InSpiredWON says... #2
Priest of the Blood Rite may be good here as a one of. His demon servives most removal. Turn him sideways and whip him back for some abuse. Just a thought in a five-spot. You could possibly drop one Gary.
August 2, 2015 8:56 p.m.
Undead_Assassin says... #4
Thanks for the +1 and suggestion. Seems interesting, I think that Sidisi is better in that 1 of 5 drop slot however. He can remove Master of the Feast if he can't break through an opponent's defense and is only giving my opponent card advantage. Or he can put Gray Merchant of Asphodel in my graveyard.... then I can tutor for Whip of Erebos to retriggger Gary. Sidisi has more flexiblity in that regard, but that's an interesting point. I'll consider it.
August 5, 2015 2:19 p.m.
I really want to play this deck at my first FNM, but I'm scared after rotation there won't be enough pieces to make it work anymore. : (
Looks really fun though
August 10, 2015 12:48 a.m.
Undead_Assassin says... #6
Devotion is dead after rotation. Don't do it unless you already own most of the cards. Investing in Theros block for standard is a bad idea at the moment.
I played Mono Black devotion last rotation, so I have all of the staples already (mainly Thoughtseize, Hero's Downfall, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Whip of Erebos). If you got the cards, go for it. If not, give it a pass.
Undead_Assassin says... #1
Hey guys, I didn't notice the Erebos's Titan's recursion was only from an OPPONENT'S graveyard. But still, His abilities are only positive, which is great on a 5/5 body for 4 mana.
broodwarjc & AngelOfDivinity
As for Pyxis of Pandemonium, The problem with this card is it's too random. There's plenty of opportunity to miss any relevant permanents. It also doesn't guarantee card advantage since your opponent is also receiving card advantage from it. Sure, there are times when it'll be perfect and you'll nail them with 3 Gray Merchant of Asphodel... but there will also be times when you hit only removal spells and land, While your opponent hits 4 Siege Rhino. What stopping this card from being amazing and a consideration for this deck is any kind of CONSISTENCY. That's why pros and other serious tournament players haven't touched it.
Fun card, but I think it was intended to be a limited bomb or for casual play.
July 8, 2015 4:18 a.m. Edited.