fun, and something I'd like to try out at some point. ; )

September 27, 2014 3:54 p.m.

Cool deck idea man, I;ve been following this for quite awhile and have now actually built it to test it out. Did you manage to take this build for a spin on game day? I'm play testing this out but find that I'm having with problems with consistency - its either flooding or filling my hand up with pricey spells. Am thinking of how to smoothen the curve somewhat. Btw, do u actually play 61 cards for this deck?

October 18, 2014 11:58 a.m.

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